Author Topic: Malevolent Rising - Remake  (Read 117859 times)


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Malevolent Rising - Remake
« on: 5 May 2010, 23:04:42 »
    I'm currently redoing this game from scratch as a University Project.
    I need to create a working demo to test how different levels of complexity affect RTS gameplay. For the demo I will be redoing the Necribus Faction.
    I will upload it once I've finished university hopefully around May. Then I'll redo the Hyperion Faction and maybe move on finally to the Gians Faction.

    I can't post updates of my work in case of self-plagiarism, but once I've got my mark I upload the Necribus!

    By redo I mean:
    Wipe the slate clean starting with just the basic GAE Engine with any sounds, graphics and models from the original Glest removed completely.
    This project is going to be treated like a New Game built using GAE as a Game Engine rather than a Glest Mod.
    I will rewrite all XMLs.
    I will convert all textures that are in tga format to png and standardize their sizes, bump maps and specular maps.
    I will re-export all models that are either made by me, from free resources or purchased, there will be nothing ripped from commercial games and all animations will be my own work.
    Sounds from commercial games will be removed.
    Many units and some upgrades will be removed, these are no longer necessary, the remaining units will have new effects and emanations along with upgrades that affect various units all in different ways.

    For my University Project, I'll create a special form of Malevolent Rising based on a civil war between the Necribus and a similar faction of Satyr and Werewolves that call themselves The Devils Hand who are bent on spilling Hell into the whole world of Vaultar!
    There will be two versions of the Necribus faction; Basic and Advanced. Basic will contain buildings, units, three basic resources and basic upgrades. Advanced will contain stronger use of damage multipliers, many more resources, subfactions, unit resources (EP), unit effects and emanations, flying and amphibious units maybe ships, vehicle units and resources that must go through processing into other resources.
    This will be for my university project only, the actual Necribus will be somewhere between Average and Advanced. I will update here and my website with progress on how the Necribuis faction is doing once I've finished my University version.

    The Hyperion will not be used for university but I will be redoing them just like the Necribus, then I will move onto the Gians. The hyperion wont take as long to redo as they use very little commercial content compared to what the Necribus had.

Malevolent Rising Homepage

System Requirements:
The requirements are essentially the Glest Advanced Engine requirements however due to how much memory this project takes up, here are the specifications of my system which runs Malevolent Rising and is used in the making of it:
CPU: 1.6GHz (8 CPUs)
RAM: 4GB + 4GB Page File
GPU: 750MHz Core Speed, 1GB Dedicated Memory, 800MHz Memory Speed

Minimum Requirements:
The lowest specification system I've had Malevolent Rising working on with playable fps:
CPU: 1.6GHz (1 CPU)
RAM 1GB + 4GB Page File
GPU: 200MHz Core Speed, 256MB Shared Memory

Recommended Requirements:
CPU: 1.6GHz (2 CPUs)
RAM: 2GB + 4GB Page File
GPU: ~600MHz Core Speed, 256GB Dedicated Memory, ~600MHz

To download:
No downloads for now. :(

What is Malevolent Rising (MRise)?
The strange world of Vaultar is the home of many great and terrifying things... Home to races of Werewolves, Vampires, Satyrs, Dryads, Angels, Half-Giants, Shapeshifters, Scourge and many more...

Factions: Aiming for five detailed factions: Necribus (Werewolves and Satyrs), Hyperion (Jotun [half-giants] and Angels), Gians (Dryads and Shapeshifters), Vestirus (Aquarien and Feliforms [cat-people]) and The Damned (Scourge [half-ghosts] and Vampires).

Racial Alliances: So that's 2 races per faction. Each race (so twice per faction) will have their own Barracks for light troops and heavy troops, an element spire for magical troops and a draconic shrine for dragons (dragons will be worked on later once all factions are fully functional with standard units and magic units). I also intend to add some hero units in later, at least one per race (so two per faction).

Subfactions: The player will be able to play each faction in favour of one of the faction's races through upgrades and GAE subfactions.

Damage Type Tactics: Element based damage was going to be used but I decided against it as it can unbalance factions. Instead I use a light/heavy, melee/ranged or siege attack system with a small/large, melee/ranged armor or building system for damage multipliers. This way factions can be easily balanced and tactics are necesary as each unit will have its own uses.

