Author Topic: 0AD Alpha released (no AI though)  (Read 6925 times)


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0AD Alpha released (no AI though)
« on: 28 August 2010, 05:51:23 »

    Wildfire Games proudly announces the release of the first alpha version of 0 A.D., a free, open-source game of ancient warfare. After 9 years since the concept of 0 A.D. was designed on paper, we have a close approximation of a playable game. This release comes with aggressive units that attack enemies on sight, lifelike animals that escape danger, two new maps, in-game multiplayer chat and much more. Alpha releases of 0 A.D. will each get a number and a name, so this one is "Alpha 1 Argonaut".

    New features in this release:
    • Maps: Added new maps "Arcadia" and "Hellenized Egypt", improved the "Multiplayer demo" map; Added textual descriptions to maps.
    • AI: Added animal AI (walking around, running from danger). Redesigned unit AI: added order queues, auto-attack, auto-gather.
    • GUI: Added in-game multiplayer chat; Fixed GUI stretching on widescreen resolutions; Improved selection outline rendering; Many other GUI changes, such as buttons and cursors; Changed camera controls.
    • Graphics: Added floating decorative objects, such as lily pads; Added building collapse and corpse decay; Tweaked animation speeds.
    • Gameplay: Added 'delete unit' command; Added rally points.
    • Installation and compatibility: Added Windows installer using NSIS; Added Linux packages for many distros;
    • Improved compatibility when 3D acceleration is missing; Improved FHS compatibility for Linux installations.
    • Miscellaneous: Added terrain smoothing tool to Atlas map editor; Added some sound effects; Improved performance; Fixed bugs.

    Room for improvement:

    • There are no victory conditions implemented yet.
    • There is no computer opponent AI yet. In single-player games the enemy does nothing.
    • There is no random map generation yet.
    • There is no fog-of-war yet.
    • Many unit stats are still unbalanced.
    • Many planned gameplay features are not added yet: There is no research, no auras, no rank upgrades, no settlements and territories, no resource dropsites, etc.
    • Many bugs and small missing features.
    • There is no multiplayer matchmaking service. You have to connect by IP address. (More convenient ways may be implemented in the future).

    Click here for more news:
    Code: [Select]
    Download it here:

    Code: [Select]
      « Last Edit: 13 April 2016, 21:46:54 by filux »


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      Re: 0AD Alpha released (no AI though)
      « Reply #1 on: 28 August 2010, 08:41:09 »
      NAICE, can the models go into glest also?


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      Re: 0AD Alpha released (no AI though)
      « Reply #2 on: 28 August 2010, 08:48:15 »
      Sure, but u gotta give credit. All the files are under the CC-BY-SA licenses so your free to distribute and redistribute. For more info on that you can check out the OS info page:

      Of course, they'll need to be converted from .dae to .g3d but that shouldn't be too hard, because Blender reads Collada (.dae)
      « Last Edit: 28 August 2010, 09:30:45 by gAMeboy »


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      Re: 0AD Alpha released (no AI though)
      « Reply #3 on: 28 August 2010, 14:51:10 »
      Wow, kinda fast.  :thumbup: Or so it seems to me...
      I'll download and test it later, since I will be busy for a few days.


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      Re: 0AD Alpha released (no AI though)
      « Reply #4 on: 28 August 2010, 14:55:29 »
      What do u mean by fast? This thing has been in the making for more than 9 years!!! Anyway, we're trying to have new releases periodically, it gives us a goal that is closer and easier to get to.
      « Last Edit: 28 August 2010, 15:01:04 by gAMeboy »


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      Re: 0AD Alpha released (no AI though)
      « Reply #5 on: 28 August 2010, 16:59:41 »
      I really like this project because of its graphics and "Age of Empires"-like gameplay. Hope to see some good progress in the next releases. I'm currently updating my (very) old working copy. Lets see if it still builds for me.

      Are there any plans to release the other factions to the public in the near future or was it already done? I did not follow the progress lately...


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      Re: 0AD Alpha released (no AI though)
      « Reply #6 on: 28 August 2010, 20:51:47 »
      Awesome! I've been waiting for this forever! Gameboy, you're helping out. Any idea how the AI is going?
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      Re: 0AD Alpha released (no AI though)
      « Reply #7 on: 28 August 2010, 21:47:51 »
      Yeah, when can we face our CPU in battle?

