I was playing a 3 on 3 yesterday and I came across a possible solution to an old problem. See, the AIs will send out troops in lines, which are easy to defeat. Also, the computer players will send out troops at non-synchronized times, which makes several weak attacks which don't work in glest.
A full solution to this problem would require a modification to behaviors of AIs. There are plenty of other valid ideas out there, so a simpler (albeit less complete in what it can fix) solution might be the way to go. The human player could be able to ping the map, and the AI would send troops there. A player could regroup his computer allies' soldiers, making them more effective on the offense. Someone would have to work out a way to decide in which situations an AI would send troops, based on how well their base is doing. In case people are unfamiliar with pinging, a player basically just clicks a spot on the map after clicking on the ping button, and the AI either says yes or no to the request. Sometimes, the computer will say why it won't send troops.
If I am being unclear, please say so because I think this idea is simple and clearly beneficial for all kinds of players.