Author Topic: New map: Spiral Battle!  (Read 3146 times)


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New map: Spiral Battle!
« on: 29 June 2010, 21:57:46 »
Do you like really big maps with lots of resources? well then, i have the perfect map for you! Spiral Battle is good for 4 ppl ffa's and 2v2v2v2 games.

im not good at making maps, so give me feed back...


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Re: New map: Spiral Battle!
« Reply #1 on: 29 June 2010, 23:37:02 »
Looks fun I'm downloading now :) :)


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Re: New map: Spiral Battle!
« Reply #2 on: 29 June 2010, 23:52:49 »
now, i didnt know at this at first, but this is a REALLY big map...ok?


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Re: New map: Spiral Battle!
« Reply #3 on: 29 June 2010, 23:54:25 »
How big is it, just wondering?


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Re: New map: Spiral Battle!
« Reply #4 on: 29 June 2010, 23:57:39 »
Looks cool, but even though there is a lot, there is not enough resources for this map, at least in the starting positions... and the additional resources, the ones in the middle are may cause stacking(same thing for some of the gold in some of the starter positions...some cause some have more then the other, etc...) , or at least pointless for human players as it will be kinda hard to expand there...
But good idea and cool too...  :thumbup:


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Re: New map: Spiral Battle!
« Reply #5 on: 30 June 2010, 00:41:21 »
turn off fog of war
set full 8 player AI game to ally

Leave the game running for 15/30 minutes and then look at each AI city.

General map design information

Below is a list of guidelines written for users who are new to the Glest map making process.

    * Player and Resource Placement:
          o At least 10 tiles (cells) of gold, stone and wood (trees) at the player starting point locations, and at least one smaller 5 tile(cells) resource area nearby
          o Generic four player maps space player and AI faction starting locations equidistantly
          o Multiplayer maps differ from generic maps and place allies closer together, and those allies may also share gold and stone resource sites.
    * Road and Trail Systems:
          o Roads connect all player start locations
          o Roads should be at least five tiles (cells) wide.
          o Trails and paths connect to roads and usually lead to resource locations. Paths also provide an easy route through dense forests or across large, nondescript, plains and deserts.
          o Trails and paths should be three tiles (cells) wide. Trails through dense forests - with a width of only two tiles(cells) - may trap size3 AI faction units and cause unit stacking and grid-locking.
    * Rivers, lakes and oceans:
    * Map Objects:
          o Place objects where logical. Trees rarely grow in rivers and lakes although a few dead tree objects in a pond can be visually appealing.
          o Statue and gallows objects should be used infrequently. Both look good at trail intersection points and on isolated islands.
          o Bushes look great in forests and along riverbanks - use them often.
          o Small stones look good but use them sparingly and in appropriate locations. IE: player starting locations are an inappropriate stone object placement location
          o Mossy Rocks/Big Rocks need to be surrounded with the pink colored invisible blocking 10-C5 object to prevent units from walking inside the rock model(s)
    * Surface texture types
          o surface 1 is normally light-colored green grass with random flower and weed texture patterns.
          o surface 2 is normally dark-colored green grass with no flower and weed texture patterns.
          o surface 3 is normally brown dirt or tan sand with random pebble and weed texture patterns.
          o surface 4 is normally composed of gray cobblestones, bricks, interlocking stone-tile and rock-gravel texture patterns
          o surface texture 5 is normally undefined and is rarely used on maps.
    * Surface texture uses:
          o surface textures vary greatly between tilesets but in general:
                + surface textures 1 and 2 are used as the primary surface type for meadows, mountains, plains, hills and valleys
                + surface textures 3 and 4 are used for roads, trails, as ocean and lake shorelines and at player starting locations
                + surface texture 5 is normally undefined and is rarely used on maps.

Map making is tedious and boring so don't expect to knock out a map in an hour. Work on a map a few times a week with the ultimate goal of having a completed map ready after 15 days.

    * Is there enough room for building expansion at each of the starting locations?
          o The ultra AI typically constructs at least 12 buildings around the starting point which may lead to unit movement congestion.
    * Resource node location placement?
          o Ensure AI units do not become stuck between buildings and nodes while harvesting in large groups.
          o Placing blocking objects next to resources nodes may lead to unit stacking
    * AI Pathfinding on long routes?
          o Can the AI find the hostile base or group of hostiles? or does it get stuck on a path in a forest or around a lake or river?
    * Is the pathing at least 3 tiles (cells) wide at chokepoints?
          o Entry and exit trails and roads near the player starting points tend to be narrow to accommodate defensive oriented gamers.
    * Trails and roads?
          o Do roads and trails follow the natural geography of the map?
          o Do trails lead to resources or connect to other trails and roads? Please, no dead-end roads and trails.
    * Swamps and flooded regions
          o Proper height settings will trigger water splash animations and particles. This effect is quite pleasing, use it wisely.
    * Topography
          o Roads should be a couple units lower than the rest of the map, and only two units above the water, so that the river heights will look natural at road/water crossing points.
          o Maps with little change in elevation are uninteresting and require increased object placement to balance the flat, visually unappealing, terrain.
    * Game world visual appeal?
          o No one enjoys running around in a barren game world - place lots of objects on the map
          o Fifteen statues or nine stones in one location makes no sense and looks bad.
          o Does the map look good at various locations and from different viewing perspectives?
          o Do placed objects enhance the organic feel of the map?
          o Do the hills, valley's, mountains appear natural?
          o Do Lakes connect with rivers?
          o Apply dirt or sand around bodies of water


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Re: New map: Spiral Battle!
« Reply #6 on: 30 June 2010, 04:23:36 »
the point of the middle resources is that there is this huge area of gold, but you have to fight off everyone who wants it as well as mining the stone around it. in big games, the gold will run out, so i thought to make it harder...


