Author Topic: Lord of the rings mod  (Read 1368 times)


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Lord of the rings mod
« on: 18 April 2010, 21:16:01 »
I was wondering if i could use the elfs faction and dwarfs to create a lord of the rings techtree. if you dont want me using your mod please reply. and if anyone has a goblin faction that is COMPLETE may i please put it in the pack.


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Re: Lord of the rings mod
« Reply #1 on: 18 April 2010, 21:18:01 »
No fair I wanted to do a lotr mod, i'll help, maybe.


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Re: Lord of the rings mod
« Reply #2 on: 18 April 2010, 21:24:41 »
No fair I wanted to do a lotr mod, i'll help, maybe.


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Re: Lord of the rings mod
« Reply #3 on: 18 April 2010, 21:34:27 »
1. The Dwarf faction (neither wciow's nor its continuation, on which I'm working on) follow (nor care to follow) LotR design.

2. That being said, if you just want to pack the dwarves in a techtree with whatever other factions, the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Unported that the Dwarf faction is released does allow it to do so.
You must however credit the original authors (attribution) and distribute the work you include the faction in under similar license terms (sharealike).

3. Not really my business, but I believe the Elf faction is seriously bugged and though gAMeboy did say he would get back to working on it not so long ago, he said nothing more since. :(

4. There is a Goblins faction somewhere in this forum. I'm unsure whether it's finished or not, I think not. :(