Author Topic: GW-pack1 project  (Read 19618 times)


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Re: W-pack1 project
« Reply #25 on: 30 April 2010, 16:53:58 »
Why don't you ask him, from what I saw it was a good mod


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Re: W-pack1 project
« Reply #26 on: 3 May 2010, 20:01:56 »
Should I contact him and ask ::)


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Re: W-pack1 project
« Reply #27 on: 3 May 2010, 20:22:39 »
I suggest that we finish the tech mod as soon as possible with additions of a bomber which I plan to do personally, the Da vinci tank which I scrapped and am restarting because the model got screwed up, but anyone who wants to is welcome to do it ;D ;D, and I am waiting for tiger to finish the mounted archer, and I might want to make stables, any further ideas will be considered but it is unlikely that anything will be added. Any suggestions on what factions should be redone next, dwarves, magic, gervoriath :) :)
« Last Edit: 18 May 2010, 16:57:54 by wyvern »


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Re: W-pack1 project
« Reply #28 on: 4 May 2010, 15:42:02 »
Should a long bow man be added or not.


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Re: W-pack1 project
« Reply #29 on: 5 May 2010, 15:19:34 »
Shall I post a gervoriath tech tree its large enough and should be balanced with tech mk2


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Re: W-pack1 project
« Reply #30 on: 5 May 2010, 22:46:36 »
Sure. So you finished it?  :|


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Re: W-pack1 project
« Reply #31 on: 9 May 2010, 16:37:32 »
I'm not done the faction, just the tech tree, I'm making the scout now, and Gabbe will make the basic swordman once I get a good pic,


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Re: W-pack1 project
« Reply #32 on: 9 May 2010, 17:34:24 »
lawl, 5 posts in a row, a glest forum record?

:O i have already started on the basic, nvm, its trash anyway, gimme da concept!


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Re: W-pack1 project
« Reply #33 on: 9 May 2010, 17:48:24 »
I'll try making the picture in gimp though, I'm a pretty hopeless artist, show me what you have done, the bombers a fifth done and the scouts pretty much done(Its just a heavily retextured horseman). I might just hand draw the concept though we'll see.


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Re: W-pack1 project
« Reply #34 on: 11 May 2010, 00:43:12 »
The bomber needs texturing and animation, but the model is done, I'll see about revising the tech tree for gervoriath(I found some impractical things in the units) but I can write the rudimentary unit descriptions if anyone wants to.


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Re: W-pack1 project
« Reply #35 on: 11 May 2010, 12:02:12 »
I can do the texturing for the bomber, and animation, while you makin the gimp image


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Re: W-pack1 project
« Reply #36 on: 11 May 2010, 13:46:11 »
Thank you for the kind offer Gabbe :) :) but I would prefer to do it myself as I, need the experience, I can post a shot of the current model though. the concept picture is almost done so you'll have something to work on, sorry for the delay.


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Re: W-pack1 project
« Reply #37 on: 11 May 2010, 14:12:11 »
You could make stables for tech while your waiting because thats probably gonna be added sooner or later.


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Re: W-pack1 project
« Reply #38 on: 11 May 2010, 14:16:10 »
Rawr! ima make soem stables for da horsies!


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Re: W-pack1 project
« Reply #39 on: 11 May 2010, 14:22:46 »
What did you say, if you don't want to I can find something else, lets see, can units morph from air to ground


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Re: W-pack1 project
« Reply #40 on: 11 May 2010, 15:14:01 »
If possible, can people post their suggestions for magic improvement here.


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Re: W-pack1 project
« Reply #41 on: 11 May 2010, 15:49:30 »
i said in non americaN: YES! I am going to make some stable for the horses


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Re: W-pack1 project
« Reply #42 on: 12 May 2010, 13:51:00 »
Ok thanks Gabbe I appreciate it, The airship bombers more trouble then I thought with texturing. :look: :look:


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Re: W-pack1 project
« Reply #43 on: 12 May 2010, 14:03:20 »
The stable looks like a chruch....


