I want to make a new version for pixel boy I was thinking of a whismacal forest world.
Also I need someone who can do code changes.
So any codders PM me or If you want to help make the next version Please PM me.
I need.....
1-codders (I want to code a gun power up into the game)2-Images (enemys) To make A Image make a new Image on gimp. Size 32 by 32 and draw any kind of wismacal thing.make sure the background is trans.
draw copy the Image again and move It a little (squish or move the feet) then PM me a 7zip of the three images.
3-IDEAS PLEASE POST IDEAS! (Ideas for new worlds or bosses)
4- level makers.thanks
If you have the super tux editor just point the data directory to the pixel boy directory and the exacutable to.