      What do u mean by fast? This thing has been in the making for more than 9 years!!! Anyway, we're trying to have new releases periodically, it gives us a goal that is closer and easier to get to.

      Dont think that way, a more notable game called "Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty" took 12 years..
      « Last Edit: 28 August 2010, 21:51:26 by Gabbe »


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      Re: 0AD Alpha released (no AI though)
      « Reply #8 on: 29 August 2010, 09:15:07 »
      @Yggdrasil: No, we've not released the other factions because they need to be tweaked here and there, some need new buildings, and icon sheets and also because we want players to look forward to.

      @Omega and Gabbe: The Unit AI is coming pretty good, they already attack when enemies are sighted etc. CPU AI however is not high on the list, we'll be first trying to get a good multi-player system working before working extensively on the Computer AI. So yeah, AI is slated for the 5th or 6th Alpha.
      Anyway till then you can play against peeps online and fiddle with Atlas(the editor).

      lol, hopefully we'll finish before 2012(at least u'll be able to play it before u die :P) ;)


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      Re: 0AD Alpha released (no AI though)
      « Reply #9 on: 30 August 2010, 02:20:30 »
      I downloaded it.  It has really good graphics, and high poly models, but the balance and battle system needs lots of work.  Two questions:
      How do you put troops in formation?
      How do you open a dds file?  I used to be able to open them with both and gimp, but after my crash it hasn't worked.  Is there some data file you need to have?  It just says 'cannot recognize file' or something similar.


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      Re: 0AD Alpha released (no AI though)
      « Reply #10 on: 30 August 2010, 08:03:02 »
      Yes, I think the next thing we're working on is Formations and the auras etc.
      Formations aren't implemented yet, but as i said before we're working on it. And i have to say you'll love it(i know i do, and thats just the concept)!
      .dds files can be opened with gimp but u have to get the plugin,
      thats all, u can also view textures with the color tester thing.


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      Re: 0AD Alpha released (no AI though)
      « Reply #11 on: 30 August 2010, 09:52:29 »
      This game looks so amazing, this will defiantly push some bars in the RTS world. I wish I had the skills to contribute.
      I wonder if this will entice any glest members to leave?

      I'd download it, but don't ready see the point without CPU players  :'(
      « Last Edit: 30 August 2010, 09:54:03 by Psychedelic_hands »


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      Re: 0AD Alpha released (no AI though)
      « Reply #12 on: 30 August 2010, 10:56:37 »
      Yeah, i know. Many people have made great maps and awesome screens so u could try ur hand at that. or u could even try to import some glest mods into it. of course for that one would have to learn how to, but its not very hard. just see the folder hierarchy and open an actor using the actor editor. U can also play multiplayer :)


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      Re: 0AD Alpha released (no AI though)
      « Reply #13 on: 30 August 2010, 11:56:35 »
      The mod I'm making now is basically my way of seriously getting to modding fast rather than just playing around with things. I think I'll commit to glest for awhile, until I learn all I can from it :)

      BTW you said CPU players won't be around to the 6th alpha, how long will that be? sounds like a fairly long time.... and just out of curiosity do you know how many people are in WFGs? seems like a massive community.


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      Re: 0AD Alpha released (no AI though)
      « Reply #14 on: 30 August 2010, 13:14:00 »
      Yeah, thats a good way to do it. Thats how I learned and now i'm in 0AD. :D

      I said 5th OR 6th :P i don't really know, I think we're trying to release new versions every month or two, but really its up to our lead programmer to decide. it maybe a long time of, but i'll be sure to post it over here when its done.
      Well at the moment we've got abt 14 or 15 active members, there was a time we had a huge team of abt 40/50 people but that was a long time ago. Before i joined.


