the scientific hell would be the mantel?
Mhm, IF such thing as god existed and he/she/it created a hell of "fire" what would humans describe it as?
mhm cat weren`t you atheist? Yet im hell? A omnipotent god creates humans with free will, knowing them to start porn industry and becoming prostitutee killing murdering rape enslave kidnap...Noones going to heaven whatsoever....For people living in the rich world, just being here and eat is a terrible sin because it causes people in poor countries to starve...I would dare to say that if god exist hes/she is/it is worse than the devil himself...
The video was explaining how atheist DO HAVE MORE FUN in live because they don`t pray or anything and they see life as valueable, christian and any religion for tht sake, "life is eternal torment and you shall not enjoy it! you shall hate life but you shall not suicide! 1-2 hours of sex in a whole year! nothing more! preferable less!" i think i stand correct? right? And atheist trust science more than religion, so the benefits of science would come quicker if we didn`t have people still living in the middle ages.
And i checked what the creationist in eliminators video was, well, he is in jail for 10 years for something.
I found a video of him:
I checked with the math, it has been done, in favour of evolution, it is possible. i will find the source soon..just wait...
Andfor the eye thing, that argument is from darwins book, and it says in the intro how this is not explained by evolution, most creationists fail to read the rest of the book were it is explained.
For the glest code compared to the eye, a code has something to do, if the code is chaned just little bit, it won`t work, if the eye is changed back at a large, it still works.
mhm, arch, do you belive the historical jesus or the fairytale one?
When watching, the cambrian explosion lasted 800 million years...