Unique Playing Styles: Each faction will have a unique style of play using magical and draconic units to introduce special skills and interesting upgrades.

Unique Buildings: Each faction will start off with a city, some worker units and a few troops, nothing else (I may include hero units as starting units or a lord unit like in stronghold). The city is used for creating worker units (one for each race) which can build the main buildings: Barracks, Spires and when Dragons are added: Shrines. Also Huts, Houses and Hamlets for increasing population and your rule over the map.

Cities: The city will be the master unit for each faction, if this is destroyed the faction looses access to worker units and major upgrades, however Hamlets can be used to create workers and trade goods too, but must be unlocked through upgrades from the City. Spires can be upgraded to a certain point where a subfaction is required, each faction has two spires, but only one can be fully upgraded. Shrines will be affected by spires along with having their own upgrades and subfaction features.

Resources include:
  • 1 Wealth (mined, gold deposits which contain a lot of wealth and shouldn't be spammed in an MRise map, three around the player start is enough to keep them going before having to venture out).
  • 2 Stone (mined, stone deposits should be around three times more common than wealth, still providing a lot of stone per unit.)
  • 3 Wood (Gathered from trees, quite a bit per tree, wood isn't too huge in demand but still very important so there should be plenty of normal trees per maps.)
  • 4 Population (A static resource, units [not buildings] will normally take up 1 population, this resource can be expanded by building various buildings.)
[li]5 Charisma (Like population but only Hamlets add more and these require upgrades and a lot of resources, Charisma is used by high class units).

For detailed development and information, visit my website (use the links provided above). Once all factions are complete I will work on creating Campaigns for each faction which are linked scenario maps with a storyline, these will introduce each unit to the player for ech faction. A tutorial Campaign will also be provided that will cover the basics that are used in all factions.

  • v1.0 is the first release having the first faction: Necribus, after that released updates will vary, hopefully testers will suggest ideas for balance and improvements.
  • v1.6 is the first update released, it is a full release not a patch so all v1.0 data should be deleted all together before installing this version.
  • v2.0 will be coming out soon, this will introduce a new faction: Hyperion along with some major changes to the Necribus and more optimisation. This is a full release so all old v1.6 or below data should be deleted to make way for v2.0. This release adds more emanations, effects and stealth abilities to Necribus units making them more balanced with the effect/emanation intensive Hyperion.

Check out the download page on my website (links above) to download the latest release.

For people new to this project/thread, just head to the latest page and ask whatever question, etc, it doesn't matter if it has been asked before as I wouldn't want to read through a load of old posts myself!
« Last Edit: 1 March 2012, 16:44:32 by ChupaReaper »


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Re: Malevolent Rising -TC Project
« Reply #1 on: 5 May 2010, 23:18:04 »
Ah, easy? well you have to be pro, I guess you are then.
Good Ideas.
1-Does MegaGlest support GAE features? (Mainly subfactions, pets.)
No, I don't think so. Not pets at least.... subfactions?  :| No, unfortunately.... I am pretty sure.
2-Is there a way to change the Glest logo on the title screen (changing the graphics in the base folder has odd results lol)?
Yeah you just edit/replace the logo.tga in MOD>DATA>CORE>MENU>TEXTURES...something like that
6-What is glest like with flying units? (Do they just look like they're flying or can they actually fly over land units and objects.)
Sometimes they look like they are actually flying...Just depends. On the quality of the unit I guess
7-Are there any other important things I should know for what I plan in this projects (restrictions, advice on stuff, etc)?
Eh, thinking
Other questions: I don't know/ not sure...  

Werewolf models in development (model and skin done, needs animation), sound needed will use stronghold legends. - Are you using this or are you actually making one yourself? If you are, then it is kinda weird, that there is already one and you are making one... I think you can just give credit...unless you want this to be like a "one man" mod

I will be putting a page about this on my website soon which will have up to date information.
Cool  :thumbup:

Thanks.  Good Luck.


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Re: Malevolent Rising -TC Project
« Reply #2 on: 5 May 2010, 23:36:41 »
6-What is glest like with flying units? (Do they just look like they're flying or can they actually fly over land units and objects.)

