Probably whoever merged... (not me)
I'd like to see a faction displayed as a folder structure with '+' and '-' buttons that you can click on to open and close folders. To edit an XML you'd put the mouse over the XML file, and buttons would appear(edit, copy, move, delete, maybe more...), you'd click edit and it would bring up a large panel with the parameters listed and boxes for typing things in. For the cellmaps you'd have a true/false switch, a row length parameter, a column parameter, and based on the previous two parameters a set of boxes you could tick, and a tick would be considered an unwalkable tile. For model paths, it would have a long box for a path to the file, and then a browse button that would pull up a small graphical filemanager. And to get into a faction editing setting, you could have a modes drop-down menu up where the file and edit menus usually are, and in the mode menu you could have: Faction Editing Mode, Maping Mode, Model/Particle Viewing Mode, and more...