Author Topic: Massacre  (Read 4127 times)


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« on: 24 May 2010, 23:46:29 »
Yea i know right fluffy and a new mod. Well not entirely . This mod is based on the glade's future, but idk whats happening to the future, but now in the present , i've been working on this mod for awhile. No its not finished and it won't be for a month at least. It is a little mix from my unfinished mod 2121 , so they are mixing together with this mod and taken some pointers from john.d.h. Now for the short , but sweet part it consist of three factions: TerraNation(WWII/futuristic), Splurg(Parasitic race).Last and thanks to john. Keepers(synthetic/robotic). Yes i will post screenshots and yes i will update you guys. This does have a back story if you wanna read it here it is (for those who care about a great story with awesome graphics/game play)The TerraNation A great majestic civilization , which was formed early on. Their early development of democracy and technology easily saw them to persuade and conquer the other nations. This created a peace of all times. The creation of weapons and scientific research were for somewhat put on the back burner for there is no competition , no one to fight , and no one to contend . Then one day in the most desolate , unforgiving territories Or "State" of the TerraNation a asteroid impacted this planet at such a high velocity that it was like setting off 10 hydrogen Or "Nuclear" bombs. This gave the TerraNation a pause , to them they did not understand what happened.The TerraNation military quickly mobilized into an investigation. Now they have quarantined the area , built up bases around the asteroid in order to study it. For what was on the back burner "science and military" was now on the front line. The TerraNation's bases where slowly losing people , no one knew why , they couldn't find them anywhere in this desolate area , there was nowhere to go. This started to cause panic cause the numbers started to increase more and more were just disappearing , No reason why , they were just gone. One night the TerraNation loses all contact with the base. They went to investigate the missing bases. When they get within a rough estimate of where the bases used to be. The forces sent to investigate are blinded by this almost heavenly light. It almost floats towards the ground as this unknown light lands with a pin needle precision.The forces quickly panic rush back to the safety of the inner Territory and report their findings.TerraNation amongst hearing this news send their mobilized army to fight this unknown thing in the desolate territory cause they suspect this is what made their bases lose communication.
Once they arrive they see blue flashes they hear what they believe to be thunder cracking all around them and the sky turned a bluish black. If there was a hell to these people they were in it. They instantly spot these things , they were in a state of awe at these things they couldn't explain it. As they were standing not more than a kilometer away , So close and no one was firing. They weren't being fired upon so the man of the TerraNation were puzzled as to what was going on.As soon as the soldier's started to think for them selves and realize that they weren't being attacked. A command Startling said "fffirrree" and out came a hellish amount of armature. They didn't know what to do so they just started shooting anything that moved.As they started hitting the things.The things were now starting to realize they are being targeted so now they divide.The soldier's see their movement and before they can react.Crackling of thunder struck everywhere people were dropping , the vehicles were being melted through. They then realized this is what war was like , what fighting for your life was , fighting for what you believe was and what dieing for your freedom was. They started losing ground so fast they were at the inner territory before morning.Safe behind their inner territory they come to find out that their bases weren't being destroyed by this robots of unknown origin. Their bases where being mutated and transformed , by this asteroid . Some sort of parasite has been unleashed.The robots weren't their to destroy them , they were there to keep them safe. After realizing this it was too late these robots or "Keepers" as they were called by the TerraNation. Wouldn't , Couldn't see reason they were programed to engage the parasitic race , known as the splurg , but if  harmed they were to eliminate the threat. See the splurg have been around since almost time itself. When they came to a planet which was made up of a highly intelligent life known as the vanguard. They waged war for which like seemed forever until. The vanguard found out a way to make a synthetic race of robots that would fight the splurg for them , no more need for vanguard blood to be spilled. These robots , Keepers if you would , fought them on this planet along with the vanguard, until one day the vanguard realized they were losing , so they left the planet in hopes of finding a new home. What the vanguard didn't realize is the adaptablity of their creations and their almost no need for resources. The Keepers than waged the war for the Vanguard. In a haste the splurg realized they were now on the back side of this war and collected and left for the next weak , helpless planet. From then until now the Keepers and the splurg have been at a stand still fighting everywhere. Now the TerraNation is in the middle , Question is who do you want to win this one?
Hope you enjoyed this, feedback please  :thumbup:
« Last Edit: 24 May 2010, 23:50:48 by Fluffy203 »


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Re: Massacre
« Reply #1 on: 25 May 2010, 03:57:31 »
Cool, so it will include some of the stuff from 2121...  :|
Can't wait for new screenshots.  :thumbup:
This is supposed to be a future GLADE project or what though...  :confused:
Hmm, the bad thing about this forum theme is that it makes it even harder to read a large amount of text...  :| :(
End OT.