In Glest they do actually fly over other units, water, and trees. Its not just a look.  :)
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Re: Malevolent Rising -TC Project
« Reply #3 on: 6 May 2010, 09:58:23 »
Here are some more answers to your questions:

1 - Basically no. There is a small amount of cross over between the two projects but in general they have seperate features. MG is aiming for stability and an improved multiplayer experience. GAE is more on the experimental side but has a larger range of features and more possiblity for coders. I would reccomend sticking with MG for your first mod since it is stabler and you won't run into any half-finished code problems.

2 - The base graphic can be changed by editing the image, but you will have to change the code if you want anything radically different.

3 - Yes all versionS of Glest support 3 modes for dealing with alpha in textures:
Team Colour
Team Coloured Transparency 

4 - No, the only way is to make one long music loop.

5 - No this would require a code mod.

6 - Flying Units use a different XML tag depending on whether they are air or land units (GAE also has support for water based units). 

7 - Using MAX may prove problematic. The only exporters for MAX are very outdated and almost noone on the form uses MAX.

Good luck with this mod ;)
Check out my new Goblin faction -


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Re: Malevolent Rising -TC Project
« Reply #4 on: 7 May 2010, 01:14:19 »
Thanks for the quick replies, hmm water based units would be awesome but GAE only is a problem, I guess I'll go for the stability and 8 player is much better than 4, i'll have to recompile the source to change the logo which is a bit annoying but ah well.
The werewolf model I'm using is one I found for a mod of some game from ages ago which I altered to look more like my ideal werewolf and I also made a femal version from it lol. As for starting with a small mod, in a way it will be small as am just gonna have one werewolf in it then add a building to summon it, etc and eventually build on that, the werewolf script looks ok but need full testing but first I need to finish animating it, also use the obj model format I can convert between 3ds max and blender with animation and skin kept so that makes modeling pretty much all clear, also I can use the doom 3 md5 format lol but obj is easier. So really it's not just going to be a werewolf mod, it will have a lot more than just werewolves, I might have a look at that werewolf mod though because I love werewolves lol, got my own model which I'm sticking with though. Also it's going to be one man at first but eventually I might open it up, I'd want to get it all set up and working first before I start adding people to the project.
I plan on using Doom 3 models in glest, wots it like with polycounts as these models aren't stupidly high but aren't simple either?
Shame about having to use units to build units, but I can make this work, is there a way to randomize a unit when its created so I can have a 50% chance of creating a female unit instead of male?
« Last Edit: 7 May 2010, 01:22:45 by ChupaReaper »


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Re: Malevolent Rising -TC Project
« Reply #5 on: 7 May 2010, 02:01:05 »
Hmm, having loom at both MegaGlest and GAE in detail I think I'll go with GAE, though MegaGlest is said to be more stable and ready to play, GAE offers more features which I can't say no too, I intend on making a half water based faction so water units is a must also partrols are very important, not sure about guarding and saving and loading games is a must, the only thing I really want in GAE is 8 players, that would be awesome but I'd rather have all the other features and be stuck with 4 players than the other way round, big games require saving and loading and the features GAE provides are what I need for my TC, I'm sure with GAE's "I'm out there going for all these feature I don't care about crashing!" will lead to 8 players eventually where MegaGlest seems a bit behind compared to it, I'd rather some instability than not being able to have my project close to what I want. This also means I'll be making use of all sorts of GAE features so I'll also spam the bug reports for it along the way to help cause it sounds like it's low on testers, really though modders use the new features so they are the best testers!
« Last Edit: 7 May 2010, 02:02:40 by ChupaReaper »


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Re: Malevolent Rising -TC Project
« Reply #6 on: 7 May 2010, 04:14:29 »
A note about Doom models. Polycount is actually one of your least worries here. Granted, in a RTS it is a vital factor in framerate given unit counts onscreen, but there are more severe issues.

IIRC, Doom3 models use a multitude of texturing technologies that are not supported in any form of Glest. Bump/Normal maps, specular maps, diffuse maps, luminosity (self-lit regions) maps, and reflective maps are all probably used on those models and they will look significantly different if you drop everything except the base image map. Even "baking" some of those maps into a single image map for Glest isn't a good solution because much of it depends on the environment and not the unit.

