Author Topic: Abortion  (Read 9890 times)


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Re: Abortion
« Reply #50 on: 1 June 2010, 21:37:51 »
Those gross pictures are simply depicting what you believe to be a mother's right.

idk what depicting means, you mean thats what my opinion is?
But a warning could be some use...

Look it up.

Because if so, you're simply wrong. All sperm is fertilize eggs. Roll Eyes

yet you say that every unborn baby is a potential human...

1- I forgot to type a word in there, unfortunately it was a critical word....... It should have been: Because if so, you're simply wrong. All sperm does is fertilize eggs.

2- Modman was the one that said unborn babies are potential Humans. Not me.

Are you saying you believe that sperm develop into Humans?

and those egg-cells? right?

Sperm, as far as I know, is simply a fertilizing cell that carries a copy of the genome from the dude that made the thing.
There's probably a lot more to the picture than that though....

what i am saying is that a girl has the right to remove her baby [at the time when the baby isn`t yet a human] and kill it if she wants to do so.

You're missing something, it's not her baby in terms of ownership. It's her baby the same way Jordan is my friend, I don't have any right to kill him, the same way a mother doesn't have any right a kill a baby. Sure you could say that Jordan didn't come about by rape, and the baby did, but the baby is innocent, and Jordan is innocent, how they came about doesn't matter.

From an abortionist site:
The heart begins to beat at 18 days.

Another quote:
The body of the unborn baby is more complex than ours.


so what you are saying is that raping is preserving life?


And then you protect rape, why don`t you go out and rape evry girl you see, after all, then you are doing us a favour when keeping life as it is...

I'm not protecting rape at all.

Would you like me to give you an analogy using sand?

yep ofc you can...

Sorry, at the time I had a good analogy but it's been 3 hours, I kinda forgot it......

okay, so there isn`t really anything hindering it other than that you want to keep the baby? [your morality as a person wants to keep the baby]

If you've been paying attention morality isn't the only reason not to murder a baby. Besides morality is huge! Without morality, life is meaningless, there is no reason not to kill a baby if life is meaningless! The same way that there is no reason not to kill an adult if life is meaningless.

Once again you're talking about a cell, not a Human being.

once again you fail to not contradict yourself, seriously, previously some named "Archmage" were talking about how a cell has the potential to become a grown human being, yeah, im talking about the same cell as you did previously.

Care to quote, because last I knew Modman was the one that said that, and I was the one that replied against it. ::)

Money isn't alive, a Human being is.


i tried to find examples for f***ing h*ll!!

Just like you with Evolution, you want to claim you have proof/examples, yet practically nothing appears, so you just have faith.

I've certainly seen enough bad examples.....

oh comon, you`ve certainly ignored my previous quote completely...
[i know it was not a living thing i did create, but i just provide a example]

And you're good example(s) are/is where? :|

I belive that abortion is a womans right to chose, but it shall not be used as a birth control device. A womans body is hers and noone elses. Nobody has the right to make her do something she does not want to, if anyone wants the baby to live on, then they can get their own baby. Her rights and choices when it comes to abortion should not be influenced by any other. Regardless any morals, a woman should have the right to choose.

Allow me to translate that from mushy and leavey-outty talk to reality talk:

"I believe that murder of an unborn infant is a woman's right to choose, but it shall not be used as a birth control device. A woman's body is her own and no one else's. Nobody but her should have any choice/ whatsoever of what happens to that unborn baby, even if her husband was the one who fertilized the egg. Regardless of the one thing that makes us who we are a woman should have the right to murder. Oh BTW, did I mention that I think infantacide should be legalized."
Egypt Remastered!

