Well, taking a look at SMF 2.0 RC3, I'm quite impressed. While it works pretty similar on the everyday-user end, it features a lot of great enhancements on the configuration end, since it has built in security such as spam detection, has warnings when posting on very old topics, can send newsletters, has dropdown menus, a slightly spiffier navigation and improved moderation tools (including an effective warning system) among many others! Of course, there are also a few problems:
-The theme is incompatable. Fortunately, a core theme which is similar to the Glest Board's original theme (the blue one) is available, and I will make a Glest theme from it from scratch. The Glest 2.4 theme was too messy anyway and had a lot of unnecessary files thrown in...
-Some mods may be incompatable. I only could test what I had on my computer, and most of those were downloaded before RC3 was even released, so probably have new versions. If not, I think I've gotten good enough to manually do it, but not sure how to do so when I don't have server access, only Admin access to the board itself. Of course, I can talk to martino about that, maybe one of the Glest team can help? Of course, that also brings the question of upgrading, which I haven't tested. I will very soon, though I only tried the full install. Now I'll load one of the Board backups on my computer and make a local copy of the board to test.
Biggest problem may be that I don't have the server password (well, technically, I can access it, but its encrypted, since the password is hidden in the settings page...) We'll have to see. No immediate plans to convert anywaty, at least not until I have the new theme ready.