Plus theres the question of ownership of the original models. I know id has released many games and engines as free downloads, but never any art assets for separate use.

On the other hand, if you're refering to the model format again, instead of actual models, it's not natively supported in Glest at all...


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Re: Malevolent Rising -TC Project
« Reply #7 on: 7 May 2010, 09:03:36 »
Hmm, having loom at both MegaGlest and GAE in detail I think I'll go with GAE, though MegaGlest is said to be more stable and ready to play, GAE offers more features which I can't say no too, I intend on making a half water based faction so water units is a must also partrols are very important, not sure about guarding and saving and loading games is a must, the only thing I really want in GAE is 8 players, that would be awesome but I'd rather have all the other features and be stuck with 4 players than the other way round, big games require saving and loading and the features GAE provides are what I need for my TC, I'm sure with GAE's "I'm out there going for all these feature I don't care about crashing!" will lead to 8 players eventually where MegaGlest seems a bit behind compared to it, I'd rather some instability than not being able to have my project close to what I want. This also means I'll be making use of all sorts of GAE features so I'll also spam the bug reports for it along the way to help cause it sounds like it's low on testers, really though modders use the new features so they are the best testers!
On GAE vs MG:
I actually prefer GAE and I don't really think it is that much less stable than MG now. Because:
1. MG developpers started it out as a fork of the vanilla engine instead of contributing to /basing it off GAE allegedly because GAE was too unstable. There were bug reports and there were crashes (I ever only had one on a release candidate and it got fixed on the final release), usually related to using 32 bit binaries on 64 bit machines/OS's; there are 64 bit binaries available for GAE's last release and I think that's something GAE developpers intend to follow on. Now the point (GAE's unstability) might have been valid when MG started out because MG was adding very little to the original engine and GAE was openly experimental. MG has been added incresingly more (though still way far beyond GAE) and bug reports and even crashes and such have been coming up, including problems never (AFAIK) mentioned for GAE, like sound problems (besides Linux PulseAudio which is bugged itself and will affect all three main engines: vanilla, GAE and MG; rahter use e.g ALSA for Linux ;) ) and no-runs on Windows 7. These might be fixed in MG now (I don't really know) but still... more are bound to come along, just like in GAE... So I'd recommend anyone to take MG's "better stability" with a grain of salt... ;)
2. The competition MG brought up I must say I actually think had a good impact on GAE on this point. I think (might be wrong) more emphasis has been put into "stable" on GAE's last release. ;)
3. On the long run, I do believe GAE will prevail. For a simple reason: there is stuff GAE already did that included major shared parts of the code to be rewritten and restructured. MG will most definitelly have to do so to keep up with GAE (in the early versions, MG was actually fixing bugs from vanilla Glest's code that had been fixed in GAE a very long time ago!)
[/offtopic] :P

[still-kinda-OT]On the 8 teams feature in MG was discussed, in more than one thread, long before its first version was ever out (probably before Titi decided to do it). It was not without polemics... The discussion actually did not start with "8 teams" but rather "more teams". I believe the number 8 was pretty much the only thing that got any consensus on how to expand the number of players. I'm not even sure the exact aproach MG took to it. That being said, I'm pretty much sure the number of players will be added sooner or later; heck try requesting it becomes more prioritary on GAE's sub-forum if you really want it! ;)

On flying units:
Yes, units with the "air" <fields> value on their parameters do fly over land objects. However, a quick note:
I don't actually know how high they are placed by default (not visually but in relation to gameplay mechanics). That being said, it may happen that a flying unit goes through a building... Two things to consider here:
1. Do not place the air unit too low in distance from 3DS's "ground" (I'm actually thinking of Blender here, never used MAX but I guess this will still make sense). The Magic Dragon (from Magitech, the original Glest techtree) may actually fly through some tall trees and it looks bad (may be a problem with custom tilesets too I guess).
2. Do not forget to give the correct height value to your buildings! Giving a tall building a low height (say 2, the height of a typical Magitech humanoid), will make your air units fly through it. This is the real key: In Glest (and derivatives) air units will fly *over* short land units but fly *around* tall ones. ;)

On teamcolor and transparency. Basically:
1. Teamcolor: Alpha texture on doublesided face.
2. Transparency: Alpha texture on singlesided face (there seems to be problems with this, I never tried it myself).
3. Teamcolored transparency: Alpha texture on doublesided face with (Blender) transparency aplied to it.
Look at the Glest wikia and the forums for more infos.