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Re: New map: Spiral Battle!
« Reply #7 on: 30 June 2010, 05:12:55 »
That's fine and all, and I knew that, but if that is really the main point of this the end kinda pointless, as you could still make it better then this with still having people do the same thing...or if not, people will probably play other maps as there probably will enjoy others...

Nice idea though...  :thumbup:

EDIT: And the things I told you in the IRC.   :thumbup:
Please include licensing information - people get very touchy about this sort of thing and the sooner we know.. the better.
So all really the link matters  ;) .


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Re: New map: Spiral Battle!
« Reply #8 on: 30 June 2010, 09:15:02 »
Good that someone else starts mapping!
Please read carfully what Trappin wrote, he knows what he talks about, I think he is one of the best mappers out there !
By this you can learn a lot! Especially the problem of dumb AI navigation is something you should really have in mind when you build maps.
Try Megaglest! Improved Engine / New factions / New tilesets / New maps / New scenarios


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Re: New map: Spiral Battle!
« Reply #9 on: 30 June 2010, 17:59:51 »
im new to all this, so, where would i put the license? should it be a text document with the file?


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Re: New map: Spiral Battle!
« Reply #10 on: 30 June 2010, 18:31:13 »
I think you just "state" it...when you post your map(s)...and/or you do that too.


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Re: New map: Spiral Battle!
« Reply #11 on: 1 July 2010, 12:53:19 »
most people here use CC-BY-SA as license. If yours has another license there are license problems to mix the stuff. So better use it too :)
Try Megaglest! Improved Engine / New factions / New tilesets / New maps / New scenarios


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Re: New map: Spiral Battle!
« Reply #12 on: 1 July 2010, 15:27:08 »
then i guess i will.

So, i will put my map under the CC-BY-SA license. if anyone wants to modify it in any way, please tell me first.

that is all.


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Re: New map: Spiral Battle!
« Reply #13 on: 1 July 2010, 16:10:22 »
then i guess i will.

So, i will put my map under the CC-BY-SA license. if anyone wants to modify it in any way, please tell me first.

that is all.
Well then its not CC-BY-SA license, because in that license your aloud to modify with out permission.
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Re: New map: Spiral Battle!
« Reply #14 on: 1 July 2010, 17:33:03 »
Hmm...did you try
Although, I get the same license...  :|


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Re: New map: Spiral Battle!
« Reply #15 on: 1 July 2010, 20:22:01 »
ok, let me rephrase that, anyone can modify it, but just tell me that you did (so i can see can do it without my permission)


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Re: New map: Spiral Battle!
« Reply #16 on: 1 July 2010, 20:45:56 »
Remember, the positions are wrong...of the players...  :|
And that little spot of water.  :P


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Re: New map: Spiral Battle!
« Reply #17 on: 1 July 2010, 20:49:04 »
My goodness - just bloody make it public domain. This is a map for a free, semi-obscure, open source RTS game.

CC0 Creative Commons Zero
- public domain. Are you going to force people to get permissions for derivative works and modifications to the original map? Please, be realistic here.


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Re: New map: Spiral Battle!
« Reply #18 on: 1 July 2010, 21:09:33 »
The only reason I've added licensing information to all of my original work is simple - titi has, on more than one occasion, felt the need to request permission to use my maps in his pack and each time I have to tell him he has permissions. I've never intended my maps to be anything more than public domain and bristle at the notion that anyone spend precious time begging permissions when they could be doing something more productive.

Its a free game and no one will be "stealing" a Glest texture or model and then use those works to make millions of dollars. Hollywood actors make less than 100th of a percentage per $US dollar on DVD sales and they belong to unions, have agents and sign contracts.

Make things easy on people - CC0



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Re: New map: Spiral Battle!
« Reply #19 on: 1 July 2010, 22:44:01 »
Actually, there's nothing wrong with CC-BY-SA or CC-BY-NC-SA (I use the latter). In the first, they can modify it, redistribute it, etc, as long as the author (that's you!) is credited and it remains under the same license. The latter is the same, but it has to remain non-commercial (free, as in free beer). However, it is possible to avoid these license clauses with permission from the author. This means you can use my stuff which is under CC-BY-NC-SA for commercial purposes if you have my permission. Why use that? Because if my things appear in your commercial product, I expect a free copy of it. :thumbup:

A tip for map making: Use variety. Put in some bushes, etc, especially around the trees. Also, putting all that stone surrounding the gold in the middle is a bad idea. By the time you get through all that stone, the game had ended an hour ago. Not to mention there is enough resources at the bases alone to last an entire game.

And as it was pointed out, the player positions are wrong. For a 2v2v2v2 game, they should be in ordered pairs. ie: player 1 and 2 are together, player 3 and 4 are together, so on... Not, say, 1 and 5... That'll just get the players killed right off in the beginning...
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Re: New map: Spiral Battle!
« Reply #20 on: 2 July 2010, 03:08:35 »
i didnt want 1 and 2 together, because what if someone puts an AI there? as with all maps, 1 and 2 are on opposite sides, and 3 and 4 are likewise.

personally, i dont care if you want to fix it up. do what ever you want!


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Re: New map: Spiral Battle!
« Reply #21 on: 2 July 2010, 03:12:50 »
OK, but if you were actually to get to the "business" of map making...or just actually map making, you usually need to decide stuff like this.  :P Or actually fix your map...
i didnt want 1 and 2 together, because what if someone puts an AI there? as with all maps, 1 and 2 are on opposite sides, and 3 and 4 are likewise.
Maybe but uh...well...I got nothing to say...  :| If nothing is going to change...