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Re: Massacre
« Reply #2 on: 25 May 2010, 05:55:04 »
Sounds great! Cant wait for screen shots, and I hope this mod will be finished.
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Re: Massacre
« Reply #3 on: 25 May 2010, 13:15:09 »
I love the idea hope to see it made :) :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:


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Re: Massacre
« Reply #4 on: 25 May 2010, 13:21:14 »
Why not?  :O this seems good...atfirst...hopefully at last....


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Re: Massacre
« Reply #5 on: 25 May 2010, 20:57:37 »
Cool, so it will include some of the stuff from 2121..
Yes it will , actually the splurg in general with tweaking , i'll make a new site cause that one is yea lol

This is supposed to be a future GLADE project or what though...
actually i don't know , i'm the only one working on it and eliminator is working on his and i don't know what john is up to , so i would have to say no  :thumbdown:

Hmm, the bad thing about this forum theme is that it makes it even harder to read a large amount of text...  No Opinion Sad
  Yea sorry , i just put the whole story on there for the people that care , when i get a site up , if i get it up i'll post it up there.

I'll update the first post with screens on friday of this week and take off the story.

I hope this mod will be finished
Me too  :thumbup:


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Re: Massacre
« Reply #6 on: 25 May 2010, 21:19:29 »
This is supposed to be a future GLADE project or what though...
actually i don't know , i'm the only one working on it and eliminator is working on his and i don't know what john is up to , so i would have to say no  :thumbdown:
So this is basically just the project we've been working on, plus your old splurge stuff, right?  If so, I have no problem supporting it.  I guess it sounds like the Invader I made won't see any use, but it sounds like my Tripod, Skimmer, and EMP Bomb would go great with the Keeper faction (and all three are almost done, just the Skimmer needs a texture and so does part of the bomb).


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Re: Massacre
« Reply #7 on: 25 May 2010, 23:48:41 »
No , its gone a completely different way than what we had been working on.
I guess it sounds like the Invader I made won't see any use
i could make a little video of him dancing lol


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Re: Massacre
« Reply #8 on: 26 May 2010, 00:02:09 »
No , its gone a completely different way than what we had been working on.


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Re: Massacre
« Reply #9 on: 26 May 2010, 00:25:01 »
ouch don't do that , its not like we were very far lol , but i did hit a snag let me see if you can help me with it , ok i made a build animation ,SWEET , i know , but when i put it in game it doesn't show at all just a still model , so i'm like WTF , go back put my mats back on my models check everything reexport , ok in game same thing , WTF , now i'm a little annoyed this should've taken like 15 mins , so i go to g3d viewer and bam to my amazement it is working perfectly there. So now i'm puzzled and need some fresh not angry minds to help. i've also set the anim-speed to 1-1000 to find out if that was the case.


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Re: Massacre
« Reply #10 on: 26 May 2010, 00:56:28 »
ouch don't do that , its not like we were very far lol
We modeled damn near the entire faction.  In what alternate reality are you living where that doesn't count as getting far?


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Re: Massacre
« Reply #11 on: 26 May 2010, 01:19:08 »
not only modeled , textured and animated , i have everything still done , except your tripod and skimmer , but all the other sources are on my hard drive. Well it counts as getting far , but i'm just saying it won't take me long lol


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Re: Massacre
« Reply #12 on: 26 May 2010, 01:57:42 »
Wait, so are you using the old stuff that's already made or starting over from (almost) scratch?


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Re: Massacre
« Reply #13 on: 26 May 2010, 02:02:12 »
Don't slam you head against a desk , but from scratch the concepts clash , so it wouldn't work at all , exvept i think i'll be using jamines tank model  :thumbup:


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Re: Massacre
« Reply #14 on: 26 May 2010, 19:33:21 »
Ugh... dude, I'm done working with you.  If everything I do is just going to end up in a scrap heap with all your other abandoned ideas, then it's not worth the trouble.


