Again, I state, definately nothing until you have released a working version, and I see ABSOLUTELY NO REASON that this would be big enough to require an entire section of the board... After all, Blender, the 3D modelling tool that nearly every modder uses to create models, doesn't have its own section, nor does the GIMP, or even the export script, which without, we wouldn't have any good Glest mods at all! In fact, even Megaglest and GAE originally started as a simple *1* thread for the entire topic. Both had been released for months before it was even considered giving them their own board, and none had child boards until rather recently.
In short, release first, try not to flood the board with a lot of topics regarding it, and then start with a thread on the Tools board. Don't get over your head before you even have released anything...
But, a few notes:
-While I understand you want a subforum, please don't specifically create lots of topics yourself to try and make it look like you need one. One is plenty, two is boardlining, and three is totally overboard for something that hasn't even been released.
-Once you release, each release doesn't need a separate topic. Just edit the first post to be up to date.
As I already mentioned, this is worthy of a sticky on the tools board, but let's start small. Getting over (y)our heads is a bad idea.