
Is the music of mushrooms/plantlife fine

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Author Topic: Whimsical Forest  (Read 56662 times)


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Re: Whimsical Forest
« Reply #225 on: 30 July 2010, 18:01:20 »
ive tested it out, and it rocks! i only have a few concerns:

the sound that the weeds make when doing stuff is super annoying!

when it comes to the vegies, there isnt much distinction. which is better, the radish or the tomato? they should be put into more dedicated roles.

the garden could use some more buff techs, there are two so far. the rest are to unlock other units.

the attack sound of the bees is annoying too, could you change it?

The mushrooms still use the Magic energy pot thing, it doesnt fit too well with the theme.

that is it. keep making awesome mods!


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Re: Whimsical Forest
« Reply #226 on: 30 July 2010, 21:19:40 »
the sound that the weeds make when doing stuff is super annoying!

I'll fix that.

when it comes to the vegies, there isnt much distinction. which is better, the radish or the tomato? they should be put into more dedicated roles.

The tomato is faster but attacks slow with high damage

the garden could use some more buff techs, there are two so far. the rest are to unlock other units.

? what are you talking about

the attack sound of the bees is annoying too, could you change it?

I'll make it less loud.
The mushrooms still use the Magic energy pot thing, it doesnt fit too well with the theme.

It is differn't but I'll still change it up a bit.

that is it. keep making awesome mods!

THANKS! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:


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Re: Whimsical Forest
« Reply #227 on: 30 July 2010, 22:33:07 »
ok, never mind about the buff thing, it fine.

but, i noticed that the fern does not heal, although you said that it would.


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Re: Whimsical Forest
« Reply #228 on: 1 August 2010, 23:37:16 »
Fern is from plant life!
I havn't Fixed all the factions yet.


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Re: Whimsical Forest
« Reply #229 on: 2 August 2010, 03:31:44 »
i know that the fern is a plant life unit, i was just saying!

When do you plan on releasing the final final version?


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Re: Whimsical Forest
« Reply #230 on: 2 August 2010, 03:36:49 »
When do you plan on releasing the final final version?
Hmm, I assume that should be a "long" time from now. This is still at beta, and he hasn't "fixed"/perfected it yet, so...
Hmm...  :|


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Re: Whimsical Forest
« Reply #231 on: 2 August 2010, 23:33:04 »
I'm not sure But I'm working on it! :)


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Re: Whimsical Forest
« Reply #232 on: 2 August 2010, 23:37:51 »
i noticed that the Garden faction has no branch storage, only leaves. will you fix this?


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Re: Whimsical Forest
« Reply #233 on: 6 August 2010, 20:49:47 »
Well thats not really a BUG.
But still I'll make a branch storage.


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Re: Whimsical Forest
« Reply #234 on: 9 August 2010, 20:24:28 »


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Re: Whimsical Forest
« Reply #235 on: 10 August 2010, 07:13:04 »
OK, I tried it. It was fun... (kinda confusing though, or just new...) but it seems Garden had bad AI...maybe plant life too...or maybe just "bad luck"?
Code: [Select]
[URL=http://img337.imageshack.us/i/ss58.jpg/][IMG]http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/5509/ss58.jpg[/img][/URL](the "worker units" were standing around doing nothing cept reparing...and running away. When I cam to attack all they had done was build one building.
Code: [Select]
[URL=http://img10.imageshack.us/i/cameback.jpg/][IMG]http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/9376/cameback.th.jpg[/img][/URL]don't know for sure, I'll test more later. could you also try to explain the units and buildings please? I remember the other factions, but this one is kinda harder to understand... Also, why does this faction's buildings, especially its main building, only have 1000 HP compared to 5000 HP for the mushrooms and 6000 HP for Plant Life...It just seems...unbalanced. But maybe I should try again...later. (For sure though, 1000 HP is too less...)
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[img]http://img844.imageshack.us/img844/2454/ss57.jpg[/img](I mean, I know it is kinda strong in terms of its "armor"...which was why it was kinda tougth if you only attacked it with a few units...but once you have good units attacking it, and I bet people will have some, or the cpus, I think it is too less... maybe lower down the armor a bit, and at least 2000 or 3000 HP...