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Re: Abortion
« Reply #51 on: 1 June 2010, 22:00:37 »
"I believe that murder of an unborn infant is a woman's right to choose, but it shall not be used as a birth control device. A woman's body is her own and no one else's. Nobody but her should have any choice/ whatsoever of what happens to that unborn baby, even if her husband was the one who fertilized the egg. Regardless of the one thing that makes us who we are a woman should have the right to murder. Oh BTW, did I mention that I think infantacide should be legalized."

what a anyways, here goes translation: I belive the pure execution of a fetus is a womans right to coose IF she have been raped or it is better of that the baby doesn`t see earth. This shall oviously not be used as a birth control device. Nobody should EVER interfer with what she chooses to do with the fetus, even if her husband fertilized the egg, because the husband does not have anything to do with the womans body. The woman should have the right to execute a fetus. Oh BTW, did i mention that a fetus is not  baby?
A baby is a person, and an unborn baby , an unborn baby isn't a potential Human, it's a Human in development. Unless someone kills it or something goes wrong that unborn baby is going to be born and grow up.

2- Modman was the one that said unborn babies are potential Humans. Not me.

now that answers itself...

oh BTW, a unborn baby isn`t a potential human yet a human in development? Sorry, but a birth can go wrong and then it was only a potential human unless you are a determinist.

All sperm does is fertilize eggs.

AT NO TIME IN HISTORY have it happened that all the millions of sperm cells have fertilized a egg...

it's not her baby in terms of ownership

It`s her baby, if she wants to not give it birth, then so be it.

Sperm, as far as I know, is simply a fertilizing cell that carries a copy of the genome from the dude that made the thing.
There's probably a lot more to the picture than that though....

so since thats complicated we are not getting into this?

read some of the site, and something about 40 days the brain starts to work, but does that mean the aby got a fully working brain?

no more time, i got to go to bed cya...


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Re: Abortion
« Reply #52 on: 1 June 2010, 22:40:33 »
It is probably best to explain my state in this right now so noone needs to be hacking on me contraicting myself:

I belive that abortion is a womans right to chose, but it shall not be used as a birth control device. A womans body is hers and noone elses. Nobody has the right to make her do something she does not want to, if anyone wants the baby to live on, then they can get their own baby. Her rights and choices when it comes to abortion should not be influenced by any other. Regardless any morals, a woman should have the right to choose.

This is EXACTLY what I believe. Are we the only ones that support womens right? everyone else is practically saying a women is worthless and have no right to choose if she want a baby or not and its her body she can do what she wants with it.


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Re: Abortion
« Reply #53 on: 1 June 2010, 22:43:02 »
ModMan supports it, arch and Omega is bein sexist..what a world we live in lmao..


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Re: Abortion
« Reply #54 on: 1 June 2010, 22:44:16 »
I believe that abortion is a womans right to chose, but it shall not be used as a birth control device. A womans body is hers and noone elses. Nobody has the right to make her do something she does not want to, if anyone wants the baby to live on, then they can get their own baby. Her rights and choices when it comes to abortion should not be influenced by any other. Regardless any morals, a woman should have the right to choose.
Yes, that's my opinion on it.
Still, I think abortion is wrong at most times...but sometimes, unfortunately, it is needed.


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Re: Abortion
« Reply #55 on: 2 June 2010, 04:53:20 »
Murder is the UNLAWFUL killing of a person.

So for abortion to be murder it must:
1) be unlawful.  You obviously haven't read up on Roe v. Wade because abortion has been legal in the US for over 35 years.
2) be killing.  I agree it is killing, but of what?  Killing your own cattle isn't murder, and neither is killing chimpanzees, who share 98% of our DNA.  It could be argued (I will not) that killing a chimpanzee is murder 98 times out of 100.
3) be a person.  I will demonstrate later in this post why fetuses are not people.

Definition of potential: Existing in possibility
A baby is a person, and an unborn baby , an unborn baby isn't a potential Human, it's a Human in development. Unless someone kills it or something goes wrong that unborn baby is going to be born and grow up.

I'm interested in how you can rationalize these two statements.  If it isn't a human yet, it is a potential, possible human.

