Author Topic: Turrets and independent weapons  (Read 6916 times)


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Re: independent weapons
« Reply #25 on: 27 March 2010, 05:11:06 »
ok then, howabout MG?

Not in the next release, no. Almost certainly not in the one after that either, but maybe in the one following that.
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Re: independent weapons
« Reply #26 on: 10 April 2010, 14:53:09 »
not trying to bump my idea...but would this actually be implemented? (or just tosses away and forgotten in a sea of new threads?)


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Re: independent weapons
« Reply #27 on: 13 April 2010, 08:40:24 »
Yes, it's an idea with excellent potential to let all sorts of cool stuff be done, but it will not be done overnight.  I've had a look at the code of what constitutes the current pet system, and it needs to some attention.

I created a ticket for it a couple of weeks ago, so that it doesn't get lost or forgotten in a sea of new threads (that's why I like tickets).
#84 symbiotic pets

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Re: independent weapons
« Reply #28 on: 29 August 2010, 19:12:31 »
Resurrecting this topic because of new discussion:

I'm mostly just trying to shift some of the discussion over here because GAE already has a lot of the framework in place that would be necessary for something like this (like pets and effects, and pets applying effects and emanations to their master, etc.) whereas Megaglest currently does not (to the best of my knowledge).


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Re: independent weapons
« Reply #29 on: 1 September 2010, 02:29:14 »
  Thanks John, while I think things like effects and emanations might make it more interesting in terms what you could do, the basics need to be sorted out, offset & rotation from parent unit, rotational limits, possible FoV blocking (from the parent unit) and of course how to squeeze it all into the engines update process.

  Not rocket science, but someone needs to sit down and do the math, and then turn it into C++ ... I'm happy to do it, but it's on a list, and all I can say is I'll get to it when I get to it :P

  It wont be in 0.3, but is on the list for the next major release (0.4) [We've had a change in versioning policy btw, after 0.3 any 0.3.?'s will be bug-fix releases only, so once 0.3 is out, 0.4 will be getting worked on]

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Turrets (Sir Modman Style Again)
« Reply #30 on: 3 September 2010, 07:24:29 »
I'm not trying to spam the forums or anything with my turret idea, but I posted it in MegaGlest Feature Requests, but honestly it would be great if either engine could support turrets.  In the MGFR topic, some people had some additional features (like changing the axis of rotation), but to me those are all auxiliary.  The following is just C&P'd from the other topic, but I don't think GAE people necessarily saw it and I was hoping this idea would influence GAE too.

. . .

Clearly I am not the first to propose turrets in Glest.  In fact, I don't really care which engine implements them; I just want them!  Now, the way I think they can be implemented is simpler, in my opinion.

In my proposed system, each unit could have a turret on it.  It would make the most sense for buildings, though, of course.  In my system, the turret is independent of the building.  But first, let me define my terms:

Building The bottom unit which does not turn.  We can already make these!
Turret The unit placed on top of the building, which turns.

So each building can have a turret added relatively easily.  I think that this feature should be implemented because it has been requested multiple times.  I think my system is superior because the turret is totally independent of the building files.  It is therefore very simple to add/remove the turret, and is simple as well.  The file would look as follows.  Below (file names were chosen capriciously), building.xml is the building *.xml file, turret.xml is the turret *.xml file, building.g3d is the building model, and turret.g3d is the turret model.  Each also have their respective textures.

Code: [Select]

Building.xml is a normal *.xml file for a building.  But it should have a special line in it to tell the engine how to find the turret.  It could be as simple as follows:

Code: [Select]
<turrets="true" file="turret.xml">
Then the engine would know to look in turret.xml, which would have additional info, like the following:

Code: [Select]
<model="true" file="models/turret.g3d"/>

If the turret attacks, it is the building.xml which will define it, but the angle which the attack comes from should match up with the angle the turret is turned to.  The height is the cool thing in my system; you will place the turret model on top of the building model, and change the height value so it looks right.
« Last Edit: 3 September 2010, 07:26:54 by Sir modman »


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Re: Turrets and independent weapons
« Reply #31 on: 3 September 2010, 08:05:52 »
@Modman: Merged with the older topic about the same thing, for sake of cohesion.