Author Topic: The Phorin. (Updated)  (Read 7713 times)


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The Phorin. (Updated)
« on: 13 July 2010, 08:06:01 »
Hey everyone, I'm new to this here glest thing, just got it yesterday.

I'm also new to modding, and anything remotely like it. So don't fret if I takes too long, I want to make a quality mod. The first fraction I plan on making is called the Phorin (just made that up then, probs will change)

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Old OP)

First of all, I'd like to say I'm sincerely sorry to all those who I promised concept art for! I'll now call my scanner officially dead and no concept art can be uploaded. I'm really sorry, I would be pissed at me too if I did this to me (hmmmm) and you sure have every right to be, but I must beg for you forgiveness :(
But I guess it turned out for the best (other than screwing some of you over) to be honest if I had other people to do my models I  probably wouldn't have ever bothered to  learn blender myself; and this mod would never be finished. (Also I'm kinda a perfectionist so I may have pissed people off even more by not accepting their models)

Second of all, I'm sorry for not updating this in so long! I haven't really made much yet that is decent enough to show off ( I want a quality faction) it didn't feel right to bump this thread for little to no reason. But I know I should have just let you guys in on some details.
But I plan to hopefully make amends!

Okay now to the Phorin, again I apologize for not updating this.

Here's the tech tree.

Blue= Buildings. Red= Units(and Create unit). Yellow= Construct. Green= Upgrade.

I haven't added any upgrades or prerequisites yet, but this is the main idea.
I know you probably won't know what most of those units are, but i got you covered bro (or sis);)
(BTW you have to choose between the Shrine of Mikara and the Shrine of Ekuriku.)

•   Peon- The worker unit of the faction, it constructs the majority of the buildings and harvests resources. It is created from the Temple.

•   Priest – The upgraded Peon, can heal units and builds the two shrines and the Temple.

•   Chieftain- Every clan has a chieftain, you may only have one at a time, and if he dies he must be respawned from the clan hall. The Chieftain is        probably the most versatile unit ingame, as it counters well against air and ground units, and can switch from melee to ranged attacks.

•   Phorite- Is created from the Citadel, fast and good hp, but lacks good armour and attack strength.

•   Ite Rafa- Makes up for the Phorite’s short comings, but also lacks where it excels. A versatile army must comprise of both.

•   Queen- Large unit. high HP. low armour and good attack, but extremely slow. Good for defense.

•   Larvae- Is created by the Queen, five can be made instantaneously from each other. Weak, fast and no armour.

•   Murdo- A slave race primarily trained to equip a sling. Good attack. Short range. Average speed.

•   Hicalii- An enslaved flying mammal who spits acid on its targets. Medium range. Medium attack. Medium speed.

•   Ounyir- The scout unit. It has long sight. Little Hp. Little armour. High speed. No damage, but can stun targets for a few seconds in order for a clean getaway.
•   War Barge- Water unit that can carry 4 passengers.  

•   Azji Bohee- Cavalry unit. Fast, strong and good attack.

•   Cala Bohee-A beast good for siege and decent against anti-air.

•   Temple- This is the only starting building of the Phorin; it creates the Peon and gives 24 Authority.

•   Citadel- Creates the Phorite, Ite Rafa and the Queen.

•   Clan Lyceum- Researches the bulk of the upgrades.

•   Slave Pits- Creates the enslaved races, the Murdo and the Hicali

•   Beast Sanctum- Creates the Azji Bohee and the Calla Bohee.

•   Moor- Creates the War barge.

•   Outpost-Extremely long sight and warns you when enemies are in range. Also produces the Ounyir.

•   Shrine of Mikara- Built by the priest, upgrades the Chieftain into the Warlord. Has many military upgrades and benefits.

•   Shrine of Ekariku- Built by the priest, upgrades the Chieftain into the Grand Elder.Has many economy upgrades and allows the research of stealth.

•   Depository- Built by the Grand Elder, you can deposit resources there.

Before I go I'll post a pic of my Temple model, I'm working on a texture now.

