How about giving the outrider a short cavalry crossbow to go with the halberd
The crossbow would be a very nice option for the outrider. But do note the range of a crossbow would be much higher than that of the halberd.
Furthermore, the outrider (when completed, not on the next release (0.2) but only on 0.4) will already have two different attacks: the range 3 attack with the rider's halberd and the range 1 EP dependent charge attack with the rhinox's horns. Having three attacks would be too much I think.
So... if we were to give the outrider a crossbow, we would remove its halberd. And I'm not sure the outrider actually needs a more ranged attack.
: The crossbow's increased range would make up for the outrider's lack of speed when compared to the tech horseman and the magic drake rider.
: The outrider, though being slower than its "rivals", has higher HP, higher armor and I think higher attack damage (if it hasn't got the later, it will probably have it in future versions). Also, we already have an unit with a crossbow (the Dragon slayer) and I'd prefer we had different units have different weapons/attack animations. Archmage's halberd looks really nice!
Still... we might consider it. Thanks for the idea.

I think you should keep the guardians hammer though, I like the axe idea for the dragon slayer
It seems we will do just that.

Quote from: -Archmage- on April 02, 2010, 17:42:39
No weapon known to man dwarf or whatever can pierce dragon scales, you have to strike it's heart with a powerful weapon such as an axe, a flail, unless used perfectly would be harmless against a dragon. A dragons heart is located in it's lower neck, that's why you strike at it when it rears up and throws it's head back. Smile
Interesting. Also makes me think the Dragon slayer's dying anim should be his head being chopped off (am I being too "colorful" Tongue) or something because his whole body (almost whole) is covered by a dragon scale's chailmail... Grin would look pretty strange having the head being chopped off by....say a guy with a hammer, an archer?
It would indeed.

Ok, we'll keep the Guardian with the hammer but definitelly make a whole new animation with it (on Aglarond 0.3)).
The new name for the hero, right?
Yes, it was already the hero's new name in wciow's last release.
Hey, stop beating up my friend or you'll get it!

(I'm talking to and about
you, Arch!

We could give the flail to the warrior (flails though impressive looking weapons are actually not as effective as axes! Look ) and thus have a completely different animation with it, which would be very cool.
Watch the third LOtR movie and then say that again.
But it really depends because there are many types of both flails and axes.
I watched a documentary where they actually hit a (obviously already dead) pig's body with a real flail and a real axe (well, a picker actually) and watched the damages (both hits to the ribs). Best you could get with a flail would be some broken bone and pierced outter muscle, the picket would pierce the outter muscles, break the bones and pierce through the lungs causing drowning in own blood. Tongue
On that thought I will begin meditating. 
Please don't.

Ok. Smile We'll probably give the flail to the warrior then, though there's one more vote to give it to the dragon slayer.
I think at least John.d.h, you an me agree we should give it an actually more powerful weapon. Wink
And the outrider will have your halberd too. I guess I could close the poll. But let's wait. maybe someone suggests something not on that list we may actually prefer. Wink
Well, not to be an *ss, but if I don't agree with the weapon choice, I won't animate it, and a flail is extremely difficult. 
Well, everything you don't animate, I'll try it myself. If it sucks, well... I guess we'll have to do it your way then.

I would think the flail wouldn't be hard at all if you use Auto-IK.
Thanks for the tip and the excellent explanation.

And now for
something completelly different:
Wild-*ss guess: How about physics? I know basically nothing about it and never clicked the little button in my life. Still... I understand you can have clothes affected by physics (e.g. wind...?

Can you make the flail's chain be a cloth as in like a piece of rope and give weight to the ball/cylinder on its end and apply force vectors to it so it gains momentum and reactions?

But, to make it clear, I think flails have no place in this mod, I mean seriously, dwarves are pretty short, how are they supposed to use flails very effectively?
Erm... the same way they are supposed to use axes, hammers, swords...?
Actually, a flail, IMHO might be easier to handle effectivelly with a shorter arm than any of the above... All the others need the momentum created by the whole arm down from the shoulder (even from the rest of the body). The flail I think works more like a whip: flick of the rist (with a bit more of strength needed alright, say flick of the
Still, easier than a non-whipping weapon, I'd guess.

EDIT (sp. @
Eliminator ): I almost forgot... ElimiNator kindly provided the texture for the Goat!

Looks nice, though the lines that separate the black and the brown parts of the fur are a bit too
straight. Don't get me wrong, the transition is very smooth and the colors blend perfectly - that's not the problem at all! It's just that e.g. the top black stripe looks like a thick straight perfect line, it should be less
perfect! It should for example get wider at about the center of the body, preferably a bit wider on one side (right or left) than the other or one side start widening before the other side... you get hte picture...
Still, I think I can easily fix it by simply moving and rotating around some of the faces on the UV map a bit. I'll put it up here when it's done.

Overall, the texture looks really good!

Thanks, Elim!