Author Topic: World At War Number 1, ideas topic  (Read 10526 times)


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Re: World At War Number 1, ideas topic
« Reply #25 on: 22 May 2010, 19:09:44 »
Suggested techs for UK.

HQ-basic building, creates engineer and general, stores resources, makes upgrades, a machine gun tower can be mounted.
training camp-creates lee enfield rifleman, vickers machine gunner, lewis machine gunner, flame thrower team, sniper, and upgrades infantry.
Hospital-creates and upgrades medic
Munition factory-upgrades units attacks.
ammo dump-required for artillery.
artillery factory-creates and upgrades howitzer, antiaircraft gun, field piece, trench mortar, and gas cannon required for tank factory.
stable-creates and upgrades lancers.
Royal Aircraft Factory-creates and upgrades the following aircraft dh2, dh9, b2c, Handley page 0/400, sopwith pup, and se 5.
Tank factory-creates and upgrades the following tanks mk1, little willie?, whippet, mk4 male and female.
Dock-builds and upgrades the following ships, super dreadnought, battle cruiser, light cruiser, destroyer, submarine, aircraft carrier, seaplane tender, supply ship.I can find specific ship class names later.
Supply base-similar to farm produces supplies.
Defense buildings-trench, lookout tower, dug out, pillbox, plank bridge.

engineer-basic worker, collects resources builds and repairs buildings and ships-creates the following buildings, HQ, training camp, Hospital, munition factory,ammo dump, artillery factory, stable, Royal Aircraft Factory,Tank Factory, Dock, supply base, promotes to field engineer.
Field engineer-creates all defense buildings, and builds buildings faster, cannot collect resources.
lee-enfield rifleman-best standard infantry in game, the brits had the best riflemen in the world at the time can fight aircraft.
vickers machine gun-heavy machine gun, must be entrenched to fire, can be taken apart to move can fight aircraft.
lewis machine gun-light machine gun, can be fired from hip or entrenched and fired from a tripod can fight aircraft.
field piece-standard medium range artillery can be useful as a direct fire support weapon must be taken apart to move, I'll find out the specific type used later.
Howitzer-long range artillery, superior to field piece.
trench mortar-light portable medium range weapon.
flame thrower-short range heavy damage dealing weapon beats all ground units if close enough.
field medic-heals infantry.
grenadier-grenade throwing infantryman.
lancer-cavalry armed with a bamboo lance or sword and a carbine.
specialist lee enfield sniper-long range infantry unit, good against infantry and can shoot against aircraft.
gas cannon-long range poison gas throwing weapon.
anti aircraft gun-anti aircraft gun can shoot at ground targets.
motorcycle-fast scout unit with low armor and attack.
Lancaster armored car-well armored and machine gun armed armored car good versus infantry and for scouting can shoot at aircraft.
little willie landship-unarmed tank with ability to fix other tanks, can be upgraded to have a hotchkiss machine gun.
tank mk1-basic machine gun armed tank vulnerable against cannon, anti tank guns, flamethrowers and aircraft, useful against infantry slowwww.
whippet-fast mg(machinegun) armed tank late game replacement for cavalry and superior to mk1 tank.
male mk4 tank-6pounder cannon armed tank, near immune to anti tank guns and aircraft with machine guns but still vulnerable against field guns and flamethrowers, can fight other tanks, slowwwww.
female mk4 tank-same as male mk4 tank but armed with mgs, can't really fight other tanks.
b2c-slow vulnerable, light bomb armed scout plane.
dh2-pusher fighter, basic air combat unit.*
dh9-advanced air recon unit, can fight air to air, better bombs and speed.
Handley page 0/400-medium bomber, can fight air to air, heavy bomb attack and high hp.
sopwith pup-mid game fighter, faster and has better hp then dh2, good unit.*
Sopwith camel-best naval air to air fighter even better then sopwith pup.*
observation balloon-large sight no defense or attack, weak look out unit.

*can be upgraded with strut mounted rockets.
se5-best ground fighter, faster then sopwith camel but lower attack*
short 184-built by seaplane tender uses torpedo or bombs, and depth charges against submarines, good against ground or sea, can fight air to air with mg.
sopwith cuckoo-torpedo bomber and general bomber, cannot fight air to air.
seaplane tender-builds and upgrades short 184.
aircraft carrier-builds and upgrades sopwith camel, and cuckoo.
super dreadnought-best most expensive warship, beats all, has anti air cannons for defense. can shell land defenses.
supply ship-repairs ships no attack.
battle cruiser-slightly weaker then super dreadnought but with same capabilities and faster.
light cruiser-even weaker and faster then battle cruiser great for scouting and fighting submarines no anti air.
destroyer-can shell land units with cannon, has depth charges for submarines no anti air, can attack naval ships with torpedos.
submarine-great for heavy ships and light ships, vulnerable to destroyers and aircraft, must surface to attack.

Sorry if it sounds really ambitious but I love war history, if this doesn't turn out really good I'd be depressed
« Last Edit: 22 May 2010, 19:15:56 by wyvern »


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Re: World At War Number 1, ideas topic
« Reply #26 on: 22 May 2010, 19:14:34 »
Your totally in for it, how did you write all that so fast?

Anyways, you seem to have a idea pretty clear in your mind, if you could make a image of the techtree...