Modman, killing cells on my nose isn't the same. It's my body and I can scratch my nose if I want. And no, Modman, cells on my nose aren't going to develop into another Human being.

Ah, but they are similar in an important way: by doing so, you will have destroyed the possibility, the potential for those humans.  You see, having a full set of human DNA, like a fetus does, does not make it a human, only a potential human.  We can create full-blown human beings from any full set of DNA.  Even though the cells on your nose will not turn into human beings on their own, they have the potential.  This is why killing potential humans is not equivalent to killing full-blown humans.

Also, it is impossible to have two full humans in one body when both have the same rights.  One will always have veto power, and in this case it is the mother, because the fetus is dependent on the mother.

(click to show/hide)

Wow.  After I just explained why posting that stuff is foolishness too...

Here are the reasons.
1) It adds nothing to the debate.  You are proving nothing by showing this.  I suppose I could convince y'all to be vegetarians too of I posted YouTube clips of cows and pigs being killed.
2) By doing so you have made the issue emotional.  I hope I don't have to explain to you that emotional discussions aren't generally rational ones.  The same goes for opinions made because of emotion.  Patriot Act anyone?

(click to show/hide)

You're missing something, it's not her baby in terms of ownership. It's her baby the same way Jordan is my friend, I don't have any right to kill him, the same way a mother doesn't have any right a kill a baby. Sure you could say that Jordan didn't come about by rape, and the baby did, but the baby is innocent, and Jordan is innocent, how they came about doesn't matter.

No, you're missing something.  Do you honestly think that a baby and its mother are in the same medical status as a boy and his friend?  Gimme a break.  Jordan is not dependent on you.  He would not die if you did.  He does not receive all of his nutrients through an umbilical chord attached to you.

Quick (rhetorical, because I know the answer is yes) question: doesn't Christianity teach that we're all damned unless we're saved?  This puts all Hell.  So we already know you don't believe one of these two: the statement quoted above about babies being innocent, or the Christian doctrine.

Just like you with Evolution, you want to claim you have proof/examples, yet practically nothing appears, so you just have faith.

Um, no, in the evolution debate you repeated your old "arguments" (repetition of fallacies, a task more suited to computers, but then we call them spam bots!) until no one bothered typing anymore.  In this case, the debate is yet young.  I also see it as...a step in the right direction that you do not see faith as a reason for believing something.

"'. . . Oh BTW, did I mention that I think infanticide should be legalized.'"

Sorry I have to bring this up, but according to the Bible, God was the one who came up with infanticide.  Try reading Noah's tale a little more closely next time (the story does not turn out well for the babies or T-Rex).


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Re: Abortion
« Reply #56 on: 2 June 2010, 05:51:47 »
This is EXACTLY what I believe. Are we the only ones that support womens right? everyone else is practically saying a women is worthless and have no right to choose if she want a baby or not and its her body she can do what she wants with it.

Supporting women's rights? I am all for equal rights. You just don't seem to understand THAT YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO KILL A BABY. Just because you put the word 'right' in front of it doesn't make it a right.
Seriously, what do you think gives you a "right" to kill an innocent baby?

This feeble attempt to justify abortion by claiming that a fetus is not a Human being is silly!
A fetus is a Human being in development, sure it doesn't have all the features that classify it legally as a Human being yet, but screw the legalities(the law only dictates what Humans are allowed to do in the region that the law takes effect, a law has no real effect on reality), but that baby has the genome and it's building itself, call it a fetus or a baby, it's still a Human in development.

Gabbe, I'm going to respond to the reasonable stuff you said, but some of the stuff you said is just simply wrong.

A baby is a person, and an unborn baby , an unborn baby isn't a potential Human, it's a Human in development. Unless someone kills it or something goes wrong that unborn baby is going to be born and grow up.

2- Modman was the one that said unborn babies are potential Humans. Not me.

now that answers itself...

oh BTW, a unborn baby isn`t a potential human yet a human in development? Sorry, but a birth can go wrong and then it was only a potential human unless you are a determinist.