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Re: W-pack1 project
« Reply #44 on: 12 May 2010, 14:09:18 »
 :O :O, it can't be as bad as your making it out to be :) :), post a pic so we can see, the bomber looks like an enlarged airship so don't worry
« Last Edit: 12 May 2010, 14:52:32 by wyvern »


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Re: W-pack1 project
« Reply #45 on: 12 May 2010, 14:40:17 »
you got me wrong, i suck **** at makin modls
« Last Edit: 12 May 2010, 14:42:29 by Gabriel, Gabbe »


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Re: W-pack1 project
« Reply #46 on: 14 May 2010, 17:25:40 »
Maybe you could post a picture for us to see


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Re: W-pack1 project
« Reply #47 on: 17 May 2010, 01:13:22 »
The gervoriath are a race that is rather similar to elves and humans but they are less resilient, however their agility and and physical strength more then make up for this defect, initially they had no air force or cavalry but this all changed after the dwarf wars and they soon learned the art of making gliders and they designed a new x shaped bow that had marvelous range for anti air defense. Their siege equipment also improved with the addition of light mobile trebuchets, cavalry towed ballistas that could be deployed swiftly and nearly anywhere, and poison gas. Lastly their cavalry was increased to outmanouver and trample the slower dwarves with the addition of silver spear lancers to the small arm of scouts. Their navy was large and the best in the world with experiments going on to launch gliders from shipborne catapults. They were masters of defense and so much of their technology was aimed at upgrading their fotresses.
The gervoriath are a race from a book I am writing so the dwarves are different from those in glest.

Gervoriath tech:

Buildings: council hall-basic building, stores resources and builds citizens(worker unit) possibly builds a hero if I find out how to do this
farm-produces food
training camp-basic unit building, creates swordmen, dual swordmen, spearmen, slayers, impalers, archers, and field archers and possibly upgrades(haven't decided on upgrades yet)
stables-create scout, silver spear lancer, cavalry ballista and researches cavalry upgrades
smeltery-creates unit upgrades
university-researches upgrades creates a mason and an engineer
advanced barracks-creates and upgrades these units x-bowman, guardian, blademaster, poison gas thrower
glider launch pad-creates and upgrades troop glider and attack glider
siege shop-creates light trebuchet and battering ram(maybe).

Defensive structures: palisade wall, stone wall, iron clad wall, gate, iron clad gate, stone tower, ballista tower, keep.

citizen-worker unit collects resources and builds palisade wall, council hall, farm, stables, smeltery, training camp, university, and advanced barracks.
Varoris-hero unit which might be placed into the faction.
mason-defensive worker, builds stone wall, iron clad wall, gate, iron clad gate, stone tower, ballista tower and keep.
engineer-builds glider launch pad and siege shop and repairs siege equipment.
swordman-basic combat unit, slightly superior to tech's swordman.
dual swordman-improved swordman with faster attack and movement and better hp and attack strength.
blademaster-best swordman, even better then dual swordman with even more improvements on speed and damage.
archer-basic ranged unit about equal to tech archer but armed with a dagger for close combat.
field archer-good ranged unit with a pavisse and massive armor, little improvement on attack though and no dagger.
x-bowman-slow attacking high range and damage bowman with good speed a sword and good hp.
spearman-anti cavalry unit with ok hp and armor, good movement and great, though slow, attack.
slayer-faster heavier damage dealing spearman with a secondary javelin attack to take on large units from far away.
impaler-slow, well armored and high hp spearman with 4 range to deal with cavalry from farther away.
guardian-halberd armed unit with huge damage, good armor but medium hp and slow movement, capable of fast attack in close quarters.
poison gas thrower-medium range high splash damage unit, glest does not offer poison so I might just give him energy attack. :(
scout-very fast and high sight but low armor attack and hp cavalry unit.
silver spear lancer-cavalry with a charge skill, a spear stab and sword slash attacks all around very good with speed like normal horsemen.
cavalry ballista-siege weapon towed by horses, can be entrenched to increase defense.
light trebuchet-horse towed trebuchet with fast packing and unpacking, unable to attack when packed.
battering ram-slow lumbering anti building unit(possibly)
troop glider-glider that flies in the air and gains ep while flying, when landed the ep stops regenerating but allows the glider to deploy paratroops armed with bows and swords. The glider cannot morph back to air once crashed.
attack glider-glider with crossbow for ground and air combat, possibly a rock for bombardment.


This is the current unit list, please post comments and remember that this is meant to face tech mk2 and not standard magitech factions. :) :)
« Last Edit: 18 May 2010, 01:01:05 by wyvern »


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Re: W-pack1 project
« Reply #48 on: 18 May 2010, 05:00:46 »
I don't normally read so long posts but I will read this one.

EDIT: I think you should have an air unit (all techs should have them in my opinion)
And poison gas thrower? this sounds high tech...
Get the Vbros': Packs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5!


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Re: W-pack1 project
« Reply #49 on: 18 May 2010, 13:32:45 »
They do have air units, gliders are air units, the poison gas throwers are not as advanced as they seem, the gas "grenade" they throw is just a grass that when set alight causes heavy smoke which is poisonous to inhale.

