Factions being unbalanced: Yeah, I agree...sometimes they are...but it really depends on which...so which factions are you talking about?
Also, I sometimes see people just randomly disappear - only to pop up again in another place or enemy buildings disappear simply because one of my men walked into one of them. Is the "enemy" simply pulling up camp and relocating elsewhere?.
Could be, or just your computer... maybe record it so know what you are talking about? I'm still
on it...
Are these things normal and I'm just "not getting it" or are these actually bugs?. I must admit that I'm VERY new to this game and what originally attracted me to it was the beautiful graphics and life-like movements of the characters. I have a LOT of MODs, maps, factions, scenarios and tilesets too. Perhaps I'm mixing these up and ending up with unbalanced factions and other strange things?.
Usually, it is best not too... because they are not made to be balanced with other factions. Sometimes it's good to though... more fun, etc. as you probably already know...Another con though is that it messes you up when playing multiplayer, meaning you can't/really do that if you are going to play with others...
Just trying to get an education here.
OK, don't worry, you won't fail...