Allrighty, Canada:
We are widely viewed as one of the most peaceful countries in the world. While this is mostly a stereotype, it does remain true that we have never initiated a war, though we are more than happy to help our allies in combat. We see this in how Canada is among the top places for Refuges, as well, pre-american civil war had many blacks migrating to Canada to escape the southern states. While our military can't compare with the US or other large countries, it is still very sizable for a country of only 33 million. Canada's economy, on the other hand, is MUCH better than USA's. We leave our health-care to the provinces, rather than letting a prime minister (the Canadian equivillant of a President) muck it up (and thus, I still have my universal healthcare). The Canadian dollar is roughly very close to the value of the American Dollar, last I saw, at 1.04 CAD = 1 USD.
Our constitution is based upon both the USA's and the British, being a mixture between formal and unformal constitutions, which customized it perfectly to our own country. The government, of course, is a democratic, bi-housed government split between the House of Commons (elected representives) and the Senate (appointed senators).
As for land, we are the second largest country in the world, but of course, as always, size means little. The northern half of the country has little population and is mostly used by the first natives and the military. In fact, the northern third of my province (saskatchewan) is wilderness, with no roads (northern cities are reached via plane) and over 100,000 (one hundred thousand!!!) lakes, with a mixture of boreal forests.
Canada isn't huge on manufacturing, though there is a good amount of that in Ontario. We focus mainly on raw resources, and have some of the largest sources of Petroleum, Uranium, and Potash in the world. While its true that the alberta oilsands are often attacked by under-educated environmentalists who aren't familiar with their workings (hey, at least we didn't fill the Gulf of Mexico with oil!). We also have various gold and other metal mines throughout the country.
Our biggest problem is stereotypes. Not enough people are educated on what Canada is truly like, and thus, they believe that it is some winter wonderland where everyones a lumberjack (and we're okay, sorry, monty python got the best of me) or a fur trader. In truth, if an american came to Canada, odds are, they wouldn't notice much difference, except that Canada can get very patriotic at times, and nearly every store, fast food chain, etc has a canadian maple leaf somewhere (even the Canadian branches of Gold USA!).
Molson Canadian (the beer) "I am Canadian Rant":Hey,
I'm not a lumber jack
Or a fur trader
And I dont live in an igloo
Or eat blubber
Or own a dog sled
And I don't know
Jimmy, Jally or Suzie from Canada
Although I'm sure they're really really nice
I have a Prime Minister not a President
I speak English and French not American
And I pronounce it about not "a-boot"
I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack I believe in peackeeping not policing
Diversity not assimilation
And that the beaver is a truley proud and noble animal
A toque is a hat a chesterfield is a couch
And it is prnouced "zed" not "zee" "zed"!
Canada is the 2nd largest landmass!
The 1st nation in hockey!
And the best part of North America!
My name is Joe and I am Canadian!
Oh yeah, and we have the best beer in the world.
That, my friends, is Canada. How's your country compare?