I started searching on the unity forums, but noone were willing to have a 14 (almost 15 yaya) boy to make theyr models, i went to a norwegian site (3dhue.com) or in english 3dheads.com and I met this guy searching for beginners, he wanted begginers because they would take less money, and I said how old i was and that i had some experience, showed him my models for the amazon faction there you go, i got the job XD It is unfortuanately a one time job
and I learned on their forum (3dhue) that within the 3d-industry CV count more than education, so a employer (?) would rather have me without any 3d education, than one with, so i was perfect for that job XD there is hope for us all!
Thanks for the support, I will work at crytek!!!
OPS, forgot something, they pay me with my dads paypal