1. When you are starting a server but the port is already in use you get an error message (which doesn't look nice, yet). Once you clicked that error message away, you end up on the server configuration screen. This doesn't make sense since you cannot run the server if it cannot bind to the server port. Clicking any button will bring you back to the previous screen. That's fine for now, it's merely a matter of good looks and hardly a nuisance.
2. When announcing a server to the master server, it's currently possible to inject arbitrary values for the various fields. This allows for falsifying information on a server. It also allows for injecting values unexpected by the client. The client will then display error messages whenever it tries to parse the server list. This currently boild down to a DoS situation, since with the error messages popping up as soon as the master server info is parsed, clients will not be able to connect to any server whatsoever.
It's also possible to add and remove fields. This allows, for example, to promote fake servers listening on arbitrary IP addresses (currently only on the hard coded default port, though).