Anyways, nice release and good job! I think the spring tileset fits most to this mod, (problem it blends in too much...which is why it fits)
More feedback later.


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Re: Whimsical Forest
« Reply #236 on: 10 August 2010, 20:32:53 »
Thanks for the feedback. :thumbup:
I'll change The garden box.
BTW fern is healer now. :)


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Re: Whimsical Forest
« Reply #237 on: 10 August 2010, 20:36:18 »
OK, cool. Fern is Healer in v3 right, you mean.
Hmm...maybe just uploaded the updated XML, or post it/the changes? would be better if you are only changing that.  :thumbup: Although, note, all of the buildings seemed to have low HP, not sure.

Make sure to change the version on your first post! And open up the poll, or else we can't vote "yes".  ;)


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Re: Whimsical Forest
« Reply #238 on: 10 August 2010, 20:55:09 »
i noticed that the garden is the only faction with any "heavy-hitters." (the hoe and mower) i think this makes them a tad unbalanced. i mean, the there are no big guys for the other two factions. Will this be changed?


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Re: Whimsical Forest
« Reply #239 on: 11 August 2010, 00:26:43 »
Big Guys?
The lawnmower is basically Useless (witch will be fixed)
And Hoe is 500 wood!


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Re: Whimsical Forest
« Reply #240 on: 11 August 2010, 00:31:23 »
actually, i use the mower a lot, because of how well it decimates plants (the attack type says it all). but then, is the hoe any better? it seems weaker to me...


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Re: Whimsical Forest
« Reply #241 on: 11 August 2010, 01:41:53 »
Hoe isn't to good Cause It only costs only wood witch will be fixed.


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Re: Whimsical Forest
« Reply #242 on: 11 August 2010, 04:08:25 »
i think the mower should be more powerful than the hoe, so you should make the Tools upgrade a requisite for the mower and not the hoe.


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Re: Whimsical Forest
« Reply #243 on: 12 August 2010, 19:26:01 »
Yes Im Going to do that.
UPDATE I added A new unit to plant life (Thistle)
Ant is quicker and low damage
pine needle is fast high damage and low HP.
Garden box Has 3000 HP and 20 wood armour. 

Post more Ideas


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Re: Whimsical Forest
« Reply #244 on: 12 August 2010, 20:02:37 »
i still dont understand why the plants are created out of a burrow, i think it should be a grove or a glade.

also, when does the new version come out?


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Re: Whimsical Forest
« Reply #245 on: 12 August 2010, 20:05:23 »
Make a tomato plant that can produce tomatoes.
Get the Vbros': Packs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5!


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Re: Whimsical Forest
« Reply #246 on: 13 August 2010, 00:57:41 »
The next release.... Well not sure Probably  About 2 to 3 weeks


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Re: Whimsical Forest
« Reply #247 on: 13 August 2010, 05:06:43 »
i personally think that each of the three factions should have two unique units - units that have no corresponding units (obviously).

what i'm thinking:
Plants - the healer (fern) and cavalry (pine needle)
Garden - the scout (ant) and a special harvester unit (something that is specially dedicated to harvesting resources, maybe a rake or something)
Mushrooms - a super heavy hitter and a dedicated anti-air unit

this would make the factions a bit more diverse.


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Re: Whimsical Forest
« Reply #248 on: 13 August 2010, 05:11:34 »
Good Idea!


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Re: Whimsical Forest
« Reply #249 on: 13 August 2010, 06:17:24 »
k, i played a match with ultifd, and we found some problems:

1. the teamcoloring on some units is horrible or nonexistent. i.e. all of the plant and garden units.

2. the venus fly trap needs to look more like a venus fly trap...sadly it's not believable

3. yes, the fern is a healer, but it doesnt heal all units (such as the ever-important ivy)

4. the AI sucks...that needs work.

5. ive found a few typos, would you like me to fix those for you?

that is it, keep up the good work, Tiger!