Author Topic: wildlife  (Read 1335 times)


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« on: 25 September 2010, 09:54:19 »
can you add wildlife that have ai and be able to attack you to gae?


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Re: wildlife
« Reply #1 on: 25 September 2010, 11:03:45 »
You should see the Glestimals topic, that's wildlife and I think it's planned for GAE 0.4.


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Re: wildlife
« Reply #2 on: 25 September 2010, 13:28:45 »
AFAIK it's already possible in the engine and we already have textured models for several animals, but the only one that's animated so far is the spider.  The rest are just waiting on me and others to get off our asses and animate them.  I'm making a wolf for the faction I'm currently working on, so I'll probably use the same animation for the Glestimal wolf.


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Re: wildlife
« Reply #3 on: 25 September 2010, 17:01:08 »
Hmm I think for my project if the Glestimals are tied to tilesets I'll simply copy over and slightly reskin and tweak some of the 'Monster Units' as they would be wild in their respected tilesets (environments) so random demons wandering about the demonic tileset, etc would be interesting, I'd probably do all this once all my factions are complete.
Anyway, back on topic, when will the GAE release support these or does it already?


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Re: wildlife
« Reply #4 on: 26 September 2010, 20:16:10 »
AFAIK it's already possible in the engine and we already have textured models for several animals, but the only one that's animated so far is the spider.  The rest are just waiting on me and others to get off our asses and animate them.  I'm making a wolf for the faction I'm currently working on, so I'll probably use the same animation for the Glestimal wolf.
Mmm, there's more than the spider. If I recall, we had maybe half of them animated. The birds were, I did one, etc. Check the topic, I had uploaded a version with the cumilative efforts so far. Still a few (last I saw, snake was boned, but not animated) to go though.
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Re: wildlife
« Reply #5 on: 28 September 2010, 11:41:41 »
Hmm I think for my project if the Glestimals are tied to tilesets I'll simply copy over and slightly reskin and tweak some of the 'Monster Units' as they would be wild in their respected tilesets (environments) so random demons wandering about the demonic tileset, etc would be interesting, I'd probably do all this once all my factions are complete.
Anyway, back on topic, when will the GAE release support these or does it already?

It is in the code, but it is disabled until the Glestmials are done ;)