Quote from: -Archmage- on Today at 10:26:00
He wouldn't pay a penny(except for his jail time already of course) for what he's done, he would just go out painlessly like a light.
And what's the problem with that? There's no reason to torture the poor bastard and make him mull over what he's done. Just get rid of him and move on.
John, he's torturing himself.
With the death penalty:
Let's say, hypothetically of course, I'm a criminal, I want to go rape and kill a girl. Maybe I can get away with it but what if I get caught? So what, they stick a needle in me and I just kinda get sleepy and don't wake up again. Not much to fear, I think doing that would be worth it(remember this is hypothetical)!
Without the death penalty:
Let's say(again hypothetically), I'm a criminal, I want to go rape and kill some girl I might be able to get away with it, but what if I get caught? If I get caught they're most likely going to put me in a box with crappy food and not much to do. A lot to fear there, I don't think I want to do that!
Basically, the death penalty encourages criminality.
On top off that: With the death penalty you don't have to worry about facing your family.
And another thing on top of that: Without the death penalty, innocent people can still be there to see their family.
Example: I have a cousin(I think he's my cousin) who's in jail for life(murder), I've only seen him once, he was a very nice guy, not the kind of guy that would kill, everyone in our family is absolutely sure he's innocent, and after meeting him, I'm inclined to agree. He's not dead, so he at least has some of his life, being able to see his family. Kill him and you just take away the entirety of an innocent guys life.
Jails are already built so we aren't "wasting" shelter, we have it to use, and I believe that it's much better to let them spend the rest of their lives suffering with the knowledge of the wrong they did. As for food, just give them some kind of nutrient paste. Give them the option of a proper meal if the family provides it or some company donate some meals.
We may not have to build new jails, but we sure have to provide them with electricity, guards, etc. In 2007, the United States spent about six billion dollars per year to house its inmates.
Oh, dummy me, completely forgot about the upkeep of the jails.
I think I have to agree that certain people don't deserve any form of life, but I don't think killing them is right, for people like Saddem Hussein(did I spell that right?), I think he should've be given solitary confinement for life, give him nutrient paste and water to live on.