That was a bad argument, at the time I thought I present would it anyway to see what happened. :P

All sperm does is fertilize eggs.

AT NO TIME IN HISTORY have it happened that all the millions of sperm cells have fertilized a egg...

I'm pretty sure only one is needed to fertilize and egg, yet lots are ejaculated to cover the area better. :| Is this an argument about killing reproductive fertilizing cells?

it's not her baby in terms of ownership

It`s her baby, if she wants to not give it birth, then so be it.

So I can buy you? How much will it cost?

no more time, i got to go to bed cya...

I'm slightly nocturnal myself. ;D

arch and Omega is bein sexist..

We aren't being sexist, you're the ones unjustifiably accusing us of and using the term sexist to back up you're sexist beliefs.
I can back that up with one sentence: You are claiming that women exclusively should have a special right to kill a baby, Omega and I are the ones claiming that women have EQUAL rights and must respect others' rights as the rest of us must.

A baby is a Human being, he/she HAS RIGHTS. Especially a right to LIVE, just as the rest of us do.

Quote from: -Archmage- on May 31, 2010, 16:45:42
Murder is the UNLAWFUL killing of a person.

So for abortion to be murder it must:
1) be unlawful.  You obviously haven't read up on Roe v. Wade because abortion has been legal in the US for over 35 years.
2) be killing.  I agree it is killing, but of what?  Killing your own cattle isn't murder, and neither is killing chimpanzees, who share 98% of our DNA.  It could be argued (I will not) that killing a chimpanzee is murder 98 times out of 100.
3) be a person.  I will demonstrate later in this post why fetuses are not people.

1- As previously stated: "the law only dictates what Humans are allowed to do in the region that the law takes effect, a law has no real effect on reality". I think a better word in the definition of murder would be immoral. But no, it has to be "politically correct". :P
2- It is the law that says killing cattle isn't murder, it is the law that says killing chimpanzees isn't murder.
3-Bring it on.

Quote from: -Archmage- on May 31, 2010, 16:45:42
Definition of potential: Existing in possibility
Quote from: -Archmage- on May 31, 2010, 16:45:42
A baby is a person, and an unborn baby , an unborn baby isn't a potential Human, it's a Human in development. Unless someone kills it or something goes wrong that unborn baby is going to be born and grow up.

I'm interested in how you can rationalize these two statements.  If it isn't a human yet, it is a potential, possible human.

Yah, I know, bad argument.

Ah, but they are similar in an important way: by doing so, you will have destroyed the possibility, the potential for those humans.  You see, having a full set of human DNA, like a fetus does, does not make it a human, only a potential human.  We can create full-blown human beings from any full set of DNA.  Even though the cells on your nose will not turn into human beings on their own, they have the potential.  This is why killing potential humans is not equivalent to killing full-blown humans.

The cells on my nose aren't growing into Humans, a fetus is.

Also, it is impossible to have two full humans in one body when both have the same rights.  One will always have veto power, and in this case it is the mother, because the fetus is dependent on the mother.

A baby is a separate being, whether the law realizes it or not. The baby needs the mother to grow, using a metal implement and severing it's life mercilessly is cruel and against all the morality that makes us who we are. Taking a pill that turns the baby off like a light would be more humane, but still any method of killing is evil when it cannot be justified, there is simply no good strong justification for killing an innocent little baby. The fetus may be dependent upon the mother, but killing it would be like an innocent kid needing my help to protect him from a bully that likes to beat people to death, and me picking up the kid and giving him to the bully(that's something I wouldn't do).

No, you're missing something.  Do you honestly think that a baby and its mother are in the same medical status as a boy and his friend?  Gimme a break.  Jordan is not dependent on you.  He would not die if you did.  He does not receive all of his nutrients through an umbilical chord attached to you.

Yes, but I have a sense of morality, and I would help him if his life was dependant upon my actions. It wouldn't be my right to purposefully let him die.

