So here is the second patch for building over MacOsX patch enables to generate the xcode project for building the project.
The game is still not usable due to :
* font problem
* not bundle (installation) provided
* surely lot of problem
What has been modified :
* the gl_wrapp.cpp is now split into the different platform.
Currently the CMake 'project' is only including the mac platform since i cannot run it on windows or linux.
the platform dependant gl_wrapp.cpp contains the code to retrieve the font information on the different platform.
* the CMake module for Lua,Xerces and Vorbis are updated to found the different library on macosx (lib name and some patch)
* add some configuration for the platform on xcode (i386 up to now)
So, if this patch can be reviewed and maybe accepted, which means also update the linux side and windows side,please provide me some feedback.
The next steps, is to create an application bundle by still managing it with the CMake area, resolve the problem for the font.