All of the issues listed below occurred during (or before) the same multi player game. The game was hosted by me and I was playing with titi's two son's as well as one cooperative and one adversary bot, which were server controlled AI. My (game host) log file is called megaglest-v335b11_svn_2010-06-24_093408_UTC_tomreyn-titison-enno.tar.gz and can be found in the usual location (feel free to ask me for the URL). I do not have a core file. Screen shots referenced below can also be found in this location.
1. Publish on master server should always default to "no"I started beta11 for the first time, went to Internet Game -> Custom Game. "Publish on master server" was set to 'off' - good. I activated it. I left the game, went to the same menu again, did _not_ 'Reload last settings', and "Publish on master server" was set to 'on' right from the start. I had expected it to be automatically set to 'off' whenever I enter the Internet Game -> Custom Game menu
2. Default "Auto refresh" setting does not apply"Auto refresh", which is set to 10s by default now, did not work for titi|son (P.). He had to manually refresh to see my server (which had been running for more than a minute already). Daddy analyzed it:
<titi_at_work> yeah it must be set in the constructor too :/
<titi_at_work> autoRefreshTime=0;
<titi_at_work> should be autoRefreshTime=10*10;
<titi_at_work> or simply 100
While you are at it, just to make sure, please double check that the new default for server controlled AI ("yes") does in fact apply, too (it seems to apply, though).
3. Segfault during game statsAfter hosting a 1 human, two network play, 2 CPU (one cooperative, one adversary) game, my game server crashed during display of the statistics. I could read the stats fine for a few seconds, and did not click when the game segfaulted apparently out of nothing. When the game server crashed, it is assumed that only one of the two human network slot users did receive a 'server disconnected' message (then got the stats view), the other did not receive a 'server disconnected' warning but ended up on the stats view immediately. This bug has been reported for earlier versions, but it is the first time it occurred to me (as a game host), but I don't usually host.
4. Lost unitFor some reason one of my (persian faction) workers decided to still consume my food but not work for me anymore. When I clicked on him he had a red circle around him as can be seen in the screen shot
lostworker.png. I
think I had previously ordered this and another worker (who is actually doing it as can be seen on the screen shot) to build a temple together (but I'm more like 50% sure about this - logs may tell). This issue may be a recursion over beta10 since I don't recall running into this before.
5. Selecting all units within a box drawn by mouse fails sometimesWhen you draw a box around units to select them, not all units may get selected. This can be seen in drawbox-selection.png. As titi reported and I think I have seen, too, it may also happen that units adjacent to the draw box but not even partially covered by it can get selected. This is assumed to only happen on Linux, or to happen on Linux more often than on Windows. Titi raised a theory that it may be related to mouse drivers (personally I'm not completely convinced of this theory since I don't have this issue when drawing selection boxes around icons on my Desktop, but then I understand much, much less of game development than you). This bug has been around since the first Megaglest version I played, so this is not a recursion.
6. Mouse pointer position at start of game causes scrollingSometimes, when a new game starts, my mouse pointer is positioned in the lower right corner, making the view move in south-eastern direction so that I immediately loose focus on my units/base. This is being discussed in
a separate thread.
7. In-game chat does not support special charactersWhile you can add special characters like german umlauts (äöüÄÖÜ) to the language files and they are correctly displayed in the game menus and messages, in-game chat does not seem to support these characters. When you press such a key while chatting, nothing is printed at all. This may be a feature request more than an 'issue', but it can seem a little bit inconclusive that I8N is supported in one place but not in another.