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Re: Massacre
« Reply #15 on: 26 May 2010, 20:51:51 »
dude you modeled three things , the invader , tripod and the skimmer , thats it . You haven't been working with me and it isn't an abandoned idea. Like i said you can have the source files , but i didn't expect you to work with me. so why so hostile, you act like you put so much work into the project? Plus the concept of what i'm making has nothing to do with a tripod , skimmer , or an invader so it wouldn't work.  8)


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Re: Massacre
« Reply #16 on: 30 May 2010, 19:23:43 »
Actually, I put a lot of work into all of those, but I probably did overreact a bit.  My bad.


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Re: Massacre
« Reply #17 on: 30 May 2010, 19:35:06 »
Yea , i would've reacted the same way , so i can't blame you for that at all. I did just drop it out of nowhere , but i couldn't help it when i went back and read 2121--massacre. I never got to read your post on it , so when i read it , it sparked an ignition of inspiration for ideas and made me want to actually finish/tweak the mod.
This might be semi-OT, but this is just to keep anybody from griping about the similarities between the Splurge and other species of a similar flavor.  There's not a whole lot else going on in this thread, so I don't think I'm interrupting anything. Wink

Biotech-based aliens are hardly anything new and nobody owns the idea.  Heck, humans use biotechnology a lot more than you might think.  We tamed wolves and turned them into highly-specialized dogs that are in some cases better than just about anything nature ever produced on its own (like the bloodhound's uncanny tracking ability).  Then take a look at wheat, of which we cultivate hundreds of millions of tons per year, and which was just another regular kind of grass before we got a hold of it.  Our domestic cattle are selectively bred and so pumped full of hormones that they barely resemble anything occurring in nature, and let's not even get into how they're trying to come up with featherless chickens because those things are borderline nightmare fuel.  Add biological weapons to all of that and the fact that computers based off of genetic material are predicted to overtake their silicon counterparts in the next few years and you can where biotechnology has taken us farther in some cases than mechanical technology has.  It just so happens that our horse breeding didn't keep up with automotive manufacturing and we have a lot easier time building new and better machines than breeding new and better organisms to take care of our needs, but it's easy to imagine how that could very easily go the other way, especially on an alien world with very sparse/inaccessible minerals resources but lots of biodiversity and thriving ecosystems.

After reading that i had to do it. Now i've figured out a way to incorporate your tripod and skimmer , if you will allow me to use them that is.  :thumbup:


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Re: Massacre
« Reply #18 on: 30 May 2010, 20:33:48 »
After reading that i had to do it. Now i've figured out a way to incorporate your tripod and skimmer , if you will allow me to use them that is.  :thumbup:
I have no problem going that route, but I think it might be easier to go ahead and finish what we have started, since all we need are like a couple units (Exo Suit, Reclaimer, Weapons Center, and Space Port, I think).  They wouldn't really have a human faction to fight against, but they could be balanced against Omega's Military, or maybe included as an add-on for Massacre, since you've got the human faction which sounds conceptually a lot like what we were already working on.  I just think it's better to go ahead and finish what we have already since it's pretty close to being done.


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Re: Massacre
« Reply #19 on: 30 May 2010, 20:56:53 »
I have it mostly done , i'll send you the source files , with everything i got so that you can build in your tripod and skimmer later tonight. I'll post some screen shots tonight of the keepers  :thumbup:


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Re: Massacre
« Reply #20 on: 30 May 2010, 21:47:03 »
I have it mostly done , i'll send you the source files , with everything i got so that you can build in your tripod and skimmer later tonight. I'll post some screen shots tonight of the keepers  :thumbup:
Sounds good. :thumbup:


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Re: Massacre
« Reply #21 on: 31 May 2010, 00:51:01 »

Little Helper

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Re: Massacre
« Reply #22 on: 31 May 2010, 05:57:14 »
I am willing to help out on animations! Besides walking  :-X


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Re: Massacre
« Reply #23 on: 31 May 2010, 06:41:52 »
source files
I know it's probably a pain in the ass to export so many models, but MAX files really don't do me any good.


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Re: Massacre
« Reply #24 on: 31 May 2010, 19:15:35 »
John, I'm still willing to help you on that project. :) Can I help with the anims? :D
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