Probably all you need to do is to decide where they should be, and then list the "X,Y" Coordinates... I guess.
Ah. Can you tell me how to do that please?
this to learn about lau, the scripting language used for glest's scenarios.
Also, military's scenarios have a lot of scripting (the most scripting is found in the End of Morning Scenarios).
Basically, the command is:
createUnit('unit_name', #1, {x, y})
Where 'unit_name' is the exact name of the unit (all lowercase), #1 is the faction index, from 0-3 (ie: one for each of the four players), and {x,y} is pretty obvious.
Remember that the faction index must be the same faction that actually has that unit. So assuming player 0 is human and player 1 is the beasts, as well as you have a unit called 'beast' in the beast's faction, you could use:
createUnit('beast', 1, {55,20})
to create a unit at 55x 20y. Note that x and y are in CELLS, not TILES. A map that is 128x128 is actually 256x256 tiles (each tile has 2x2 cells). The last row and column aren't usable.