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      Re: 0AD Alpha released (no AI though)
      « Reply #15 on: 30 August 2010, 14:29:23 »
      Damn.  Just lost my entire post.  Well, I did say some hurtful things in it, so alls the better. ;)

      A couple problems (In my eyes):
      Scale: the game has an average scale of less than 50.  You certainly don't need much more.  You would spend about half an hour making that much with two barracks, and the game can't handle more than that.  It will never be epic until it can increase the scale to that shown in the the screens, or improve the battle system.  
      Cavalry:  The spearman are good against cavalry.  Ridiculously good.  So it would follow logically that archers would be good against spearmen and other infantry (though in those days bows were weak, and few other methods of propulsion were commonplace among the footsoldiers; you had lots of slingers and peltasts) and cavalry would then beat archers.  But no.  The cavalry travels at approximately 1.4 times the speed of the infantrymen, is even more prone to disobeying your orders to attack that group of spearmen (suicide, if you have any experience playing the game), and is exceptionally weak in HP.  Usually, you can use your cavalry to attack the wings of an enemy, preparing him for double envelopment, or you can bring them behind the enemy in a brilliant flanking maneuver, and then ride fast for the flanks of the back of their army (the ranged troops).  Problem is, there is no ability to launch a charge, and the horsemen are too slow, anyways.  So, by the time cavalry reach their destination, they either get shot down by some remarkably quick-turning formations or they forget their position in society and run about like madmen, forsaking the honorable role of soldier for town idiot.  Just kidding.  They are sort of badly done, as articulated above, but most of the changes could be fixed by a speed increase of about 2.5.  Then they wouldn't need a charge and they could be vulnerable to everything in the game, but still not cause everybody problems.  I do LOVE the different horses.  If only glest could do that.  Fantastic!

      More soon, I gotta go...
      « Last Edit: 30 August 2010, 17:19:23 by Mark »


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      Re: 0AD Alpha released (no AI though)
      « Reply #16 on: 30 August 2010, 15:10:39 »
      This looks really nice and plays very similar to Age of Empires.

      The current version plays more like a tech demo than a playable game, judging by the fact that it has taken 9 years to get this far i expect to see the finished game somewhere around 2015. Having said that, the artwork for this game really is top notch and of an amazing standard for a FOSS project. The only comparable standard I can think of is Wesnoth.

      Good job and keep it up guys  :thumbup:
      Check out my new Goblin faction -


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      Re: 0AD Alpha released (no AI though)
      « Reply #17 on: 30 August 2010, 15:27:01 »
      Before i reply to this i would like to remind u that 0AD is currently at an alpha stage, many of its features have not been implemented yet and many units stats are unbalanced as balancing is one of the last processes of making a game.

      Well thats prolly because of the pathfinder which is not really optimized for many units, but i think thats being fixed along with the formations. Why don't you join our forums, u can get more informed answers there.
      In 0AD we plan to use a battle system that we like to call the double rock-paper-scissor system where each unit will be good against two other types units and in turn be countered with  other unit types. now the thing with horses, they are meant to be slow. as u can see they 'trot' and don't gallop. Many units will have a special charge command(double click i think) where they all move faster. If u do that for cavalry the all charge, if u use the actor viewer in atlas u'll see there are two move animations, walk and run. for more info on that check this out:
      Code: [Select]
      and here's the link to the forum:

      Thanks wciow, i appreciate it. Well, maybe but we've made a lot of progress in this year than any other year and we hope to speed things up, what with going OS and all. we've just rewritten the entire simulation code to make it easier for programmers to help out, so a lot has to be re-implemented. The programmers say its gonna be easier to do all that with the new code so hopefully we'll be seeing a beta before the year ends...hopefully :D (cross ur fingers X ;))
      « Last Edit: 13 April 2016, 21:47:50 by filux »


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      Re: 0AD Alpha released (no AI though)
      « Reply #18 on: 30 August 2010, 16:29:35 »
      It looks rely cool! What engine is it based from?.
      Get the Vbros': Packs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5!


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      Re: 0AD Alpha released (no AI though)
      « Reply #19 on: 30 August 2010, 17:07:14 »
      Its made from scratch using low-level libraries.


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      Re: 0AD Alpha released (no AI though)
      « Reply #20 on: 30 August 2010, 17:09:58 »
      isn`t it pyrogenesis?


