I don't know what I should write exactly, this is an article about opensource in Austria:
http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Vienna-Windows-and-Linux-to-coexist-892081.html( use Google and you will find a lot of stuff about germany too )
What I think why opensource gets more and more popular here in Germany:
The Copyright holders get more and more power here in germany and a lot of lawyers just live from taking people to court because they used illegal stuff like Software/Films/Music ....
More and more people get in touch with these bastards or hear from others about it. So they all start to think how they can work around these problems. Obviously more and more people come to the conclusion that its better to use legal (and free) software.
Another thing is that people get more and more concerned about the security of their data. Using closed source software you only have the word from the producer who always says "our software is very secure". And the people more and more learn by pain that this isn't true!
And more and more people get really annoyed, because commercial software more and more does what gives the biggest benefit and not what the users want.
Why is open source used in a lot of business concerns?
They learned by pain too these things:
- Opensource software cannot really die. Maybe there is no more active development, but it is still there.
Closed source software producers can disappear very suddenly, if the producer is no longer in the market or whatever your data and you are lost!
- New versions/features of closed source software may suddenly be much more expensive, But you have no choice you have to buy it at all costs, because every migration is super expensive or impossible and you need the software to work. These kind of things will never happen with open source products
- another important thing is that opensource is available for free and if it doesn't fit your needs you can change it.
- they typically bound to proprietary formats with closed Software! So they cannot use another product later.
Regarding Microsoft:
Here in germany Microsoft tries everything to make the people use windows!
Schools and universities usually get it for free, Students get it for free for private use too. M$ just hopes that those people will get used to MS products and later at work they will decide for a MS product.
Nevertheless a lot of people ( escpecially the students) more and more use linux or a mix of both.
I think talking only about the costs is not a good idea in a university! I think if costs are really a problem, Microsoft and others will happily give away their products for free to get as much future customers as possible.
Things you should focus on are
- stability(linux)
- Producer independend learning
- Open source and usually well documented software. By this students are able to look into details and learn
a lot from these systems.
This is not possible with closed source, which is typically not fully documented( secrets ) and protected with patents/licenses.
- everyone can copy everything without getting in trouble. So students can setup the same things at home and work with it in every way they want.