Author Topic: how would i get megaglest for mac?  (Read 2466 times)


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how would i get megaglest for mac?
« on: 12 July 2010, 04:00:44 »
I've run a couple searches and looked around the files on sourceforge but i couldn't find anything about megaglest on mac except a few hints(ex. "windows , linux (and mac?)")

I'd be willing to compile if I had to but there seems to be no info anywhere :(

Is there some good reason for there not being a port?

I know KaSek made binaries for mac for glest 3.2.2r1 and i have used them but there is nothing for megaglest.

Does anyone have anything to say about this?


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Re: how would i get megaglest for mac?
« Reply #1 on: 12 July 2010, 04:13:14 »
Hmm, there is no port because none of the developers have a mac...etc.
And not much of the present community use them either.
I hear that Softcoder knows someone with a mac maybe.
For now your best bet would to PM this person.;u=7492
Maybe...etc. Or try contacting KaSek?

The problem with this though is the multiplayer part of MG...I think, if someone does compile...

Anyways, what does Softcoder have to say about this...Softcoder?  :|


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Re: how would i get megaglest for mac?
« Reply #2 on: 12 July 2010, 04:31:14 »
thanks for the speedy reply!

i might try that. the improvements over the original are really what i am looking for.
from what i've read here on the forums, multiplayer has (had?) many problems anyways...

Edit: i actually have already read those posts :D ill see about PMing bruce though
« Last Edit: 12 July 2010, 04:37:40 by walkerm930 »


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Re: how would i get megaglest for mac?
« Reply #3 on: 12 July 2010, 05:22:43 »
Yes, you'll get full co-operation from the Msga-Glest dev's in porting to Mac. ORiginal Glest compiled for Mac and I took (somewhat) GREAT care to ensure the code additions were mostly generic and cross platform in hopes to get it compiled for Mac one day.


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Re: how would i get megaglest for mac?
« Reply #4 on: 12 July 2010, 07:08:30 »
I've just notified Mr. Seki (supposedly = KaSek) of this thread (using the contact form on his blog), maybe he can contribute some experience and help with building Mega Glest on a Mac. I think it would be great to be able to provide builds, and possibly user support, for this platform, too.
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Re: how would i get megaglest for mac?
« Reply #5 on: 12 July 2010, 10:06:17 »
Hi guys,

Sorry I've been off the radar for a bit - end of semester assessment, reporting and marking does that to you :p

Next semester the course I ran this time around will be running again, but I'll be changing the format a bit so that every student in the class will be working on a single tech-tree. This should mean we get a much more completed product (the boys that worked on the last version were really enthusiastic and had great ideas, but just didn't have the manpower to get it done in the time they had).

What I'll need to do now is grab the latest version of the megaglest source and see what libraries etc. are required for it to compile on a Mac. Ideally I'd like to be able to do the same with GAE as well - if I can get a working application bundle then keeping it up to date with other versions of the project should be as simple as version tracking (and there are a few options available to us). The application package is easy enough to build with XCode, and if an XCode project can be developed then integrating any changes into the package should be trivial.

Silnarm provided me with some details that should get me an XCode Project for GAE (I just haven't had a chance to follow that up yet - and it's been WAY too long). I'll follow that up some time soon and keep everyone posted.


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Re: how would i get megaglest for mac?
« Reply #6 on: 12 July 2010, 16:13:27 »
that *sounds* simple. i hope it will work :)

i might try to do something similar


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Re: how would i get megaglest for mac?
« Reply #7 on: 12 July 2010, 17:04:24 »
Just a heads up, the only new library that likely will be required to compile on Mac is libcurl (which is available for Mac). To get libcurl for Mac check out:


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Re: how would i get megaglest for mac?
« Reply #8 on: 12 July 2010, 20:15:24 »
Alright, sweet!
Welcome back Bruce.


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Re: how would i get megaglest for mac?
« Reply #9 on: 1 September 2010, 22:38:07 »

i would like to play MG on my MacBook too.

i had tried to compile it the "unix like way" (configure make, make install). I ended up with the issue that OpenAL from macports is broken. i tried to hack a little bit on OpenAL in Xcode. I compiled it successfully and installed it. But now the OpenAL test of the MG configure script dies with an "unknown Symbols" error.

i'm not a coder but i would like to contribute to the Mac Port of MG. I don't have much knowledge of Xcode but i think i can get used to it ;-)
So if some one can give me a hint how to make a Xcode project of the MG source code i would really appreciate.


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Re: how would i get megaglest for mac?
« Reply #10 on: 2 September 2010, 00:08:04 »
Still a bit under the pump guys - the department of education here is rolling out a new online learning environment and I'm heavily involved, so this has sort of stalled for now (for me at least).

It's good to hear there are a few people around who have been able to make some progress or are keen to work on it. Perhaps we need to set up a thread/forum specifically for the Mac port/dev? So we can at least get it at some stage where the linux changes will be easily integrated at a later date?


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Re: how would i get megaglest for mac?
« Reply #11 on: 2 September 2010, 02:19:59 »
I ran into the same problem with OpenAL as well then i kinda forgot about it for a while(though my firefox tabs were still open :D).
I also got distracted by a game i am making in java(Glest kind of inspired me :)) which further delayed any work.
I tried to get it right off the OpenAl site but that didn't seem to help :( seeing as i was still running into problems...


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Re: how would i get megaglest for mac?
« Reply #12 on: 3 September 2010, 19:22:02 »
I agree with Bruce that a own thread for the Mac port of MG will be helpfull. If we could get into the "stage of hacking the code" (start making Xcode project) i could host a Git repository. Right now i don't have a clue how to make a Xcode project of the existing MG sources, but i'll try it.