John: Thanks. I bookmarked the site.
Archmage: I made a note in the contributors list. I think you'll enjoy the project. Do me a favour and consider installing Ubuntu, or another GNU/Linux distribution of your choice. It will make working on it much more pleasant for you. In answer to your question, I think there is at least 9 people on the team. It grows every few days as people find out about the project.
Gabriel: There is no forum yet, but an announcement mailing list. There's over a hundred people on it worldwide. If you'd like to contribute, pick something from the list above and I'll add you to the list. There's also lots of tutorials and online books on Blender.
As for both Gabriel and Archmage wanting to get started, I've emailed you both something to get you going while I work on these architectural drawings. Also, if you haven't already, good idea to read everything on the
Omega: I'll make a tar ball for you and email it to you.