the ps3 got still a six cpU core arch well, if your computer makes that, my computer would probably go by 12-10 times.
Read up my friend.... 275,000,000 polygons per second
Xbox 360: 500,000,00 polygons per second
My computer: Unfortunately I don't know, and reading up says vertices per second is what a computer GPU does.
Now I'm all confused. I really don't get why everyone makes things so complicated, all I want is a performance thing with a graph for graphics cards and consoles and stuff so I can tell what the abilities of each system/card are. I do know that my graphics card has 1 GB of VRAM compared to the Xbox360/PS3 256MB, which allows me to have very high resolution textures all over the place. In Crysis Warhead I can put textures on max with no fps decrease.
My computer is a dual-core, but that only matters if the game is CPU limited, it's fast enough for now, but I'd like to get some kind of job in 6 months and upgrade my computer a bunch
I read somewhere that the Xbox 360 can do 500,000 polygons at 25 fps, or was that the PS3.......... can't remember........ Though with my computer I've gone up to 1,800,000 polygons at 35 fps. In the gaming world it's really hard to find someone that won't give you stats in Technobabble.