Author Topic: Request for Various Undistributed Models/Skins  (Read 664 times)

SciFi Junkie

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Request for Various Undistributed Models/Skins
« on: 8 May 2010, 08:35:18 »
I have no artistical skill and don't know how to animate right now (nor am I likely to take the time to learn in the near future unfortunately) and I was interested to see if I could get a hold of some things people have done but not distributed in a mod.

For example, in a couple of different thread topics, wyvern mentions having some Uruk-hai units and an armored daemon, as well as talking about a satyr model. None of these have been distributed or reside in a file dump anywhere that I know of, but I'd like to have them to play with if possible. (Not just wyvern's models, but anything any of you may have and are willing to give me.) I understand if some of them are being held back for a mod, but those that aren't, like that Pumpkin Ghost thing, would be nice to have just for fun or for possible use in a mod.

And despite my lack of skill, I have a few things I might bring to the party myself (preferably after finals here). I have made myself an unarmored unicorn by transferring parts of a different skin onto the unicorn model. Next I plan to eliminate the saddle, then do something similiar to the Reaver model out of the Elven faction, yada yada. So, I guess what I am saying is that I plan on doing more stuff like this and will at some point post some pictures and hand out my efforts if they are wanted. One day I may even learn to do some skinning myself and not copy and paste other work. But for now, I want to steal your stuff. ;D