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      Re: 0AD Alpha released (no AI though)
      « Reply #21 on: 30 August 2010, 17:32:25 »
      Sorry, but some more things that could be fixed:
      Walls: The walls, gates and towers do not do anything.  I guess it is hard to program that, but units just walk through the walls and gates, and cannot stand in towers or on walls.  What are they supposed to end up like?  Will you be able to mount units on walls?  That would be cool.
      Fauna:  It is cool how they can be attacked for food, but they never fight back.  Wouldn’t an elephant or boar, or at the very least a wolf attack?  After I harvest the ones near me I have to find more because the deer run away, very quickly.  I have to mob them with like 6 horsemen and pen them in.
      False advertising:  This may be because I had high expectations, but you can’t build cities out of walls, and you can’t have troop formations.  I know this is probably experimental, but you could have explained that a little better.

      Some good things:
      Textures:  the textures, frankly, are fantastic.  They are seamless, high resolution, and look authentic.  Is that what you do, gAMEboy?  Medieval 2 has the idea of switching shield blazons and crests and stuff, but it is implemented even further in 0 AD.  It has different horse textures, different helmets, weapon textures, shields, etc.  And there seems to be an endless amount of variety-there must be like 40 shield textures somewhere!
      Human Model:  though it has a big head, the human model is superb.  The animations are also well done.  They certainly spent a long time on it.
      Landscape:  The maps look fantastic.  I don’t think there is anything I can compare them to. 

      I would join the forums, but really, I have nothing else to say.  I would like to join the game, but my modeling skills are subpar, and I use blender, not whatever they use.  I also don't have photoshop, just or gimp, the former of which I am unskilled in.  I also can't be on the internet all the time.  I thought of joining before to draw concepts, but I was never as good as the people on the site.  Right now I am making a greeks faction for glest.  It is supposed to be historical and incorporate newly discovered features.  I would like to use some of the textures they have, but I would like to ask a question about their license.

      This is their license:
      The files in this directory are Copyright (C) 2009 Wildfire Games.

      These files are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
      (CC-by-sa) license, available at

      Briefly, this means:

      * You may use, modify and distribute these files, for commercial and
        non-commercial purposes.

      * If you distribute one of these files, you must include attribution (e.g.
        in the credits screen of a game or a video, or in a text file accompanying
        the files). The attribution must include:
        * A link to
        * The name "Wildfire Games" as the original author
        * A link to

      * If you distribute one of these files, you must release it (and any
        modifications you have made to it) under the CC-by-sa license.

      Does that mean that I can use their textures in my models, and all I have to do is follow those directions?  Do I have to include the original images and their names with my faction?  I don't know much about licenses, but finding licenses that allow you to distribute, modify and use unlimitedly (citing them as the source, of course) is torture.


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      Re: 0AD Alpha released (no AI though)
      « Reply #22 on: 30 August 2010, 23:16:38 »
      isn`t it pyrogenesis?
      Guess who programmed it?

      @Mark: You don't need to include the original files, just do what you listed as attribution. And use the same license for the derived work ofcourse.


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      Re: 0AD Alpha released (no AI though)
      « Reply #23 on: 30 August 2010, 23:34:10 »
      What do u mean by fast? This thing has been in the making for more than 9 years!!! Anyway, we're trying to have new releases periodically, it gives us a goal that is closer and easier to get to.
      I mean as in news... like from the time 0 A.D. moved to Open Source.


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      Re: 0AD Alpha released (no AI though)
      « Reply #24 on: 31 August 2010, 18:23:45 »
      @Mark: Dude i don't suppose u know the meaning of ALPHA! All the things u said are not implemented yet but are on the list, u just have to be patient. And yes, you can prop units on to almost all buildings. mostly ranged units since only when a building is garrisoned by ranged units can it attack. this also allows ships to have units on deck and even siege engines.
      They will eventually fight back. And you will be able to see lions hunting deer etc. Cavalry will also be able to herd animals into the corral for a trickle of food.

      Yes, i do models and textures and 2D stuff. like right now i'm working on the GUI icons for the buildings, you'll prolly see then in the next release.
      And yes, there are actually a lot more than 40 shield variations in there, prolly abt 200.

      C'mon join the forums, say how u like the game and what would u like to see in it and u can even ask for help with how to mod it and stuff. its quite easy. btw i use Blender okay, which is quite a good program even when compared with 3Ds Max.

      As Yggdrasil said, u just have to provide a link and give credit to wildfire games.

      It is Pyrogenesis, it was started from scratch by our very own developers.

      @ultifd: Yeah, as i said, we're moving a lot faster this year than any other year before :D