Okay, as many know me and Wyvern are creating a WWI based FAction, and we are planning on Huuuge maps with the new GAE [16ppl] version, and therefore, what kind of huuge maps do you want? all the maps must be compatible with seafaring,lots of air space, open areas aswell as forests, okay, now you got a good idea of what the maps going to be like. Don`t worry about loading, Since the huger maps, the less quality the models will need to be. Don`t worry about what quality you will see, the zoomign outwards will be good aswell! [If I can get some help from a coder-friend of mine]
Lotsa space is keyword, We`re basically expanding the game so it can be more massive, and the two WWs were very huuge. If wanted smaller maps can be created for small team battles too.