« Last Edit: 19 October 2010, 10:38:57 by Psychedelic_hands »


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Re: New mod im planin'
« Reply #1 on: 13 July 2010, 14:26:18 »

Its always nice to see a new member willing to make a mod and its good to know your gonna learn to model unlike people who have plans but don't want to do a thing.
Your factions definitely a new idea and I doubt anyone has tried anything like it so it will hopefully be original I guess you may want to add a new armor type if they're gonna have an exo-skeleton hand to hand combat hm if they're gonna be tall they'll probably have long reach which could be made even longer with some weapon so maybe the phorite could have a sword or axe and have a range of two because of reach and then there could be a phor defender or something with four range and it could have a really long halberd or pike to extend its natural reach, I might have more ideas if you want, oh forgot to say this and maybe they should have a slinger since that would be a unique weapon to glest and since they like mellee I'm guessing they have good physical strength so they would be a ble to put a lot of power into that sling though it would still be outranged by archers it would do more damage and have faster attack speed(maybe, not sure), well those are my ideas/suggestions so far. I hope you complete it and good luck ;) ;) ;) :thumbup: :thumbup:


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Re: New mod im planin'
« Reply #2 on: 13 July 2010, 15:54:12 »
Wow, I really hope this mod gets made. The ideas are actually something original rather than the endlessly re-hashed sci-fi and high fantasy themes. Reading through the list of units makes me want to fire up Blender and start modeling! "scaly horse spider""!

Also please don't be disheartened if you don't get the hang of Blender to start with. It takes a while to learn how to do things and start producing models.
Check out the tools forum which has lots of tips for Blender.
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Re: New mod im planin'
« Reply #3 on: 13 July 2010, 16:06:42 »
Sounds cool and welcome !
Get the Vbros': Packs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5!

Little Helper

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Re: New mod im planin'
« Reply #4 on: 13 July 2010, 18:09:54 »
Welcome to glest, the mod sounds really cool! I'm wonder what kind of animation are you planning to use for the close combat; like punching?  :)


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Re: New mod im planin'
« Reply #5 on: 13 July 2010, 19:12:26 »
Thanks for the kind words and warm welcomes guys :)

Yeah I wanted something original.... I'm planing on making this into a big mod with a few Races/fractions. I've got way too many ideas.
I really like those ideas wyvern, thanks heaps, I'll  add them to the list.
wciow, You want to? if I give you a little concept art would you be keen for doing it? if your not already deep in other projects that is.
and little helper, the hands on them are.... weird i can't really explain it. They'll basically slap  haha, but it will  look really brutish trust me :)


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Re: New mod I'm planing
« Reply #6 on: 13 July 2010, 23:32:32 »
If you want a model or two I might be able to help and thanks for accepting my ideas, Another idea skirmisher a dude armed with a knife and races in top speed on his ostrich legs to stab people or maybe some cool pole arm


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Re: New mod I'm planing
« Reply #7 on: 14 July 2010, 19:17:49 »
Yeah sure wyvern, I'd appreciate some help a lot man. I've found a scanner so give me a few days and I'll have some concept art up to give you an idea of what I have in mind.
The Skirmisher idea is awesome, but it sounds just like what I had in mind the Phorite would do, only with a Knife. I'll pass on it but thanks still.

I've got a few questions about blender, I hope it's okay just to post them here.
I have trouble lining up meshes, is there a ruler or a way to measure angles? the grid doesn't help too much...... or is there a way to make the grid smaller?
also is there away to model fire? I'm wanting to put some on a few buildings.

Edit: I'm planing on doing most of the buildings first as I think they'll be easier to make, so I can get some practice in.
« Last Edit: 14 July 2010, 19:19:50 by Psychedelic_hands »


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Re: New mod I'm planing
« Reply #8 on: 14 July 2010, 19:24:10 »
The only thing I know on that is that you can zoom in and out on the grid with  the mouse wheel, other then that I think fire is a particle thing but thats not my area of expertise I suggest that you ask someone like Archmage, John D. H. or Titi with help on that

This is an idea for the rider unless its gonna be a really tall creature the phorite should ride it like a motorcycle so that his legs don't trip it up just an idea but I haven't seen what it will look like yet I can't wait for the concept art


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Re: New mod I'm planing
« Reply #9 on: 14 July 2010, 19:37:47 »
I don't have a mouse wheel :S and zooming in and out isn't very..... efficient.

and yeah, sounds good I'll do whatever looks best.  I describe the Units more when they're up, I've got the ones I'm drawing at the moment all figure out in my head, the Phorite, Queen Phorin and the Rider.


