1. Board moderator gives you more power yes.
It gives you
even more responsibility. (e.g. if I flame someone, I'm just a prick, if a moderator flames someone... he's condemning the whole board to be a flame-camp...

2. "Get a better position at job" analogies are meaningless if you don't actually get any money back for it. Actually... that pretty much is the "sucker" definition: "Yeah, he's my boss but I earn twice as much as him!"

3. I don't believe anyone in his own sane mind would make someone a moderator
just on the acount of post-counts! Geeeez...

4. A forum moderator needs first and foremost: TO BE NEEDED! You may be just "as good" as the moderator, if there's no need for yet another one you won't be made a moderator.

5. My personal view: people who want to be moderators just (or mainly) for the
status should NOT be moderators!
In brief: moderators anywhere do a job that needs to be done. They are chosen to be moderators because they are deemed capable of performing that job AND because they accept to do it! The fact that one person was nominated moderator does not mean someone who wasn't couldn't do just as good a job. Those who have been made moderators and have accepted the responsability should be respected in their position.