I just wanted to say that I've downloaded MG (beta 14) and without making any modifications, both the cursor movement and general movement within the game is very laggy/choppy. This means that if I move the cursor in any direction to explore, there is a lot of choppyness as if the play area was advancing 20 pixels at a time.
I wanted to compare and since I also have Glest installed, I ran it and there was no jerkyness or choppyness whatsoever and everything (cursor, play area, etc) was very smooth.
When I add the cursor code to the config file, it solves the cursor issue but it seems to make the game play much more laggy so there is a trade-off there. Changing resolutions and other settings also had little or no affect.
I'm wondering if MegaGlest has higher sys req than Glest or if these are just glitches since after all, this is a beta version.
I can provide a comparison of what I'm talking about in the form of a few videos if needed. Please let me know
- Thanks, GM