I don't care whether you have all new models and textures or not, I only care about the quality. I didn't even notice the worker model the first time I played Woodsmen, if it fits in that well, there is simply no reason to model a new worker. It's like saying:
I don't want to use that power converter, even though it works, I saw it over there so I don't want to use it here.If taking a Magitech model and modifying it is going to lose you points, then why isn't taking your own base humanoid model and modifying it going to lose you points as well?
Comon guys,
consistent standards! Let's be consistent, either you can't take something that already exists and modify it, or you're allowed take anything and modify it for use(within copyright boundaries of course)
It looks like one of those models from Magitech. Well then, what's wrong with magitech models?
But you shouldn't do that. Everything should be original. That's just personal opinion.
(No, I am not talking to myself, I made a hypothetical Bob and he speaks in italics)