This is in response to Jda.
I did wonder about that Lua AI coding, when you first mentioned it (that I saw) a while ago, whether an interpreted language would be fast enough to deal with possibly hundreds and even thousands of units at the same time, further more that giving us mere mortals (non coding modders) that kind of power might very well make us abuse it... You get what I mean... over do it and blame the slowness on the engine... Laughing
I've been using Linden scripts with open simulator and what they do is have an option in the ini file for the amount of memory that is given to a script. There's nothing like this in GAE at the moment.
; Enable this engine in this OpenSim instance
Enabled = true
; How many threads to start at maximum load
MaxThreads = 100
; Thread priority ("Lowest", "BelowNormal", "Normal", "AboveNormal", "Highest")
Priority = "BelowNormal"
; Maximum number of events to queue for a script (excluding timers)
MaxScriptEventQueue = 30000
; Stack size per thread created
ThreadStackSize = 2621440
Edit: I think this creates a need for a separate ini file for engine options. So there would be game.ini for user's game settings and engine.ini for settings related to the engine. This is how Unreal Engine has it setup.