Quick (rhetorical, because I know the answer is yes) question: doesn't Christianity teach that we're all damned unless we're saved?  This puts all Hell.  So we already know you don't believe one of these two: the statement quoted above about babies being innocent, or the Christian doctrine.

Something real quick for you: I don't believe in the "being saved" stuff. Absolutely no proof for it.

Quote from: -Archmage- on June 01, 2010, 18:42:39
Just like you with Evolution, you want to claim you have proof/examples, yet practically nothing appears, so you just have faith.

Um, no, in the evolution debate you repeated your old "arguments" (repetition of fallacies, a task more suited to computers, but then we call them spam bots!) until no one bothered typing anymore.  In this case, the debate is yet young.  I also see it as...a step in the right direction that you do not see faith as a reason for believing something.

I have seen so much proof against Evolution that I'm sure I could get you sent to an asylum for being ridiculously illogical beyond bounds, though I'm still building up my new armorment, so you don't need to worry yet. :P

Quote from: -Archmage- on June 01, 2010, 18:42:39
"'. . . Oh BTW, did I mention that I think infanticide should be legalized.'"

Sorry I have to bring this up, but according to the Bible, God was the one who came up with infanticide.  Try reading Noah's tale a little more closely next time (the story does not turn out well for the babies or T-Rex).

You're forgetting that the Bible has probably been tampered with as it was passed down. That would be a pretty ingenious way to get people to pay money to be "saved". "God's gonna get ur babies if you don't pay this much money and get saved!" Even if the Bible hasn't been tampered with, try doing God's job and tell everyone that you can do it better than him.

You guys are atheists anyway, you don't care about life, Humans ARE objects to you. >:(

This post was written over about an hour, and Modman's post came when I was just about done responding to everything else, I'm sure I repeated myself, but I'm to tired to spend another half-an-hour and revise this large post so please just ignore the repeats, and bits of disorder.
Egypt Remastered!

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Re: Abortion
« Reply #57 on: 2 June 2010, 06:25:39 »
mhm screw the laws...

Fetus refers to a stage in human development.

a baby is very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk.

omg how little time i have these days...hope that helps you arch..


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Re: Abortion
« Reply #58 on: 2 June 2010, 06:43:44 »
Oh, God, please spare me this bullshit about killing innocent beings!

I think I'll withdraw now, for the sake of friendship.
Egypt Remastered!

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Re: Abortion
« Reply #59 on: 2 June 2010, 07:35:34 »
Supporting women's rights? I am all for equal rights. You just don't seem to understand THAT YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO KILL A BABY. Just because you put the word 'right' in front of it doesn't make it a right.  Seriously, what do you think gives you a "right" to kill an innocent baby?
Whatever you call it, it is your right if the government allows you to do it.  For example, if marijuana suddenly became legal here, it would be my right to smoke it, whether or not you see it as moral.

A fetus is a Human being in development, sure it doesn't have all the features that classify it legally as a Human being yet, but screw the legalities(the law only dictates what Humans are allowed to do in the region that the law takes effect, a law has no real effect on reality), but that baby has the genome and it's building itself, call it a fetus or a baby, it's still a Human in development.

And now you seem to be advocating for doing whatever you want, if you feel like it.  Great!  That makes the laws frivolous, meaningless.  And a country with no rule of law is called an anarchy.  In this way, you're not that different from catmystery.

And babies don't just "build themselves".  This should be apparent from the fact that they need umbilical chords.

it's not her baby in terms of ownership

It`s her baby, if she wants to not give it birth, then so be it.

So I can buy you? How much will it cost?

"First rule of capitalism: a product is worth as much as a buyer will pay for it."  That's true, but I'm half-joking.

arch and Omega is bein sexist..

We aren't being sexist, you're the ones unjustifiably accusing us of and using the term sexist to back up you're sexist beliefs.  I can back that up with one sentence: You are claiming that women exclusively should have a special right to kill a baby, Omega and I are the ones claiming that women have EQUAL rights and must respect others' rights as the rest of us must.

