Is it possible to make trade routes in glest/megaglest or GAE?
like, having a road, and there will be travelling nomades wich you can trade with, and then they will be gone for a while, reappearing at random times?
If it is possible, can you also build trading posts, wich can upgrade the traderoute and increase income from trades with the nomades?
If these to are possible, is it then possible to put a tax on the nomades, reducing their appearance?
This one i don`t think will work, but can the AI build trading posts, and then you will have like a automatic income? as if the AI were to build a random trading post, then the income will be automatic and the AI, no matter would have no choice but to get income?
And, will the trading posts only be buildable near the Road were the nomads appear? and that you on ly can place 1-3 trading posts each player?
I think this feature would add a new aspect fo the game, bringing it closer to reality, becausde in reality economy is a big part of wars, wich is generally what glest is about.