it's never going to get us anywhere besides trying to strange each other
Strangle, right? Yeah, I guess, (depends). I would only like to do that in Glest...

or I mean megaglest, or GAE...

Arch, you are too one-sided...

That's the difference...
Also, who considers themselves Democrats here? No one even said that, and you are just judging...
False Judgment. Don't, please...

Obama said he would not make any more taxes when campaigning.
Now that he is in... He is making taxes.
Well, you can never really trust what a president says. Any. Whether what party they are in, etc...Sometimes, you can. Depends.
I don't think Obama is a great president...I also don't think he is a bad one too.
In the middle, like most, that's my "rating".
Hmm, I wonder what it would be like living in Canada...

(Although I'm not that far from...)

And I've been there...very nice and fun, and "cool".

Actually, if the Republicans AND the Democrats got out of the US, then
"we'd be so much better off without them!"
For the record, I'm leaning toward voting for Ron Paul, though it's really too early to tell.
Yeah, I agree.
Yep, too early. We'll see.

Huh. Sorry gabbe, (I guess) for the "OT" content of this topic (not the OT stuff in this post...)
It can't be helped. The US is... well, we know.

And when people debate on it, it can maybe get hectic, or not.

Maybe someone should create a US political debate topic... Oh, on second thought, don't. That will just continue the problems. (If there will be any)
For me, Norway can`t realy get any better, we still have to deal with having russia on our backs all the time, and we mere have 5 million citizens, and no military, but our economy is like the most super ownage ever
No military...? You mean generally, right? I'm pretty sure there were some Norwegian armies... probably more like groups.

Best economy? hmm...

how about the food? [OT alert]

EVERYTHING in the government is bad no good things at all and nothing would ever improve. Its better to have no government at all
No, what Modman said.

A government is's just that the US one has flaws...(but every type and government always has some)
It's needed. Sometimes they just don't to a good job...on somethings.