On pollycounts and texture formats/sizes:
1. It is usually preferable to use models under the limit of 1000 polygons (all must be triangles).
2. Textures should probably be under the limit of 512x512 pixels and preferably on .tga uncompressed format (the uncompressed is mandatory for .tga). You can use .bmp too but .bmp doesn't support alpha, hence no teamcolor...
That said, the Dwarf faction I'm working on (after the original author said he wouldn't work on it anymore) uses models with 1000-2000 polyes and 1024x1024 textures. It works fine but wciow himself (the original author) said he was working on lowering the polly count on his latest models and titi actually told me textures so big might actually make you loose detail ingame... So... the mentioned limmits probably are best. ;)

I think your mod has much potential. Hope you do pull it through! Good luck and enjoy yourself!  8)


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Re: Malevolent Rising -TC Project
« Reply #8 on: 7 May 2010, 14:07:47 »
Well I'm definitely stick with GAE then lol, the Doom 3 models themselves can be downloaded in all sorts of Doom 3 mods about the internet and because I'll be changing their format to glests g3d format there shouldn't be any problems with using them, my GZDoom (an opengl classic doom port with md2 adn md3 model support) project used Doom 3 models and there was no problem with that. I think I'll base my textures around 512 x 512 to 1024 x 1024 though I have  some super high details ones I made at a huge 2560 x 2560, I'll see what happens when I use them and shrink them if needed, also if there's no polycount limit, etc these models should run fine on a modern system which is what I'm aiming my project at, it's gonna be new and shiny but packed full of cool stuff I know it wont be quick and easy but I don't like making small projects because I always end up want to add more and more lol.
I'm half way through aimating this werewolf atm then I'm going to transfer to blender and export it into g3d then see what happens...


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Re: Malevolent Rising -TC Project
« Reply #9 on: 11 May 2010, 23:35:51 »
A little update, mainly to show that this project, though it has just started is going somewhere. The bottom of my first post will show how the project is progressing.
Here is a screenshot of the new title map and title graphic, I know the map looks pretty plain but as I slowly add buildings and eventually new factions I'll slowly decorate the map, same for trees and rocks, etc which I will add as I get some tilesets sorted, there is some cool camera movement and rotation for each option in the menu which explores all over the title map.
(click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: 12 May 2010, 00:15:51 by ChupaReaper »


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Re: Malevolent Rising -TC Project
« Reply #10 on: 11 May 2010, 23:53:12 »
Very cool!

I like the greenish misty mountains on the back ALOT!  8) :thumbup:

The green buttons are look very cool too! ;) But the contrast might be better and indeed get a more different look if the gradient was inverted: darker at center and lighter on the edges - I know the 'button unclicked' 3d effect might be lost that way but with some tweaking you might get it to look really cool as as 'sunken buttons'...? Just a thought.
I do like those tones of green for the buttons though. ;)


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Re: Malevolent Rising -TC Project
« Reply #11 on: 12 May 2010, 00:09:22 »
Thanks, I'll try the sunken button effect lol, the text entry box is blue too! Will look better when I get round to messing on with the font but for now I've got a werewolf to animate.
Just finished attaching a skeleton to him which'll make animating easier using IK then I'll convert it to morph because Glest doesn't support skellingtons, though I should really get my university essays finished first lmao!


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Re: Malevolent Rising -TC Project
« Reply #12 on: 12 May 2010, 00:39:51 »
Did a little mini edit before going to bed, rather than sinking the buttons I remembered that I can do better transparency now so the buttons have a very different effect to them. Here is the options menu, the camera rotates left a lot from the main menu possition revealing a desert in the distance:
« Last Edit: 18 May 2010, 21:42:59 by Omega »


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Re: Malevolent Rising -TC Project
« Reply #13 on: 12 May 2010, 21:26:25 »
i noticed that you said that you were basing some of the stuff off of Rise of Legends. ive beaten the campaign for the game, and i liked the Vinci the most. you need one of the factions to be more steampunk (or technology based).