The people who need to agree on whether to have the abortion is a separate topic.  Let's try not to get sidetracked.  I mean, if you think abortion is wrong in the first place, we're not going to have a very meaningful discussion on who needs to agree on whether to have the abortion.

Ah, but they are similar in an important way: by doing so, you will have destroyed the possibility, the potential for those humans.  You see, having a full set of human DNA, like a fetus does, does not make it a human, only a potential human.  We can create full-blown human beings from any full set of DNA.  Even though the cells on your nose will not turn into human beings on their own, they have the potential.  This is why killing potential humans is not equivalent to killing full-blown humans.

The cells on my nose aren't growing into Humans, a fetus is.

Like I said, nose cells will not naturally turn into humans.  Those cells are potential humans nevertheless.  What about the word "potential" do you not understand?

Also, it is impossible to have two full humans in one body when both have the same rights.  One will always have veto power, and in this case it is the mother, because the fetus is dependent on the mother.

A baby is a separate being, whether the law realizes it or not. The baby needs the mother to grow, using a metal implement and severing it's life mercilessly is cruel and against all the morality that makes us who we are. Taking a pill that turns the baby off like a light would be more humane, but still any method of killing is evil when it cannot be justified, there is simply no good strong justification for killing an innocent little baby. The fetus may be dependent upon the mother, but killing it would be like an innocent kid needing my help to protect him from a bully that likes to beat people to death, and me picking up the kid and giving him to the bully(that's something I wouldn't do).

I don't think you understand.  The fetus is not an independent organism.  If the mother's life is in jeopardy, the mother must be given the right to terminate the pregnancy.  Otherwise you are sacrificing a living person for one that is still dependent on that person.  The same goes for other fundamental rights, like liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

No, you're missing something.  Do you honestly think that a baby and its mother are in the same medical status as a boy and his friend?  Gimme a break.  Jordan is not dependent on you.  He would not die if you did.  He does not receive all of his nutrients through an umbilical chord attached to you.

Yes, but I have a sense of morality, and I would help him if his life was dependant upon my actions. It wouldn't be my right to purposefully let him die.
Quit pursuing that broken analogy.  You cannot use it because it doesn't really matter what morality you have.  His life is not contingent on your decisions.  Sorry for being harsh (brace for it) but he doesn't need you to survive.

Quick (rhetorical, because I know the answer is yes) question: doesn't Christianity teach that we're all damned unless we're saved?  This puts all Hell.  So we already know you don't believe one of these two: the statement quoted above about babies being innocent, or the Christian doctrine.
Something real quick for you: I don't believe in the "being saved" stuff. Absolutely no proof for it.

Congratulations on that.  Now what about Omega?  Please answer the same question.

You're forgetting that the Bible has probably been tampered with as it was passed down. That would be a pretty ingenious way to get people to pay money to be "saved". "God's gonna get ur babies if you don't pay this much money and get saved!" Even if the Bible hasn't been tampered with, try doing God's job and tell everyone that you can do it better than him.  You guys are atheists anyway, you don't care about life, Humans ARE objects to you. >:(

I agree with the first part 100% (and no, I didn't forget).  And if by saying "Humans are objects to you" you mean atheists can look at everything, including life, through an objective lens, then yes, humans are objects.

This post was written over about an hour, and Modman's post came when I was just about done responding to everything else, I'm sure I repeated myself, but I'm to tired to spend another half-an-hour and revise this large post so please just ignore the repeats, and bits of disorder.[/quote]


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Re: Abortion
« Reply #60 on: 2 June 2010, 10:24:42 »
You guys are atheists anyway, you don't care about life, Humans ARE objects to you.
Atheists mean oyu don't beileve in God it doesn't say you don't care about life get your facts straight

And the people who are anti-abortionists: you are hipicrits because your people KILL the doctors that do abortions and that IS killing another person AND THAT IS CONSIDERED MURDER.

