Well, assuming I get a speed of about 5.4 MBs (and it was dawn so...
) it should have taken me about 10 seconds to download it but the Loki installer package is actually 72 MB (I think) so it took a little longer.
There are some sites out there that will measure your Internet connection - you are advised to shut down all other connecting apps (IM, Torrent, POP3/IMAP4, any server you might be running, etc) to actually get a somewhat acurate result while the test is perfroming.
Still... this is usually measured in triangulation, using two (or is is three?) different computers far away from each other and from the third/fourth one, your own. But if you are e.g. in Europe and you're using a connection speed tester from the USA the results will have to take a lot into acount...
It's been ages since I last tested my connection so I can't advise you on a good site to do it, I don't remember what I tried...
Still, if you find a site that explains the above any better than I did, it's probably a good one.
Also I remeber the results were not that much different from one testing site to the next so... maybe it doesn't matter that much.
Try two or three and see what you get.
EDIT: A LAN connection usually is about 100 Mbs yes. That has absolutelly nothing to do with your Internet connection though, even if your modem/router connects to your Ethernet/LAN port.
It's just the connection between your PC and the modem that will be 100 Mbs, the rest is between the modem and the ISP.