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Re: Malevolent Rising -TC Project
« Reply #14 on: 13 May 2010, 18:34:47 »
Did a little mini edit before going to bed, rather than sinking the buttons I remembered that I can do better transparency now so the buttons have a very different effect to them. Here is the options menu, the camera rotates left a lot from the main menu possition revealing a desert in the distance:
(click to show/hide)
I can't see that new pic, nothing shows up when I click the "Spoiler" button. And actually, the pic I could see before, on your other spoiler/pic, doesn't show up anymore.
I thought this might be a problem with the forum's theme that omega was tweaking a while ago (I don't know if he's done with it now though) but I tried the old SMF default theme and I still can't see the pics...
So... I copied the link from your post and put it in my browser's addressbar and it worked. I'll be linking to this from the General discussion's Board changes thread. ;)

EDIT (from the Board changes thread):
EDIT: Now this is WEIRD! Clicking on the Spoiler button in this thread works just fine!!! Hum... I'll try clearing up my browser cache and look at the original one again... :look:
EDIT #2: Erm... nevermind... Clearing up cache, cookies etc did fix this...  ::) :-[ ;D

And yeah, now I saw the pic (outside the forum)... it does look nicer that way. :) Reminds me of the Nihilrillian menus (so that's how they were done!... :O ).

And also "yeah"... do get your university essays finished first! We don't really give a d*mn about 'em but you certainly should! And if you don't... well... you might end up blaming your poor results on Glest modding and that... we do care about! :P

i noticed that you said that you were basing some of the stuff off of Rise of Legends. ive beaten the campaign for the game, and i liked the Vinci the most. you need one of the factions to be more steampunk (or technology based).
No, ChupaReaper does not need to make "one of the factions more steampunk (or technology based)"! He might but he certainly does not need to! Will you guys stop telling people what artistic choices they need to make? ::) :P
« Last Edit: 13 May 2010, 18:47:57 by jda »


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Re: Malevolent Rising -TC Project
« Reply #15 on: 13 May 2010, 22:49:57 »
Got some werewolves going now, idle and walking animation all working, have to go through loads of model formats though, mdl > blender > obj > max > md5 > blender > g3d!
For some reason images aren't working from my host unless you actually link to them, probably because it's free, eventually I'll pay for my website and this problem should stop, if it doesn't I'll move host.
Anyway here's a preview of the werewolves, I've done a few changes since this screenshot, player 1 is now green and the werewolves hair changes depending on the player colour, I've also added more shading to this since this screenshot so their hair has more detail.

If this image doesn't load, copy it's URL and link to it in your browser. My website has this new project on it now (link is on the first post) so if you go there you should be able to check it all out.
Also I was thinking about steam power, not sure what race to apply it to, maybe the shapeshifters as they are basically the human race with a twist so they're not boring and they'll have stone golems, and saying as metal is part of the earth element in this mod I'll add some steam and clockwork stuff to it, not too much though.
« Last Edit: 13 May 2010, 23:03:41 by ChupaReaper »


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Re: Malevolent Rising -TC Project
« Reply #16 on: 14 May 2010, 22:38:10 »
So are you just using models and editing them? and that is alot of work for just one person , seems very very ambitious to me  :scared:


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Re: Malevolent Rising -TC Project
« Reply #17 on: 16 May 2010, 12:03:16 »
Yeah, it is a bit, but so was my old Doom project which still has parts I would have expanded upon but was complete, I like a project to work on for a while and I'm just looking at it as a one faction project at the minute, once I've finished all that then I'll work on the next factions and see if anyone's interested in helping (I want to do the first faction on my own so I can grasp what Glest modding is like so and if anyone else does join this project they can refer to this first faction to get an idea of what this project will be like, I will be open to suggestions as well).
Also in terms of modelling and animating a lot of it is already done as I can convert a lot of my work from my Doom project across, just don't have a very good werewolf in that project which is why I wanted to work on a new one.
Anyways, I finished the werewolves on Friday but been away, now that I'm back I'm going to get to work on some werewolf barracks and then give the doggies some swords and a scythe, Satyrs after that!


