Author Topic: My scenarios :attackonly  (Read 2129 times)


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My scenarios :attackonly
« on: 12 May 2010, 14:48:20 »

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?>
   <difficulty value="3"/>
      <player control="human" faction="magic" team="1"/>
      <player control="cpu" faction="magic" team="1"/>
      <player control="cpu" faction="tech" team="2"/>
      <player control="cpu" faction="tech" team="2"/>
   <map value="1"/>
   <tileset value="forest"/>
   <tech-tree value="magitech"/>
   <default-resources value="false"/>
   <default-units value="false"/>
   <default-victory-conditions value="false"/>
         --关闭 AI
         createUnit('mage_tower', 0, startLocation(0))
         createUnit('tower_of_souls', 1, startLocation(0))
         for i=1, 9 do
            createUnit('battlemage', 1, startLocation(0))
            givePositionCommand(lastCreatedUnit(), 'attack', startLocation(3))
         createUnit('summoner', 1, startLocation(0))
         givePositionCommand(lastCreatedUnit(), 'attack', startLocation(3))
         createUnit('castle', 2, startLocation(3))
         createUnit('defense_tower', 2, startLocation(3))
         createUnit('swordman', 2, startLocation(3))
         givePositionCommand(lastCreatedUnit(), 'attack', startLocation(0))
         createUnit('battle_machine', 3, startLocation(3))
         givePositionCommand(lastCreatedUnit(), 'attack', startLocation(0))
         for i=1, 9 do
            createUnit('archer', 2, startLocation(3))
            givePositionCommand(lastCreatedUnit(), 'attack', startLocation(0))
         if unitCountOfType(0, 'mage_tower')==0 then
         if unitCountOfType(0, 'drake_rider')==0 then
         if unitCountOfType(3, 'cow')==0 then
         if unitCountOfType(3, 'battle_machine')==0 then
         if unitFaction(lastDeadUnit())==2 then
            giveResource('gold', 0, 2)
         if unitFaction(lastDeadUnit())==3 and lastDeadUnitName()=='battle_machine' then
         if lastCreatedUnitName()=='initiate' then
            for i=1,3 do
         if unitCountOfType(1,'battlemage')==5 then
            for i=1, 9 do
               createUnit('battlemage', 1, startLocation(0))
               givePositionCommand(lastCreatedUnit(), 'attack', startLocation(3))
         if unitCountOfType(2,'archer')==6 then
            for i=1, 9 do
               createUnit('archer', 2, startLocation(3))
               givePositionCommand(lastCreatedUnit(), 'attack', startLocation(0))
         if unitCountOfType(2, 'castle')==0 then


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Re: My scenarios :attackonly
« Reply #1 on: 12 May 2010, 16:43:02 »
Ill try it out.  :)
Get the Vbros': Packs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5!