A fetus is just a thing inside the mother that allows the cell (fertilzed egg) to grow that can grow into a humans and I won't say potential because anything wrong can happen like misscariage or conjioned twins (they are 2 seprete people with one body)


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Re: Abortion
« Reply #61 on: 2 June 2010, 13:08:14 »
I think I'll withdraw now, for the sake of friendship.

im going to take some blame here, sometimes i can go lil hostile like...anyways...if we just stick to facts then friendship will be no danger  :)

Oh, God, please spare me this bullshit about killing innocent beings!

does this count for animals insects and any other creature for that sake? Let me tell you that if you eat meat, you`ve probably swallowed a deer or two, if your a vegetarian, you`ve eaten probably the food that most animals would need to survive, please spare me the bullshit about you thinking your moral, humans are probably the worst specie when it comes to morals...


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Re: Abortion
« Reply #62 on: 2 June 2010, 15:17:30 »
does this count for animals insects and any other creature for that sake? Let me tell you that if you eat meat, you`ve probably swallowed a deer or two, if your a vegetarian, you`ve eaten probably the food that most animals would need to survive, please spare me the bullshit about you thinking your moral, humans are probably the worst specie when it comes to morals...
Yes humans are the worst


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Re: Abortion
« Reply #63 on: 2 June 2010, 16:52:26 »
Regardless of the fact of morals, a woman has the right to privacy and choice to abort her fetus. The people that hold a "pro-life" view argue that a woman who has an abortion is killing a child. The "pro-choice" perspective holds this is not the case. A fetus is not yet a baby. It does not posses the criteria derived from our understanding of living human beings. Abortion deals with one's private life and should have nothing to do with the government. However, abortion should not be used as a means of birth control, but if a fetus will be unwanted, it is better to be aborted than to be abused or neglected. Many people try to force their beliefs on others and judge them for their actions. These people need to judge themselves before they start to judge others. The bottom line is no matter what anyone thinks the laws speak for themselves. It is a woman's right to privacy to control her reproductive system guaranteed by the constitution.

 :swordman: :archer: :swordman:


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Re: Abortion
« Reply #64 on: 3 June 2010, 20:52:33 »
arch and Omega is bein sexist..what a world we live in lmao..
Now you strike a nerve.  :wicked:

I am not sexist, I believe in equal rights among different genders, however, I don't think either males or females have the right to kill. I stand by my argument that abortion is murder, a fetus is a living human, and therefor, abortion is just as bad as killing the random joe across the street for no reason, but possibly even WORSE (its a baby for gods sake... Killing a harmless infant is the evilest thing anyone can commit!).

It is not just a religious stance. Even an athiest must realize that if murder is completely evil. (Hey look, that guy has a crooked nose! Let's go kill him! No?)

Like arch, I now withdraw from this conversation.
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Re: Abortion
« Reply #65 on: 3 June 2010, 20:58:37 »
the definition of baby and fetus sin`t the same...

Now you strike a nerve.

okay, sorry, but from my perspective it is true.

I belive also not the right to kill, the right to choose, it is not your body, why do you interfer?

Like arch, I now withdraw from this conversation.

... :thumbup:


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Re: Abortion
« Reply #66 on: 30 August 2010, 15:16:12 »

Every sperm is sacred! Every sperm si good! I the name of god!


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Re: Abortion
« Reply #67 on: 30 August 2010, 16:32:08 »
i think it's the mother's choice -- yes! to "kill" the unborn baby is of no good, but i would rather not impose my will onto the mother, who has her own life.

it might be not proper to convince the others to stand by your side, since this is a sharp question.

btw. does anyone study philosophy? i think this is the same kind of questions raised here, which talks about the "justice".

anyway, i think this is a good question, coz it makes ppl different after thinking about it.


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Re: Abortion
« Reply #68 on: 30 August 2010, 18:14:18 »
Oy vey, not this crap again.