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Re: Malevolent Rising -TC Project
« Reply #18 on: 16 May 2010, 13:08:42 »
Sorry for the delayed reply...
I looked at your werewolves on your site and they look cool.  :thumbup: (well, not so sure about the bright orange hair (though it might work, I'm just not used to that) but you said you've changed that to teamcolor, so I guess it definitelly will be different from your usual brownish/greyish/blackish werewolf but that's cool too; just make sure the underlying texture, "below" the teamcolor is rich (and visible) and you'll drive the "doggies" away from a child-cartoonish look, I think ;) ).

Looking forward to your first release. 8) But do take your time. ;)


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Re: Malevolent Rising -TC Project
« Reply #19 on: 16 May 2010, 13:47:59 »
Don't worry I've dulled down the colour on them a lot, did something stupid and mixed up black and white in the tgas alpha channel so when I tried to make the texture stronger than the team colour it had the opposite effect lol, I'll be trying to increase the quality of the werewolf's texture also to give it a nicer look because I don't want cartoony effects at all here. I've also changed the team colours a bit:
Player 1: Green (my favourite colour hence player 1 lol)
Player 2: Dark Purple (looks pretty cool and you don't get purple much, might change this if too many people disagree)
Player 3: Blue (easy to tell apart from the purple used also)
Player 4: Red
Also I've set up the colours for another four players, even though GAE only goes up to 4 I'm guessing they'll hopefully eventually go up to around eight like in MegaGlest so we have: Yellow, Cyan, Orange, Magenta.


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Re: Malevolent Rising -TC Project
« Reply #20 on: 16 May 2010, 15:13:55 »
For teamcolor, I myself, on the GIMP (what program do you use?), make the underlying texture first. For your werewolves I'd texture the hair with a base greyish color and "draw" some waves and hanks in 2-3 darker tones (good contrast important); then I would select the whole hair part of the texture and add an alpha mask to that layer; Finally I'd paint the whole said selection with a gray tone somewhere between 0x777777 (more emphasis on teamcolor) to 0x999999 (more emphasis on the underlying texture).
But I guess you could do it the other way around: Have the hair one single color in the texture and then use gray tones (in this case rather more contrastant than from 0x777777 to 0x999999). In this case, I could indeed use pure white (full transparency, no teamcolor) and pure black (full teamcolor opacity), but I might have my base color brownish instead of grayish. Anyway, whether you used pure white and black or only tones of gray, you could paint the said waves and hanks on that alpha mask instead.
I think you can get pretty much the same exact result using either way. :P

On your choice of teamcolors...
Can you do that already? Or will you be editing the GAE code?
Not long ago, there was talk about allowing to change teamcolor (in the glest.ini / glestadv.ini files) but I didn't notice it being implemented yet anywhere.
If it hasn't been implemented, then the teamcolors are still hard-coded to the engine, meaning you'll get the default team 1 red, team 2 blue, team 3 yellow and team 4 green.

Regarding the other four teamcolors... you have quite some amount of redish tones (red, orange, magenta) and blueish too (blue, purple, cyan). As you can gather from what I said above, different textures (units) may display the same teamcolor quite differently, and the similar coloring you mentioned may get confusing in some cases...
Maybe best to have 2 variations for each base color:
Red and Magenta (or orange, this might get confused with yellow at times)
Green and Teal (or torquoise)
Blue and Purple
Yellow and ... erm ... I don't think brown would be good... Indigo?  :look:
I don't remember what choices MegaGlest used.  :look:

And yeah, I think silnarm recently mentioned adding more teams to GAE. ;)