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Re: New mod I'm planing
« Reply #10 on: 14 July 2010, 19:39:20 »
Sweet ;D ;D


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Re: New mod I'm planing
« Reply #11 on: 14 July 2010, 19:55:26 »
Sweet ;D ;D

Yes, please post some concept art and I'll do my best to model it for you   :swordman: :archer:
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Re: New mod I'm planing
« Reply #12 on: 14 July 2010, 20:06:49 »
Sweet ;D ;D

Yes, please post some concept art and I'll do my best to model it for you   :swordman: :archer:

Cool, maybe tomorrow night.

I'll appreciate any help at all :D


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Re: New mod I'm planing
« Reply #13 on: 15 July 2010, 13:39:54 »
Knowing this stuff should help you.

-Moving objects(and other things like armatures and cameras and so forth) along an axis: G key(grab), then press the name of your axes key(x, y, or z).
-Rotating objects: R key(rotate), then if you want to change the rotation axis, press either x, y, or z, then for exact rotation, while rotating, you can type in(no special boxes or anything) any number you want, and even add a minus sign before the number to make it negative.
-You can also try numbers and axes changes with movement, and scale is you need to, as well.
-Particles aren't done in Blender, though you can model some fire and animate it, using MegaGlest unit particles will provide a much nicer effect(if you use engine specific features please specify that you did, so people know what engine(s) they can run the mod with).
-Subdividing: Press the W key, you should see a menu pop up and the first item on the menu should be 'subdivide', this will subdivide edges and faces, try it. NOTE: You will also see other versions of subdividing.
-Merging: If you've got two or more vertices that you want to merge together, select the vertices you want to merge and press the W key, select merge, a little menu will pop up after you select merge, with options like: at first, at last, at center. At first will merge all vertices selected with the first vertice you selected, at last will merge all with the last vertice selected, and at center will merge all selected vertices at the center of the selected vertices.

Hope this helps, any more questions?
Egypt Remastered!

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Re: New mod I'm planing
« Reply #14 on: 15 July 2010, 16:07:51 »
-Particles aren't done in Blender, though you can model some fire and animate it, using MegaGlest unit particles will provide a much nicer effect(if you use engine specific features please specify that you did, so people know what engine(s) they can run the mod with).

AFAIK MG particles and associated tags are now supported in GAE although not officially released. They should be working if you build it yourself from sourceforge. The only engine variant that will have trouble with particle tags is vanilla Glest  ;)

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Re: New mod I'm planing
« Reply #15 on: 15 July 2010, 17:29:09 »
wish you good luck psycho :P


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Re: New mod I'm planing
« Reply #16 on: 17 July 2010, 05:10:22 »
Sorry guys, I can't do anything for a few days, I've focused on my homework these past few days, and now I'm going to a massive party/camping thing.......  Won't be back till like thursday...... sorry.

But don't worry I'm not forgetting about this project, the arts mostly done, just homework can get pretty distracting haha.

Edit: forgot about this....

Thanks heaps archmage, helpful.  But  is there an easier way to make things perfectly square? like make meshes sit perfectly flat next to each other?
so you say I'll be-able to use either engine wyern? that's good I was hoping I could use GAE though, seeing as I've already downloaded it and Megaglest will take me ages. and I don't have to do anything to add fire while I'm modeling it now do I? yeah?
« Last Edit: 17 July 2010, 05:27:51 by Psychedelic_hands »


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Re: New mod I'm planing
« Reply #17 on: 17 July 2010, 05:41:10 »
But  is there an easier way to make things perfectly square? like make meshes sit perfectly flat next to each other?

