while working again on my scenarioeditor i had some thoughts about how i would want them to be in the future.
folowing ideas:
- scenarios should be playable in multiplayer
- there should be a new map format, a countainer (zip or tar.gz) that contains the map and the scenario files. the only nessecary file in the container would be the map, everything else would be optional
- in scenarios, the values "network" and "select" should be added for the "control" attribute
- there should be a possability for creating campaigns
- megaglest should adopt the lua stuff from gae
the first point shouldn´t need any further explanation. the lua scripts in scenarios are a kind of modding feature. without it, there is no possability for mappers to make real modifications to the multiplayer.
the map container is another point which is interesting for map makers and modders. at first, it would simplify the multiplayer part, because when you select a scenario map, it will be played as scenario.
at the same time, the "scenario" button in the game menu could be removed. you could just select a scenario in "custom game" and play it.
further, when creating complex scenarios you will often create special maps for it. but you have to distribute the stuff with the whole folderpath in a zip file or something like that. also, the special map will be displayed in custom games, even if it´s real not build for normal games.
all in all, it makes many things easier for map/scenario creators and solves problems that would occur with the abillity to play scenarios via mp.
of course, if you make a scenario mp-compatible, you have to have the possability to choose whether a slot in the scenario should be filled with another human, a cpu or by nobody, aka closed. im not really sure if "network" is really nessecary, because it would only be used to force a second human player.
because all maps are hosted via custom game now, because we have the map container and don´t need a special "scenario" menu anymore, there will be a menu to choose this stuff. at the moment, there is no possability to choose anything for scenarios (because it makes no sense so far). still, it has to be ensured that, when a map container with a scenario inside is selected in "custom map", values which are not "select" have to be forced.
campaigns could be a replacement for the scenario menu. a campaign could persist of a folder with some scenarios and a xml file, which defines the order in which the scenarios are played. of course game saving would be nice feature at this point.
and finally, please just adopt the lua stuff from gae, it would make scenarios much more powerfull. together with the mp-possability, some really nice fun-maps and stuff like that could come to mg.
so far,