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Re: Malevolent Rising -TC Project
« Reply #21 on: 16 May 2010, 16:56:20 »
Awesome, more teams will be perfect, the one thing that made me want to use MegaGlest at first until I found out about the GAE features.
I found in: data > core > factions_textures four tgas of 1x1 pixels each named faction0, faction1, etc and I found that each of these were just one pixel of colour so I changed them and it worked! I've added faction4, faction5, 6 and 7 for players 5-8 (as faction0.tga is for player one).
Regarding the team colours:
Cyan is a mix of Green and Blue or 00FFFF in hex and is very easy to tell apart from blue and green so the three should look fine amongst each other.
Purple is a mix of red and blue though with more blue and darkened so around 440066 in hex, this might be a problem next to blue so I think I'll change it to be more like this 550055 still purple but should be distinct from blue players as I want it to be darker (almost black maybe).
Magenta is between red and blue FF00FF and is very easy to tell apart from reds and blues as blues will appear much darker and magenta is no where near as red as red lol. Magenta and Purple would be a problem but with purple almost black they will be very distinct.
Yellow will be different enough from red and the green I'm using is tinted slightly blue and much darker than yellow, the green is not tinted anywhere near cyan though and is darker, not too dark to tell apart from purple and blue either.
Orange is the one I will be working on a bit to get right as orange and yellow will be annoying, I'll have to make the orange red enough to tell apart but not too red to mix in with the red team, I might make the yellow lighter near white almost, that should solve this problem.
I'll make a colour chart at some point to make sure there are no clashes.
A good feature would not only to be able to define colours using an xml but select which one you want to be in game.
And I use Photoshop CS4, gonna get CS5 at some point.


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Re: Malevolent Rising -TC Project
« Reply #22 on: 16 May 2010, 18:00:53 »
Awesome, more teams will be perfect, the one thing that made me want to use MegaGlest at first until I found out about the GAE features.
I checked for that. silnarm actually said it in his reply to your requests thread:
1. More players (like 8 in MegaGlest), with a higher player cap my new GAE project will be awesome in multiplayer.
The next version will support at least 8 players.

I found in: data > core > factions_textures four tgas of 1x1 pixels each named faction0, faction1, etc and I found that each of these were just one pixel of colour so I changed them and it worked! I've added faction4, faction5, 6 and 7 for players 5-8 (as faction0.tga is for player one).
LOL, I'd never noticed.  8)

Regarding the team colours:
<snip> I want it to be darker (almost black maybe).
Dark colors may not look good on the minimap: little visibility. :(
Might also be a problem with very dark tilesets (I think the darkest around currently is Dark forest but you might want/get a darker one for your mod-theme...  :look: ).
I might make the yellow lighter near white almost
Possily problematic with very light tilesets such as the Winter series. :(

I'll make a colour chart at some point to make sure there are no clashes.
A good feature would not only to be able to define colours using an xml but select which one you want to be in game.
The color chart sounds like a good idea to me.  :thumbup:
As for the feature, I think it would be nice yes, but there are lots of other things I think are more important to focus development in. ;)

And I use Photoshop CS4, gonna get CS5 at some point.
Ages since I last used Photoshop, I think it was CS2... ;D Don't remember a thing about it now. :P
So... does what I said about the GIMP - alpha masks and greys - make any sense on Photoshop? Just curious... might get me to save some words next time I meet a Photoshopper... ;D


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Re: Malevolent Rising -TC Project
« Reply #23 on: 16 May 2010, 21:20:59 »
Oh yeah, I forgot I requested that, I have a bad memory, I'll have to go reply to that post after this post lol.
I didn't think about the colours on the minimap, tilesets might work out ok, I'll just use a colour chart then go through all of them in different tilesets, but that's for much later on.
And photoshop can set up channels, it has Red Green Blue (all can be edited at once ofc, or two at once, etc) and you can add others, Alpha 1 gets translated into tgas alpha channel, in pngs photoshops alpha channel works wothout having to set this channel.
Development is going nicely:

If the image doesn't show goto my website (linked on first post) then on the menu goto Necribus Faction, it'll have more detailed info about my project as well.
Next up, I'll be giving the wolves some swords and scythes to play with then getting the satyr started. Could do all of these within a week maybe two then move on to the more interesting stuff, demons, undead and shadow things, a few more weeks then finally upgrades and testing, then first release! Hopefully anyway.
« Last Edit: 16 May 2010, 22:09:23 by ChupaReaper »


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Re: Malevolent Rising -TC Project
« Reply #24 on: 16 May 2010, 23:08:21 »
I had not realised before that your werewolves's hair didn't actually go down the back of the head and neck... I think it would look better if it did. Nevermind, it's just the green hair with the green grass on the back...  ::)
Also, the tail is twisted up. This one I'm sure would look better hanging down. Looks too cartoony as it is ... or in heat. :O

EDIT: BTW, what are those buildings? I like the rock cave.  :thumbup:

EDIT #2: Scratched out my first sentence. :P
« Last Edit: 16 May 2010, 23:11:54 by jda »