Nice job!
This always makes me so sad...
I know, right? Square Enix has frustrated me in recent years. Up until final fantasy 10, things were great (with 9 being my favorite), but then it was just a quick slide down hill. 11 and 14 weren't even real final fantasies, 12 had a lackluster storyline, and despite the interesting battle system, it did not really feel much like a Final Fantasy in story, and 13... the story was so linear it was like walking down a straight hallway for most of the game, and even when you start getting some choices, it is too little and too late, plus a terrible battle system that was just spamming the same button over and over.
And for Chrono Resurrection, it was a terrible move to squash it, seeing the game was non-profit and was just free advertising for Square Enix, continuing a beloved series that Square Enix would not.
Yes, Square Enix has disappointed me.