Author Topic: Posting Errors: Guidelines  (Read 8723 times)


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Posting Errors: Guidelines
« on: 8 July 2010, 00:34:34 »
So Glest isn't working for you? This part of the board is only for Glest errors. GAE errors should be posted on the GAE board, MegaGlest errors on the MegaGlest Board, and mod errors in their appropriate thread. Bear in mind that the original Glest is NO LONGER in development, so please do not submit bugs in the game, nor suggestions, but most error codes given can be solved here.

When posting an error, we need information to be able to help you. Please don't just say "Glest crashed. What do I do?".

You should make sure you are on an up-to-date version of Glest (3.2.2) and have your graphics card at the newest version to see if Glest still has the error before posting here.

If the problem persists, then you should post detailed information about the error here. Be sure to include:
-Operating System (ie: windows, linux, mac)
-Graphics Card
-What you were doing
-General system stats (when appropriate)
-Normal resolution of the monitor
-If you've changed any settings in Glest, post that as well

*It's also a good idea to Search the board to make sure this hasn't been reported before. You can save both yourself and us a lot of time doing that.

Solutions to Common Errors:
Segementation Fault: This is a linux only error, generally caused either by bad case (such as being told to look for file a.bmp when it is really called A.bmp) or a bad executable. Check if the mod is certified to be linux compatible, or try to redownload/rebuild the executable. The linux board on the Glest Forums may also prove handy.

Map not a power of two: The map's dimensions are not a power of two (ie: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256...). The map should be a perfect square, though vanilla glest does support having sides of different lengths as long as both are powers of two (but since GAE does not, you should always use perfect squares).

Error Opening Log File/Could not open INI File: The log file could not be opened, generally because of bad permission settings. For windows, either turn UAC off or right click the glest directory, choose properties > security > select all checkboxes for every user.

There is no lang file: No translation files could be found. Normally, glest should have English and spanish among others. If you see this error, redownload, since you are missing some files. May occur in GAE since the folder was moved.

Server and Client Versions do not match: If Network Consistency Checks are on, Glest will not play multiplayer cross Operating System. It generally should work, though may come out of sync and crash at any given time. Disable from the INI at your own risk!

Checksum error, you don't have the same data as the server: The techtree/map/etc that you are trying to play multiplayer with is not the same as the other player has. This is to prevent cheating by changing values. Simply make sure each player downloads from the same source and has the exact same files on both of their computers (which is why many people use a different glest for multiplayer).

[[Missing a common problem? Please post below!]]
« Last Edit: 24 April 2011, 22:57:45 by Omega »
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