Hi guys,
Sorry I've been off the radar for a bit - end of semester assessment, reporting and marking does that to you :p
Next semester the course I ran this time around will be running again, but I'll be changing the format a bit so that every student in the class will be working on a single tech-tree. This should mean we get a much more completed product (the boys that worked on the last version were really enthusiastic and had great ideas, but just didn't have the manpower to get it done in the time they had).
What I'll need to do now is grab the latest version of the megaglest source and see what libraries etc. are required for it to compile on a Mac. Ideally I'd like to be able to do the same with GAE as well - if I can get a working application bundle then keeping it up to date with other versions of the project should be as simple as version tracking (and there are a few options available to us). The application package is easy enough to build with XCode, and if an XCode project can be developed then integrating any changes into the package should be trivial.
Silnarm provided me with some details that should get me an XCode Project for GAE (I just haven't had a chance to follow that up yet - and it's been WAY too long). I'll follow that up some time soon and keep everyone posted.