I can continue modeling for now, if you can make the techtree in a map, like i did, you know...

Im glad to have such person that loves the subject of the mod so much helping me  ;)


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Re: World At War Number 1, ideas topic
« Reply #27 on: 22 May 2010, 19:19:14 »
I'll make the tech tree is there any model you would want me to make.
By the way I like the idea of adding minor factions like Norway, it leaves room for imagination. I hope there will be ski troops. ;D ;D


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Re: World At War Number 1, ideas topic
« Reply #28 on: 22 May 2010, 19:22:14 »
like this? for training field


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Re: World At War Number 1, ideas topic
« Reply #29 on: 22 May 2010, 19:24:25 »
You want me to make that, is it a training camp, looks cool, are there any specifics like how many tents, or what the flag should look like.
I'll jump to it.


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Re: World At War Number 1, ideas topic
« Reply #30 on: 22 May 2010, 19:39:46 »
fair skitroops, for russia and norway, scary is, russia actually had ski troops...

okay, make that camp, i`ll continue with the tanks [mk1?]

Were are you from? maybe we can implement your country later?

uhm, tree tents, keep the verts of the tents below 100 each, since it doesn`really require much.
« Last Edit: 22 May 2010, 19:41:55 by Gabriel, Gabbe »


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Re: World At War Number 1, ideas topic
« Reply #31 on: 22 May 2010, 19:47:31 »
My family is originally from the Czech Republic but now we live in the U.S., I'm first generation American. my great great grandfather was a Russian general in ww1 though. the Czech Republic played a role in the aftermath of ww1, cuz they were originally part of Austria-Hungary, the Czech legions fought campaigns in Russia during the civil war that followed, on the side of the white russians, or for themselves I believe.


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Re: World At War Number 1, ideas topic
« Reply #32 on: 22 May 2010, 19:48:35 »
mhm found this old model on my old comp:

Czech it will be, but we finish the major factions first.


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Re: World At War Number 1, ideas topic
« Reply #33 on: 22 May 2010, 19:54:47 »


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Re: World At War Number 1, ideas topic
« Reply #34 on: 22 May 2010, 20:01:18 »
This is a camp I whipped up in ten minutes, I know it stinks but I plan to redo some of the stuff, tell me what you think
« Last Edit: 22 May 2010, 20:02:51 by wyvern »


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Re: World At War Number 1, ideas topic
« Reply #35 on: 22 May 2010, 20:04:02 »
Thats a nice whippet picture, do you want all around pictures


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Re: World At War Number 1, ideas topic
« Reply #36 on: 22 May 2010, 20:10:58 »
i used it to model and texture from:


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Re: World At War Number 1, ideas topic
« Reply #37 on: 22 May 2010, 20:13:25 »
try model from a cube next time, you get more vertices used properly instead of mass-miss-use, other than that it was good :)


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Re: World At War Number 1, ideas topic
« Reply #38 on: 22 May 2010, 20:14:15 »
Err... did you get permission to use that image? :look:


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Re: World At War Number 1, ideas topic
« Reply #39 on: 22 May 2010, 20:15:25 »
Is that the model or the picture, what do you mean mass mis use.


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Re: World At War Number 1, ideas topic
« Reply #40 on: 22 May 2010, 20:18:19 »
nope, nor have i published the file yet. i`ll paint texture my own texture, and yes, then  the texture will be mine, the smart projections are very helpfull in these cases. If i use many images that are not mine then combine them into my own painted texture, it will be mine texture.

it is the model :p MASSMISSUSE means that you use many vertices unescesearilly


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Re: World At War Number 1, ideas topic
« Reply #41 on: 22 May 2010, 20:20:17 »
If i use many images that are not mine then combine them into my own painted texture, it will be mine texture.
That's not how copyrights work. ::)


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Re: World At War Number 1, ideas topic
« Reply #42 on: 22 May 2010, 20:22:59 »


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Re: World At War Number 1, ideas topic
« Reply #43 on: 22 May 2010, 20:25:12 »
I'm pretty sure there are other ways to do this...  ::)
Looks kinda cool though...  :|
But yeah...if you do stuff like this, this MOD will probably go  :thumbdown: someday...  ::)  :|


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Re: World At War Number 1, ideas topic
« Reply #44 on: 22 May 2010, 20:26:28 »

okay fine, i`ll quit the mod and drop it cause of the textures...[sarcasm]


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Re: World At War Number 1, ideas topic
« Reply #45 on: 22 May 2010, 20:31:16 »
anyone got textures for a mk4? Anyone have a mk4 in their garden so i can get textures from it?


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Re: World At War Number 1, ideas topic
« Reply #46 on: 22 May 2010, 20:39:46 »
here's a revised camp pic tell me what you think, I used 100 more vertices though


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Re: World At War Number 1, ideas topic
« Reply #47 on: 22 May 2010, 20:40:41 »
awesome enough, let me see the top view?


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Re: World At War Number 1, ideas topic
« Reply #48 on: 22 May 2010, 20:51:31 »
Yah Yah, here ya go, I added another 50 verts, with another target


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Re: World At War Number 1, ideas topic
« Reply #49 on: 22 May 2010, 21:00:33 »
the plane under is unesesarry you c an remove it, okay, then rig the flag and make some animations :)