I'm still working my way through the commands/skills, but here is a first draft of the 'intro' which attempts to show how the skill speed is used.
Skill cycles.
A skill cycle in glest is an 'indivisible' unit action, commands are executed by a series of skills, after each skill cycle the command is updated and this selects the next skill to execute. Once a skill cycle begins, it cannot be stopped (with one exception, that being unit death, which will cut the current skill cycle off). In the program skill progress is represented by a number between 0 and 1, when this number gets to 1 the skill cycle is complete.
World frames.
The game, at normal speed, runs at 40 world frames per second, each unit is updated in each frame, where amoungst other things the skill progress is updated, and if the skill cycle finishes the command is updated.
Skill cycles and world frames. (calculating skill cycle length).
How long each skill cycle takes to execute is determined solely by the skill's 'speed' (except for move skills, which are also modified by slope and by whether it is a straight or diagonal). For non-move skills, in each world frame update the progress has skill_speed / 4000 added to it.
Initiate repair skill has a speed of 50. Thus each world update 50 / 4000 == 0.0125 is added to the skill progress. 1.0 / 0.0125 == 80, so each skill cycle of an Initiate's repair skill takes 80 world frames to complete (and 80 / 40 = 2 seconds at normal game speed).
Initiate morph skill has a speed of 500, so each update adds 0.125 to skill progress, and an Initiate morph skill cycle takes 8 frames to complete. (8 / 40 == 0.2 seconds at normal game speed).