Hmm, I don't see what this has to do with the future of humanity, unless you are trying to (somehow?) discuss future medicine. Perhaps this part of the discussion should be split into a new topic?
The way I see it, vaccine deniers need to get real. Just because you don't see the effects doesn't mean you shouldn't take them. I mean, I might end up with a flu only once every five years. Perhaps to most people, the flu is nothing, since its only really deadly to the very old or very young, HOWEVER, what you fail to take into aspect is that if you end up passing it on to someone else, who possibly is at higher risk, you are responsible for what happens to them because you didn't get a simple (possibly even free) shot. And I can't say the same for all of you, but even if the chances are low(ish), I still don't want to end up sick.
It's time you think for more than just yourself and think a bit about others.
Also, there's the problems of some diseases which, while rare, don't care if you are active, or load up on vitamin rich drinks, or even if you are in a risk group.
You're health matters to you, your pocketbook matters to your doctor.
Now, I can't speak for all of you. I know the american health industry can be... bad, at the best, but if your doctor cares only about getting money, it's time to switch to a new doctor. Here in Sask, Canada, I don't think I've ever payed a doctor, barring that one time for a planter's wart removal (apparently its not covered), since its all covered by Provincial health care.
Finally, vaccines never were guaranteed to be 100% successful, and probably never will. However, they usually give high 90-s in the success rate, which can easily mean the difference between life and death. And of course, one also must remember that there are often many strains of diseases, such as with the Flu, when we saw how the H1N1 vaccine was rushed in, since it wasn't covered by the standard flu shot.
As for brain damage, you are FAR more likely to be killed by the flu than to get brain damage from a vaccine.
It's time you start thinking with your heads. Vaccine conspiracies are getting as bad as those who deny we landed on the moon...