ChupaReaper, to my knowledge your mod doesn't work for anybody(mipmaps...........strange oblivious crashes......).......
Do you really want a review?
I think I'll give a review of Woodsmen, because I've played it very thoroughly.
10% Models(PERFECT!)
10% Textures(PERFECT!)
7% Animations(some anims are great, and some like walking and running aren't so great, but overall pretty good)
7% Sounds(some sound timings are off...)
10% Music(Perfect soundtrack!)
9% Icons(I don't really pay attention to these much, but I remember the icons being very good)
10% AI(The AI plays it perfectly)
9% Particles(Most of them are perfect, but a line coming out of the tree guardian(whatever it's called) looks a little strange)
6% Balance(Too strong)
10% Miscellaneous(Faction was a damn lot of fun to play!)
88% Overall -- GOLD!
Extra Comments: With just a little more work(7), you'll recieve a Platinum rating from me!!!