So I have thought about the things I need to do and this is what I came up with. Feel free to discuss them and if you have any new ideas post them here.
1 ) Modelling & texturing – the existing units needs to be textured. There are also 11 new units to be modelled and textured. If anyone would like to contribute to the life of this mod by helping me with texturing let me know.
2) AI improvements – there are a few AI improvements that needs to be done. So far AI can build glucose filters and ethanol extractors at the right place, but currently it doesn’t know that nano-robots can run out of the charge and that bio units prefer a surface with more suitable temperature.
3) Savings – at the moment saving a game is not possible (easy to fix).
4) Pink water – for some reason water appears pink instead of a red. I don’t know why. Are there any OpenGL programmers on this forum? I’ve changed one line that specifies the water colour in the code and I set it to red, but it renders pink for some reason.
5) GUI – Lot of work have to be done on it. Influx specific icons have to be drawn and all the commands moved to the bottom panel.
6) Nano robots behaviour after it accidentally run out of charge – originally the plan was that nano-robots shut off completely and there is nothing you can do (so they are technically dead). The bacteria worker units can eat them and thus get the resources they are made of.
7) Temperature updater – so far the temperature/pH values are static and are defined when creating a map in the map editor. In order to facilitate units such as “Infra Heaterâ€, the temperature have to be updated dynamically.
8 ) The carrier unit (Carina) – a unit that can carry other units inside of it. Could be tricky to implement.
9) The invisible unit (Subtergum) – a special unit that goes under the tissue and becomes invisible to the enemy. Can pop out from the tissue when needed.
10) Bacteria should have its attack/defence reduced when it ages.
Poll questions:
A) In the original game design any bacterium could split into two smaller bacteria. The small “baby†bacteria has a third of adults HP and attack strength. The time that takes to grow into adult bacterium depends on the surface temperature/pH. Good idea? Yes/No.
B) The bacteria faction should have 3-4 separate “agesâ€, in the same way there are stone, bronze etc. age in Age Of Empires. In order to progress from one age to another in Influx, a player has to build large enough colony of bacteria that will trigger a mutation and will open new upgrades and new units. Good/bad idea?
C) Instead of having temperature and pH, should there be only temperature to make the game a little bit simpler? Yes/No.
EDIT: didnt realise I can only put up one poll per topic