There are a few things that will not get you banned, but will get you criticized and are not desirable on our board such as multi posting minutes apart, being impolite, etc;
Currently, there are *no* banned people (the only people worth banning would be bots, and they would be better off deleted entirely). However, if someone did get extreme and caused either a combination of offenses, such as language, etc multiple times, then they could be prime material for banning. Bans can be temporary (lasting over a certain span of time) or permanent. They can also be complete bans (cannot log in with that account) or partial bans (limited rights, such as cannot post, cannot use polls, etc;).
While one offense isn't going to ban you, please do *not* post such things. We really don't care what you think about those things, and you are best off not doing anything like that, lest you finally fill in one of those ban list spots.