I'm a bit confused still, maybe a picture or something would help?
Egypt Remastered!

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Re: New mod I'm planing
« Reply #18 on: 20 July 2010, 04:22:40 »
hello Hands,

welcome to Glest!

well, im an XML and particle artist; if you need XML, you can talk to me (but keep in mind, im not the best...but im good)


P.S. I look forward to this mod, it sounds really cool! one thing didnt make sense to me -  you said that they would focus on hand-to-hand, but quite a few of their units are ranged...why is that?

sorry for double post, but i have this idea!

since my friend Seanachaidh and i are making a Sci-fi mod as well, why cant we merge our two factions? it seems profitable to both of us, right?

this is what we are doing and they could use an opponent, right?:

im hoping on creating a coalition of Sci-fi factions to make one big mod.

would you like to do this?


[You ask sorry for double post, but don't do anything against it? - @kukac@]
« Last Edit: 21 July 2010, 09:46:11 by @kukac@ »


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Re: New mod I'm planing
« Reply #19 on: 22 July 2010, 12:37:01 »
kukac, its called bumping so people notice something new has happened.

oh is this sci-fi, sorry, i missed something XD


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Re: New mod I'm planing
« Reply #20 on: 22 July 2010, 15:55:46 »
I don't think it sounds very sci fi :|


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Re: New mod I'm planing
« Reply #21 on: 22 July 2010, 16:21:35 »
i picked up sci-fi vibes from it:

first off, they arent human due to their exoskeleton nature

and second, the creatures that they ride and enslave are not human either

it reminds me of Avatar personally. and having an advanced/tribal battle would be cool

PS, i wasnt bumping, i was just too lazy to change my original post  :P
« Last Edit: 22 July 2010, 16:23:39 by Zoythrus »


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Re: New mod I'm planing
« Reply #22 on: 22 July 2010, 19:23:10 »
kukac, its called bumping so people notice something new has happened.
Really? The only purpose of bumping (at least when you are supposed to...  :| ) is if it has been a long time.  :|

Well Psychedelic_hands if you do "merge" with Zoythrus's faction, will your faction be sort of like a

Hmm, still not sure if the two of them would be good...together.  :|


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Re: New mod I'm planing
« Reply #23 on: 26 July 2010, 11:46:23 »
Sorry guys I haven't been home all this week...... So nothing has been done as of yet. This is probably going to be a slow process just so you know..... Oh and one piece of concept art should be up by tonight, just to give you guys an idea of what they'll be.

hello Hands,

welcome to Glest!

well, im an XML and particle artist; if you need XML, you can talk to me (but keep in mind, im not the best...but im good)


P.S. I look forward to this mod, it sounds really cool! one thing didnt make sense to me -  you said that they would focus on hand-to-hand, but quite a few of their units are ranged...why is that?

sorry for double post, but i have this idea!

since my friend Seanachaidh and i are making a Sci-fi mod as well, why cant we merge our two factions? it seems profitable to both of us, right?

this is what we are doing and they could use an opponent, right?:

im hoping on creating a coalition of Sci-fi factions to make one big mod.

would you like to do this?


[You ask sorry for double post, but don't do anything against it? - @kukac@]

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...... I'm not sure. Funny thing is the next fraction I was planning in my head actually sounds alot like yours....  It was going to be an weak ancient alien race that use hover and walker vehicle type things.... and the morphing idea is kinda similar to the idea I had which was that all units would be created from the original worker unit. They would have also used the same resouce as they Phorin, Authority. So they would have to build lots of castle like units.
The theme of it was going to be like a power struggle between the races but like.... idk, I'm not the best at explaining things but hopefully you get the gist of what I'm saying.

Try to convince me to merge our work instead....

P.S the play style of this fraction is meant to be very board, like there is going to be many different ways to play.


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Re: The Phorin. (New mod I'm planing)
« Reply #24 on: 2 August 2010, 23:39:17 »
hey people! Hands here has agreed to the merger! the Crincillin and the Phorin are now part of the same universe!

Woo!   :P

