in warhead you gotta fight of some nasty korean nanosuits + those *** aliens, and those aliens are the worst, they get you aswell in one much for defence mode oh well... yeah, but the real bosses are those aliens, the koreans are pussies compared. I used to run around like a little baby doing not so much and get shoot in def mode, or joking around in cloak mode. BTW the AI on Warhead is better at aiming and pathfinding than the crysis one. Still, you gotta love the feel of crysis though...warhead i gotta tell you, got a great story! but you willl need to play crysis first or you won`t be able to follow the story. i overclocked my GPU just to enthusiast settings, they are like ownage! everyone should try the crysis series, even if you gotta buy a new GPU it is worth the money...